

SAMPLE PROGRAM: Psy.D. Track First Year

Fifth Year

Fourth Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fall Ad1°J nced S1.11is1ics

l111ernship 0

Clinical Supervision/ Consultation•••

\1easurement and Assessment II

3 3 3 2 3

3 3 3 4 3

HislOI)' and Srs1ems of P,rcholos1·

3 3 3 3 4

Practicum I

Measurement and Assessment I In troduction 10 Psychopathology l111roduc1ion w Psycho1he1ap)'

or Ps)·chol Og)· Elective

2 3 3

Practirnrn III

Practicum V

Psrchothernpy Lab**

Psrchotherap)' Lab Elective h1tegrat1on E.ltct1ves

Ps)'cho1herapy Lab Elec tive

Nat ure and Scope or Systems of Integration

Theology I


Ps)'chology Electives

Theology Ill





DoclDral Research Seminar I



lnterterm Prepri1cticum I

Cross-Cul tu ra l Issues in Clinical Psi·chologr•

Psrchologr / Elective


Psrchology Elec tive

2 3

Spring .!!J

Research Design

3 3

Internshi p 0

Clinical Supenision/ Consultalion***

3 3 3 3 4

Ethical & Professional Issues Measurement and Assessment Ill

Neuropsrcholog)'* or

3 3 6 4

or Psychology Elective

2 3 3 3 2

Leaming, Cognition & Affect

Clin1Cal Psrchopharmacolog)'

Personal1cy Developme111 & Psychopatholog)' 3

Practicum IV

Psrchology Elective

Prac ticum II

Preprae1icum II


Practicum VI

Psychotherapy Lab Electives

Psychot he rap)' Lab Elee1ive

Psycholherap)' and Religion


Psychotherapy Lab Elective Advanced ln1egra1ion Elective DoclDral Researcn Seminar 11

Theology IV

lntegrauon Electwe


Theology II



2 15


Note: •For students with undergraduate coursework in social and ph)'siological psycholoK)'• Students without undergraduate social ps)'chology will take SPY608, Social Ps)'chology, instead of SPY625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinical Ps)'chology. Studen ts without undergraduate ph)'siological ps)'cholog)' will take SPY607, Psychoph)'siological Processes instead of SPY 670 Neuropsycholog)' or SPY 705 Clinical PsychopharmacoloK)'. These alternative courses will generally be taken during the spring of the second or third year. • •Second year students elect one o f the following psychotherap)' lab courses: SL8 61] Psychotherapy with Adolescents, SL8642 Psychotherapy with Children, SLB643 Behavior Modification with Children and Parents, or SLB641 Psychotherapy With Groups. •••All students are requ fred to complete at least 2 units ofcoursework in clinical supCTVision and/or consultation. This requirement may be met by taking SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Gise Supervision to receive credit for supervision with assessment, lab or prepracticum courses. The requirement may also be met by taking SPY 713 Clinical Suptn1ision and Consultation during the student's fourth year.

Psy.D. In Clinical Psychology

These examinations are given twice annually and ser.'e as the major means of eval uating a student's suitability to continue studies toward the doctorate. The examinations may be taken after completion of 75% ( 100 units) of the course work and must be successfully completed prior to the Professional

theological and psychological concepts

must be compl eted prior to accep­ tance of an internship. The examin­ ing committee may require the stu­ den t to complete additional course work, practicum, or other professional growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Examination Guidelines in student handbook for further detai l.

in research, theory and practice.

(1) Residence and Course Work

Dissertation Research: Students in Rosemead's Psy. D. track may fulfill the research component of their program either by writing a dissertation or by successfully compl eting a research consumership sequen ce (5 units) which includes a year-long doctoral

Normally, four yearsof residency are required unless transfer of credit is brought in and advanced standing granted. While the doctorate is not awarded simply for completion of stated course work, there are basic unit require­

Qualifying Examination.

men ts for th e degree (133 semester research seminar, a doctora l paper hours). Each student is assigned a facOnly one retake of the examina(61 Internship consisting of a critical review of ul ty advisor who assists in the planning of

tion is allowed. The dates of the ComAll students are required to com­

research lit erature on a clinical topic

prehensive Examinations are specified

pl ete a one-year, full-time clinical internship prior to graduation. All in tern ships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Com­

each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the

and a proficiency examination for conin the Academic Calendar.

sumers of clinical research. program. For transfer credit, see Gen(4) Admission to Candidacy

(21 Preliminary Oral Interview

Official candidacy for t11e doctorate

eralAcademic Information.

All students have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate

signifies an advanced stage in the stumittee. For further details, refer to dent's progress. In order to be admitthe Internship Guidelines in student

Psychology: Psy.D. students must complete a minimum of 76 semester hours of psychology. These 76 units must include 43 required psychology units, 18 units of practicum and 15 units of elective psychology courses. Students may apply up to 6 units of graduate coursework from the School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement. Psyclwtherapy LaharaJary: Students in the Psy.D. track must complete 21 units selected from psychotherapy lab courses. 1l1ese are taken in the second, third and

handbook. Internship fees are listed in the psychology course section (STN 731 Internship). There is some provi­ sion for students to complete this requi rement in two years at half-time.

their progress and potential for sucted to candidacy tl1e student must have:

cessful completion of the doctoral program. This interview is scheduled

■ Successfully completed the Preliminary Oral Interview

after the completion of three semes■ Passed the Comprehensive

ters in res idence, including at least one practicum assignment. The results of this interview are reported to faculty, which votes (1) allowing the student to co ntinue, (2) continue


■ Received approval of dissertation

(7) Completian of Training Therapy

proposal by the Doctoral CommitAl l students must receive certifica­

tee or completed the two-semester,

tion of completion of training therapy

five-<:redit Doctoral Research Semifrom the director of clinical training.

studies with a Preliminary Oral Internar and comprehensive proficiency

A minimum of 50 hours of group therapy plus 50 hours of individual therapy is required. See Training Th erapy Guidelines in the student

vi ew re-examination the following year, or (3) not allowing the student to continue in the doctoral program.

research examination

■ Completed training therapy

fourth years.

(SJ Prolessianal Qualifying Examinaiian

T11tO/ngy: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a

(3) Comprehensive Examinatians

All doctoral students must successhandbook for further details.

All students must pass a set of docfully complete an examination that toral-level comprehensive examinaevaluates the student's readiness for a

(8) Dissertatian OR Research Consumership

minimum of 17 semester units.


lnlegralwn Seminars: All students partions covering the fo llowing areas:

full-time internship. It may be taken any time after th e comprehensive examinations have been passed and

All Psy.D. students must demon­ strate doctoral-level mastery of a research area in clinical psychology.

ticipate in a series of seminars ( 14 units) devoted to the integration of a variety of

(I) psychol ogical intervention and

(2) psychology and theology.

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