

(30 semester hours of credit in psyAdmission Comm ittee for those outdeficiencies must be removed within

* V.A. Medical Center,

one ca lenda r year of a student ' s admission as a provisional student. It

side th e Southern Cali fornia area. Int erviews are conducted in a number

Loma Linda , CA

chology). This should include at least one course in : General (introductory)

* VA Medical Center, Pell)' Point, MD • V.A Medical Center, Sepulveda, CA • V.A. Medical Center, Topeka, KS

psyc hology; statistical methods; experof cities throughout the country, ge nis only in rare instances that a student imental psychology; abnormal psyerally between January 15 and Februwill be accepted on provisional status.

Students will be classified in the

ary 28. A non-refundable fee of $75 is

chology; theories of personality; and learning. Deve lopmental psychology

• V.A. Outpatient Clinic,

due and payabl e following arrangeprogram as follows:

Los Angeles, CA

First year

30 graduate units or less

*+ V.A. Medical Center,

is an admissions requirement. If stuments for the intervi ew.

It is the responsibility of the ap plicompleted

Long Beach, CA

dents have not taken th e co ur se

Second year 60 graduate units or less

before th ey are admitted into the procant to make sure that all applicat ion gram, they must take it at the undermat er ials have been received. If there

* V.A. Medical Center., Salem, VA


• Vanderbilt University, TN

90 graduate units or less

Third year

graduate or graduate level befor e completion of the doctoral program. Also strongly recommend ed are

is any doubt , th e app li cants should write to th e Un ive rsity Admissions

• Walter Reed Army Medical Center,



Washington , DC

Fourth year 120 graduate units or

Office for verification.

* Western State Hospital , WA

less completed

courses in measurement theory, hisNote: Official documenti preiented for tory of psychology; physiological psyadmiision or evaluation bewme part of the

+ Whittier Area Cooperative-Special

Fifth year

Class work complete and internship in progress

Education, Whittier, CA

not be returned or wpied for diltribution. itudenl 'i academicfile and nonnally can­

+ Whittier City Elementary School

If possible, undergraduate courses in chology or a year of biology/zoology. Old and New Testament survey and dent's preparation for Rosemead. (3) Submit scores on the Gradu­ ate Record Examination Aptitude Test and Psychology Advanced Test.

Dissertation All requirements met

District, Whittier, CA

except for dissertation.


+ Whittier Union ·High School,

Application Deadline

hermeneutics will strengthen the stuGrading System Since enrollment is limited and

Whittier, CA

* William Beaumont Army Medical

Students wishing to obtain a grad­ admission is on a selective basis, applica­ tions should be made as early as possiuate degree must maintain a consis­

Center, TX

* Wright Patterson Air Force Base,

tentl y high academic performance throughout their program. An overall B average, i.e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, is

bl e. The application deadline is January 15. Decisions are made only on com­ pleted applications. Rosemead currently


* Yale University School of MediInformation regarding testing dates

cine, New Haven, CT

and location may be obtained by writrequired for all degrees. Only grades ing to the Educational Testing Ser­ admits new students for the degree pro­ of "A," "B," "C" earn graduate credit. grams only in the fall semester each

vice, Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. No applicant is exempt from submitting GRE scores which must be received prior to the deadline date of

+ Practicum Agencies * Internship Agencies

Grades of all students are recorded in the registrar 's office . Grading is on the following basis:

year. Applications submitted after the January 15 deadline will rarelybe consid­ ered for the following fall semester.



Grad£ points

Notice of Decisions

Rosemead seeks to admit appliJanuary 15.

A Superior achievement

4.00 1~

The Admissions Committee will

cants whose backgrounds clearly demonstrate scholarly aptitude, a commitment to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integrity,

(4) Submit completed profile (not


answer sheet) of the Minnesota Multiprocess applications as qui ckly as posB+ Above average achievement 3.33

phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This test should be taken at a college

sible following the January 15 deadB Average achievement

3.00 2.67

line, though time must be allowed for

B- Low average achievement

and a positive service-oriented motivatesting service or from a licensed psycompletion of personal interviews.

Ct Minimum passing performance 2.33 C Minimum passing performance 2.00

Cert ifi cates of Accepta nce will be

tion toward the field of clinical psychology. As an evangelical Christian institution, Biola University requires that an applicant has been a Christian for at least one year prior to

chologist. Since this test material is confidential, Rosemead will not make

mailed on or before April I. InformaG Minimum passing performance 1.67

copies of tests sent for admission purtion concerning the status of an appliF Failure


cation will not be given except by letA "W" indicates an official with­

poses at any time. Applicants are referred to the agency from which the

ter from the dean following action by the Admissions Committee. Because of the large number of applicants,

drawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade average. A "UW" indicates an unofficial a class but do not attend it are auto­ mat ica lly given the grade of "UW" which will influence the grade average

admission. Biola does not discrimitesting was administered if they desire

nate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, sex, handicap, or national

a clinical interpretation.

(5) Submit five letters of recominformation cannot be given by telewithdrawal. Students who register for

mendation on forms supplied by the school. Three of these are academic

phone. In the event that an applicant has not heard from the committee by

or ethnic origin.

Persons interested in attending Rosemead should request application

references and two are character refMay I, written inquiry may be made.

forms from the Director of Admiserences (pastor and personal friend).

the same as an "F. "

Admission of International Students

(6) Appear for a personal interA temporary mark of "RD" (Report See University Admission and

sions of Biola University.

As in most graduate programs in psyview with the Admissions Committee chology, competition is keen and enrollor its representative. Arrangements

Delayed) will be used in special cases of extreme hardship where an extension is warranted and approved by the dean. A student must appeal for an "RD" grade before the end of the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the end of the first nine (9) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatically become a "W." A "W" can be made up only by

Registration sections of this catalog.


are made by the committee following

ment is limited. In order to be admitted to full graduate standing the applicant

a preliminary screening of applicaINFORMATION

tions. Only those who are finalists in Rosemead 's admissions procedure ,

must comply with the following:

Classification of Students

(I) Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with an average grade of at least "B" for the junior and senior

determined by the preliminary screenGraduate psychology students

mee ting all entrance requirements

ing, will be scheduled for a personal

interview. For finalists from the genwill be classified as regular graduate eral Southern California area, interstudents. Students who do not fulfill

years, i.e., 3.0 an a 4.0 scale.

all entrance requir ements may be admitted on a provisional status until they correct the deficiency. Any such

views are held on campus at La

(2) Present an undergraduate

repetition of the course.

No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it has been reported to

program with either a major in psyMirada. Arrangements will be made

chology or its functional equivalent

by the chairperson of the Rosemead

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