STP 746 Selected Topics and Issues in Integration (2) Occas iona l seminar s are offer ed under thi s course des ignation with forns on some contemporary integra tion issu e, controversy or special research interest. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 7 48 Christian Community (2) A study of the potential impact of the church as a social system upon the growth and maturity of its members. Pre requisite: STP 500, 721 or 722; STH 604 and permission of instructor. Elective. STP 749 Values in Psychotherapy (2) Aconsideration of the role of values in the psychotherapy process. Includes discussion of the presence and impact of the implicit and explicit values of both therapist and client. Prerequi site: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 750 Perspectives on Human Nature (2) Acritical examination of various the~ logical and psychological anthropol~ gies. Each student is expected to con duct an in-<lepth review of one the~ retical perspective. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective . STP 760 Independent Study (1-3) Individual study, directed reading or special problems in integration. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to sub mit a detailed course proposal and a bib liography on a learning contract form available from the registrar 's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. lntercultural Studies Students can apply up to six units of the following courses toward the psy chology graduation requirement These courses are not substitutes for required Rosemead courses. Course descriptions are given under the School of lntercul tural Sutdies section of the catalog. SCL 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment SCL 550 Christianity and Culture SCL 561 Topics in Cultural Anthropology SCL 563 Gender Roles in International Settings SCL 622 lntercultural Communication SCL 702 Social Organization SCL 725 Culture Change
and 522. Thi s course or STP 721 is requ ired of Ph.D., Psv.D. STP 730 Missions and Mental Health (2) A study of the contri but ions psycho!~ gists can make to the mi ss iona1y enter prise. Special considerati on is given to the selec tion, prepara tion and eraluation of miss iona,y candidates. Unique cross cultural adjustment issues fac ing mission a,y families are also di scussed. Prerequ~ sites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 731 Theological Contributions to the Practice of Therapy (2) A considerati on of sc riptural passages and theological doctrines relating to a varietyof clinical problems and issues. Includes a biblical di srnss ion of topics such as identity, se lf esteem, guilt, an ge r, depr es sion, anxi ety and assertireness. Prereq uisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. El ec ti ve. STP 735 Perspectives on the Sell (3) This covers an ovmiewof philosophic, theological, psychological, cross-cultural and spiritual perspectires on the se lf. It also considers the hi sLOr ical transition from fornsing 011 the soul to the con temporary fornsing on the self. Prereq uisites: STP 500, 72 1 or 722. Elective. STP 7 41 Guilt, Conscience and Sociolization (2) A di srnssion of gui lt and consc ience, including both biblical and psychological theories on the Oiigins of guilt and co~ science and the ex pressionsof these the~ ries in therapy. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or 722; commen cement of individual didactic and STH 603 and 604. El ective. STP 742 Anger, Aggression and Hostility (2) A consideration of anger and related emotions and behal' iors, including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fantasy. Prerequi site: STP 500, 721 or 722 . Elec tive. STP 7 44 Integration and Therapy (2) The forns of thi s semin ar is on "explicit integrati on" in psychother apy. The distinctil'es of the Christian therapist and his therapeutic concep tu aIi zatio nsand int e rvention are examined. (Course may be repeated with different emphas is.) Prerequi si te: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 7 4 5 Maturity: Psychological and Theological Perspectives (2) Various approaches to the concept of maturity are reviewed, including the psychological, biblical and devotional. Amajor focus is pl aced on the similari ti es and differences between biblical and psychological maturity as seen by such integration theorists as Carter, Clines, Grounds and Oakland. Prereq uisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective.
ity de ve lopm ent and functionin g. Prerequi sit es: SIP 500 , 721 or 722; SPY 515 and 615 , STH 604 and per mission of the instructor. El ec tive. (Same as SPY 605 ) STP 714 Conflicts in the Integration of Psychology and Theology (2) Aconsideration of tensions between psy chology and theology in areas such as self-esteem, corporal punishment , sex roles, egalitarianism, and divorce. A syn thesis model is used for thinking con structivelyabout such tensions and iden tifying strengths and weaknesses of trad~ tionally conflicting viewpoints. Prerequ~ sites: SfP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 71 S Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Religion (3) The history of the concept of transfer ence is traced, particularly as pertains to controversies in contemporary psy choanalysis over historical truth vs. narrative truth , and reality vs. illusion, with special attention to the formation and use of God as a foreground and background object in light of modern infant observational research . Prereq uisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective. STP 720 Psychotherapy with Religiously Committed Patients (3) This course is a chance to share practi cal ways of addressing clinical themes, as well as broader conceptual issues like developing a personally meaning ful, on-going theology of therapy. Certain themes if handled one way allow therapy with religiously commit ted patients to take on more depth; if handled in other ways the work assumes a more superficial quality and meets with a kind of therapeutic stale mate, even when therapist and patient are both persons of faith. Elective. STP 721 The Nature and Scope of Integration (3) This course includes a discussion of the models, levels and areas in which inte gration of the theological and psych~ logical can occur, as well as a frame work for conceptualizing the scope of integration. Prerequisites: STH 521 and 522. This course or STP 722 is required of Ph.D. , Psy.D. STP 722 Systems of Integration (3) A critical evaluation of the works of specific theologians and psychologists who have attempted to integrate the disciplines of psychology and theol ogy. Attention is given to th e approaches of such theorists as Browning, Crabb, Narramore, Rizutto and Tournier. Prerequisites: STH 521
purpose of God. Course includes a one hour lab. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 62S Theology V: Christion Ethics (3) Astudyof Christian ethics in relation to divorce , abortion , homosexuality, euthanasia, situation ethics, environmen tal ecology and human control of human
beings. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 730 Independent Study (1-3)
Individual work, directed reading or spe cial problems in theology. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to sub mit a detailed course proposal and a bib liography on a learning contract form available from the registrar 's office. Required courses _may not be taken through independent study. Elective. Integration of Psychology and Theology Rosemead's curriculum is distin guished by a series of seminars designed to investigate the mutual relationships between theological and psychological concepts and data. These seminars con stitute an essential part of Rosemead training and offer students an oppom~ nity to become involved in a creative application of shared insights from these related disciplines. Each student must take STP 500, either STP 721 or 722 , and additional integration semi nars to total 14 units. Completion of SfP 721 or 722 is a prerequisite for all other integration seminars. STP S00 Psychotherapy and Religion ( 1) An introduction to the contributions a biblical understanding of human nature can make to the psychological practi tioner's understanding of the therapet~ tic process. Special attention is given to the relational dimension of human growth and development Required of all first year students to be taken concur
rently with SPY 680 Prepracticum. STP 70S Psychology of Religion (2)
A survey of the psychology of religion research emphasizing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered include religiosity and mental health , measures of religiosity, religious devel opmen t, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious aspects. Prerequisites: STP 500, 72 I or 722. Elective. STP 710 Sin and Psychopathology (2) An advanced seminar exploring the concepts of sin and psychopathology. Includes a discussion of the nature and essence of psychopathology and the relationship of personal, parental and societal responsibility in personal-
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