order to be admi tted to candidacy the student must have: a. Successfu lly completed the Pre limi nary Faculty Inte rview b. Passed the comprehensive examination c. Completed the field ministry requirement d. Received approval of the dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Commiuee Upon reaching candidacy a stu dent must register for a total of 8 di s sertation units prior to graduati on . Uni ts are ordinarily taken at the rate of 3-4 per semester during the disser tation stage and this constitutes full time enrollment. During the disserta tion phase , students are considered fu ll time for a maximum of one year. If the doctoral candidate has not defended the dissertation by the time the 8 dissertation uni ts are completed, the candidate must enroll continuously, in SCL 882 D.Miss. Continuous Enrol l ment Research. This enrollment carries no academic credit but maintains the student 's continuous registration. (8) Dissertation The doctoral dissertation wi ll be based upon research conducted in the field of mini stry, usuallyover a period of six months to one year. The dissertation must demonstrate high attainment in scholarship related to professional missi ology. The dissertation topic and pro posal must be approved by the candi date's advisory committee prior to begin ning of the student's fi eld research. Three weeks prior to expected gradua tion the candidate must submit to the School of lntercultural Studies the origi nal and two copies of his dissertation signed bythe dissertation committee. (9) Final Oral Examination The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals. (10) Graduation Requirements All students must present an acceptable dissertation, have satisfac torily passed their comprehensive examinations and have completed all required course work with a minimum 3.30 G.P.A to qualify for graduation. Doctor of Philosophy (1) Residence and Course Work The program requires a minimum of 60 units past the appropriate mas ter's degree or its equivalent, with 48 semester hours of course work and 12 semester hours of dissertation research. The 48-unit component of the program contains a 12-unit education core requirement, a 12-unit sequence of education research requirements
6 unit s: Researc h and writing , consisting of: SCL 803 and 879. (2) Time Limit for Degree Completion All course and academ ic require ments for the D.Miss. degree must be completed within 10 years, beginning on the date of the student 's first regis tration . Petitions for extension beyond IO years will be considered on a case by case basis fo r students who may need extensive field experience
!SIB 511 Int'! Accounti ng (2) !SIB 512 Int '! Finance (2) !SIB 513 Int 'l Management (2) !SIB 514 Int '! Marketing (2) !SIB 610/ 611 Area Analysis (2/ 2) JSIB 615 Field Study (3) Business Foundations Coursework Students with out a busines s degree will be required to take the fol lowing additional 6 units of introduc tory business-level courses: !SIB 504 Principles ofAccounting and Finance (3) !SIB 508 Principles ofManagement and Marketing (3) For a full description of the courses, see the graduate course list ing in the School of Business. Summer Institute of linguistics In cooperation with the Summer Institute of Linguistics Biola offers a number of linguisticscourses which can provide a concentration for studen ts planning for mission work in language analysis/Bible translation. This 21-unit program combin es five linguisti cs courses (SAL 520 or 646, 521, 523 or 622, 525 or 624, 654) and two anth ro pology courses (SCL 520, 640) (For full details on these courses see the course descriptions in the Intercultural Studies and TESOL & Appl ied Linguis tics sections of this catalog.) Doctor of Missio/ogy (1) Residence and Course Work The program requires a minimum of 35 units past the appropriate mas ter's degree, with 26 semester hours of coursework and 8 semester hours of dis sertation resea rch. If a student has graduate coursework but no master 's degree, or has a master 's degree which does not contain the background nec essary for the D.Miss. program, the total program will be longer than 34 units, and this will be determined with the director of the program. Afaculty ad,~ sor will guide each student in planning a program of courses to serve his or her ministry needs. Each student will select a mentor from the graduate faculty to guide his or her dissertation research. Admission into the graduate pro gram of the School of Intercultural Studies does not guarantee comple tion of the doctoral degree. The core requirements are as follows: 15 units of missiology and inter cultural studies: SCL 550 or 765; 727 or 735; 721 or 744 ; 724 and three units of SCL elective. 6 units: Biblical/theological stud ies, consisting of SCL 722 or 874 and three units of elective. 8 units: SCL 880 Dissertation
studies degree must also apply to the Department ofTAL. Students who have not previously take n a course in cultural ant hropology will be required 10 take SCL 507 as a requi red elective . Students who are not pro
ficient in a second language will also be required to take ISAL520 or 655 as a required elec tive. (Profici ency standards for a second language will be determined by the MA advisor in consultation with intercul tural studies facu lty. See stt1- dent handbook for standards.) 2. Successfull y pass a comprehensive examination over coursework. 3. Maintain a 3.0- grade point aver age on a 4.0 scale. M.A. In lntercu/tural Studies - International Business Studies The M.A. in lntercultural Studies with an International Business emphasis is a 42-unit program. Students entering the program are expected to possess the academic skills to do graduate studies in the three areas ofBiblical and theological studies, intercultural studies, and busi ness. In addition to the 42 units students may, therefore, be required to take add~ tional foundational courses as follows: Students who have not previously taken a course in cultural anthropol ogy will be required to take SCL 507. Students who are not proficient in a second language will also be required to take !SAL 520 or 655. (Proficiency stan dards for a second language wi ll be detennined bythe MA advisor in consul tation with intercultural studies faculty. See student handbook for standards.) Students without a business degree background may be required to take an additional 6 units of introductory business and accounting courses. Students with littl e or no aca demic preparation for graduate stud ies in biblical and theological areas may be required, at the discretion of the academic advisor and in consulta tion with the student, to take addi tional Biblical and theological classes. In order to graduate the student must complete the required courses listed below: I. 16 units of JCS core consisting of: SCI.. 500, 503, 520, 562, 622, and 765. 2. 8 units of Bible/ theology including: SCI.. 747, SCI.. 755 and 2 additional units of electives. 3. 18 units of International Business courses including: !SIB 510, 511 , 512,513,514, 610, 611 , 615. International Business Courses ISIB 510 Int'! Economics (3)
or fi eld research requirements. (3) Withdrawal and Readmission Procedures
A student who must drop out of school or is planning to return to field se rvi ce must go through the formal withdrawal process. To return to active status the student should contact the program director and file a readmis sion form with the admissions office. (4) Oral Interview and Admission to Doctoral Study All students will have an interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for success ful compl et ion of the doctoral pro gram. The intm~ewis scheduled after one semester in residence and the com pletion of at least one significant piece of written work demonstrating the stu dent 's skill in research writing. The results of this interview are reported to the faculty, which votes either to admit, admit with conditions, or not to admit the student to doctoral study. (5) Comprehensive Examinations All students must pass comprehen sive exams covering the following areas: a. Intercultural studies b. History and theology of mission c. Society, technology and missions d. The student 's specialization. These exams are given once a year in April and serve as a major means of eva luating a student's suitab ility to continue studies toward the doctorate. (6) Field Ministry and Language Requirement All students must complete a min imum of three continuous years of practical missionary experi ence in a crosscu ltural (or cross-subcultural) setting. It is assumed that the student will acquire fluency in a second lan guage learned during this missionary service and that this language will be the language of field research . (7) Admission to Candidacy Official candidacy for the doctor ate signifies an advanced stage in the student's progress and is character ized by self-directed research and preparation of a dissertation under the direction of a facu lty advisor. In
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