Student Employment The UniYersity maintains an employment office for the benefit of students needing part-time work to defra y expenses. While thi s office does not guarantee employment, it does make an effort to place eve1)' student desiring work. Jobs are available both on and off campus, according 10 student ' s ability, capac it y to handl e the added burden of employment and financial need. Normall y, a Sll1dent can expect to work 15-20 hrs./wk. when can11ng a full class sched ule. Previous work expe rience and hours avai lable for employ ment will resul t in better ra tes of pay than the minimum wage. Students who find it necessary to work for the entire amount of their li\1ng expenses should plan to extend the time requi red for their course ofstudyand to reduce the academic load. APPLICATION FOR AID Students may apply for finan cial aid by filing a Free Appl ication for Federal Student Aid - FAFSA - and a Uni versity Aid Application. Biola University and the school code shou ld be included on the appropriate sections. For FAFSA, Biola's code number is 001122. All undergrad uate Cali fo rni a residents are expected 10 apply for one of the Cal Grant programs, using the FAFSA and GPA Verification form. Pell Grants may be applied fo r bycompleting the FAFSA. Departmental applications for scholarships (for music, ath letics and forensics) are ava il ab le from departments only. For example, write to the chairman, music department Biola university. In addition, a FAFSA wi ll need to be filed unless a student can demonstrate disqualificat ion for need-based aid . Note: New financial aid applications need lo be filed for each academic year. WHEN TO FILE The following deadlines have been es tabli shed for the
SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS POLICY Students attending Biola University who \1ish 10 receiYe fin an cial aid, in all forms including federal, state, Veterans benefits, Social Secu1i ty benefits, etc., in addition to meeting other el igibil ityoite1ia, must be in good academic standing and making satis- factory academic progress in their degree or certificate program. Quality of Progress - "Good Academic Standing " Students requesting aid must maintain a minimum cumu lative GPA as fol lows: Undergraduates - 2.0 Graduates - 2.5 ■ GPA's are rev iewed at the end of each semester. ■ Students who fail 10 maintain the minimum GPA wi ll be given one semester of "Aid Probation" in whi ch they must earn the above GPA (for that semester) or they will be suspended from the aid programs. ■ Once you have been on probation, you must continue achie\1ng a 2.0/ 2.S GPA or aid wi ll be suspended. ■ First-time freshmen with GPA's less than 2.0 will be given one probati on semester with aid. Transfer students with GPA's less than 2.0 are ineligibl e for aid. Quantity of Progress - "Unit Completion Requirement" Studen ts req uest ing aid must make prog ress toward a degree as fo ll ows: Undergraduates Full-time: 24 units per year Graduates Full-time: 18 units per year Unit completion is reviewed at the end of each academic year in June. Summer is considered part of the Spring semester for progress purposes. The following grades are considered to demonstrate satis factory course completi on: A, B, C, D, and CR. These grades do not demonstrate course completion : F, Incomplete, With drawal, Unofficial Withdrawal , and Report Delayed. Repeated courses for which a satisfactory grade has been given maybe counted onlyonce for the purpose of academic progress. Remedial course work maybe considered if the coursework is specificallypresc1ibed by the student's academic ad\1sor. Students who Jail lo compltle the required number of units per academic year will be suspended from financial aid until the deficit units are made up. Deficit units can be made up either in the summer and/ or by petitioning for a semester of "Aid Probation" by submitting a Letter of Peti tion to Financial Aid Office. Stu dents whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0/2.5 must make up deficit units BEFORE the probation semester. Duration of Progress- "Maximum Time Frame" Students requesting aid are expected to complete an aca demic program within a reasonabl e time frame (including transfer units) as follows: Undergraduates Full-time: 11 semesters Part-time: 17 semesters Graduates
various aid programs: Cal Grant Programs New Applicants Renewals
March 2 March 2
University Aid All Applicants
March 2* *March 2 is the deadlin e for Cal Grants and the full need-based aid and university awards. However, students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible after January I in order to receive the optimum aid package. FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENTS All financial aid is awarded for the academic year; one half is applied to a student's school account each semester (un less stated othern1se) . Students enrolled for onlyone semester are entitled to onlythat semester's award after it is adjusted to a one-semester expense budget Not available for intenenn or summer school, except sources that are mandated by federal regulations.
Full-time: 11 semesters Part-time: 17 semesters
Time frame is re\1ewed at the end of each academic year. Students may appeal for extended time /Jy submitting a lttter of petition toFinancial Aid Office.
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