Crosscull-ural. Healih Care Delivtny. The ories and skills related to health teaching, phy.;ical assessment, preparation and uti lizationof indigenous health care. Maintaining Your Health Overseas. Preparation for li vin g overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. Anthropology of Crosscultural Health Care. The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphasis on the cultural contest of hea lth care programs. Management Strategies in Crosscultural Health Care. Preparation for serving organizations involved in planning and implementing health care sys tems at the district and village level. Jntercullural CJinical. Pradicum. Super vised crosscultural clinical health care experience. Prerequisites: SCL 520, 622 (maybe taken concurrently). RN licen sure or consent of instructor. SCL 571 Topics in Technology and Missions (3) SCL 667 Technology in Community Development (3) Examines the worldwide economic pressures of population growth and food shortages, and focuses on appro priate development projects for Chris tian holistic ministry. Crosscu/tural and Multicultural Education SCL 575 Multicultural Education (3) Experiential approach to crosscultural differences in the classroom as they affect teaching and learning. Focus of attention is primarily the United States. SCL 715 Educational Philosophies of the Great Religious Traditions (3) Educational thought and method aris ing from the teachings of major world religions including: Hinduism, Bud dhism, Islam, Confucianism, Judaism and Christianity. SCL 721 Crosscultural Teaching/Leaming Strategies for Curriculum (3) Theories and strategies for developing curriculum in a wide variety of formal and non-formal contexts; emphasis is placed on low technology, learner-sen sitive options. SCL 744 Narrative As an Educational Methodology (3) An investigation and demonstration of the narrative/ story genre in teaching and curricula design. Students partici pate in story telling, design a seminar on story telling, and develop a series of cu~ turally relevant lessons using narrative medium in areas such as bllSiness, com munity developmen~ evangelism, leader ship and followership developmen~ ESL, drama, counseling, church planting.
speed and intensity of change. Impli cations of such processes are exam ined in soc ial, political, economic and religious aspects of soc iety. SCL 765 Crosscultural Leadership (3) Crosscultur al study of leader sh ip including diverse patterns of author ity, legitimacy, public support, leader ship recruitment, and training as they affect communication, church growth and development worldwide. Applied linguistics For a full listing of applied linguis tics courses, see the TESOL & Applied Linguistics portion of the catalog which follows this section. Mlssiological Theory and Practice SCL 543 Women in Missions (3) The dynamics of tinderstanding the role of missionary women: historical, physical, social , psychological, spiri tual. Focus on the issues and opportu nities in contemporary world. SCL 546 The Historical Development of the World Christian Movement (3) The background, origin, developmen t and spread of the Christian faith from th e apostolic period until today. Emphasis is given to the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynam ics in Africa, Asia and Latin America. SCL 555 Introduction to World Mis sions (3) The nature of Christian outreach; a study of pr inciples , history and methodology of worldwide missions. SCL 662 Mission in Political Context (3) Consideration of modern political ide ologies and movements as they affect the church and its mission in selected national contexts. SCL 663 Crosscultural Implications in Evangelism (3) Explores crosscultural issues in evangel ism and church planting through the use of case studies, simulation exercises, readings and lectures. The class consid ers evangelistic strategies that build on a firm foundation for the gospel and assimilate new believers effectively. SCL 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Designed to integrate principles of crosscultural communication and the ology and strategy of missions within a total conceptual framework to aid the local church in mission involvement. SCL 727 Principles of Church Multiplication (3) Exploration of the foundational issues related to crosscultural church multipli cation. A holistic approach (through teams) that is designed to empower nationals to minister immediate ly, responsibly and continually, along with
personal investigation of sp iritual gifts, skills and life experience. SCL 732 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A sun•ey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various ch urch planting models and st rategies used around the world. Identifies key fac tors which the church planter can implement in a context specifi c, phase out oriented church planting strategy. SCL 735 Principles of Church Growth (3) Abasic understanding of church gro111h concepts as related both to the local con gregations and to the cask of worldwide evangelization, with due emphasis on the Church Growth school of thought SCL 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) A review of missiological literature that traces the spread and development of Christianity as a world movement, from Pentecost to the modern era. Special attention is given to the kind (s) of Christianity that spread; the process( es) by which it sp read; th e effect Christianity had on the socio-cul tural/political environment(s) ; and the effect environment had on Christianity and its subsequent development. SCL 743 Urban Church Planting Models (3) This study moves beyond the class room to actual urban church plants in the greater L.A. area. Visits and dia logues provide practical ways pastors, lay people , parachurch people and missionaries prepare themselves and their congregations for intentional church planting in ethnically diverse communities. Fee: $50. Bible and Theology in Crosscul tural Perspective SCL 565 Personal Leadership Forma tion (3) A study of the principles and patterns used by God as He raises up leaders for His work. This study will include a discussion of the vital place of spiritual formation in leadership development. SCL 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) An overview and critique of the differ ent theologies of mission advocated by various branches of the Church begin ning with Edinburgh 1910 to the lib eration theology debate of our day. SCL 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Crosscul tural Context (3) Reviews the historical and contemporary world view beliefs in the existence and activity of spiritual beings or forces often encountered by the crosscultural worker. Atheology of spirits is developed to help establish theoretical and practical guide lines for appropriate understanding of and response to spiritual beliefs and
potential conflicts encountered in va ri ous crossculmrai setting. SCL 724 Issues in Spiritual Warfare (3) Amulti-disciplinary examination of the leading practices of, and contemporary interest in deliverance ministries, inner healing prayer therapies, Satanism, dis sociati ve identi ty disorders, recovered memories and ritual abuse. SCL 747 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Christian theologizing; interrelationships between supra cultural Christianity and human cultures. Focus on conversion, revela tion, communication, transformation, indigeni ty and other related topics. SCL 750 Issues in Contextualization/ Crosscultural Theology (3) The application of crosscultural com munication principles to the study of theology, critique and evaluation of such theologies and the design and implementation of culture specific
theologies for various cultures. SCL 751 Theology of Mission (3)
An examination of th e theo logi ca l foundations of mission derived from a study of the history of salvation. This will encompass a study of the mission given to Israel and to the Church including some interaction with con temporary theologies of mission. SCL 752 Acts: Biblical and Missiologi• cal (3) This course will focus on the histori cal, cultural and theological content leadi ng the student toward mastery of the book of Acts. This will be fol lowed by a discussion of cogent missi ological themes, such as evangelism, power encounter, contextualizat ion and the supernatural in missions. SCL 755 Biblical Morality and Cultural Relativity (3) A study of the Biblical, cultural and bio logical approaches to the study of moral ity and ethics focusing on the claims for a universal or absolute standard by which crosscultural ethics can be evaluated. SCL 775 Topics in Context & Crosscul tural Theology (1-3) May be repeated with different focus. Topics include regional developments in crosscultural theologizing (such as Asian , African and Latin American theologies), the history and develop ment of contextualization, and alter native approaches to doing theology such as narrative theology, case study approaches to theology, etc. Community Health and Development SCL 530 Topics in lntercultural Health Care (3) May be repeated with different focus. Topics include:
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