

M.A. in Applied linguistics

STE 632 Language Testing and

STE 527 Materials Evaluation and

SAL 626 Approaches to Translation SAL 648 Discourse & Text Analysis

Assessment (3)

Preparation (3)

Applied Linguistics Foundational Units (May be taken concurrently with program courses.)

Examination of (I)

th eory and prac­

Principles of ESOL materials design. Enables teachers to eva luate and adapt published materials, prepare their own materi als, and use a variety

Elective (3)

tice in language testing and assessment and (2) classroom based research on

Bible or Theology

... 3


Introduction to Linguistics .................3 Phonetics or Phonology.. .....3

The following are special stud ies courses to assist students in becoming

second language learn ing.

of media , including video and comSTE 641 Issues and Trends in TESOL (3)

.... J

Syntax ........

12 puters. Prerequi site: STE 525. proficient in written grammar and comCurrent theoretical and methodologi­ position skills essenti al for effec tive STE 541 lntercultural Communication cal trends and the "state of the art" in


Regular Program

graduate work in TESOL or applied linfor Teachers (3) .3 guistics. Specific enrollment requireStudy of cultural val ues, nonverbal

the discipline, focusing on major issues in both resea rch and applica­

SAL 5I I Applied Linguistics. SAL 668 Seminar in Applied

ments are indicated in each course. Note: Special Studies courses may not be used lo meet program graduation

behavior, language and culture relation. Actual topics may vary depend-


Linguistics...... ... ...


tionships, and patterns of reasoning, with the goal of increasing intercultural awareness and teach ing effectiveness

ing on student interest.

SAL 679 Planning, Evaluation &

STE 644 Oiscourse and Language

Research in Applied


Teaching (3)

Linguistics ....................... ... 3

SS 500 Academic Writing (1-2)

while decreasing culture-based misunConversation analysis, the analysis of derstandings in and out of the classwritten texts, and discourse across cul­

SCL 622 Intercultural

Practical instruction in grammar and composition skills needed to meet the demands of academic writing at the graduate and professional level. Exper~

Communication ..................3

tures. Focus will be on discourse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. STE 664 English for Specific Purposes (3) Exploration of issues involved in teaching English to specific groups of

room. (See Intercultural Studies 622.) STE 560 Communicating Values

SAL or STE Electives .............. ........... 18 Bible or World Perspective Elective ...3

Through TESOL (1)

SAL 697 Comprehensive

ence in writing papers in relevant acaConsideration of ways in which TESOL

Examination ........................ Q

demic fields. Required for native Eng­ lish speaking students assigned by the TAL departmental Writing Proficiency Exam. Must be taken within the first

may be used to promote crosscultural

Program Total.. ...... ... .... ..................... 33 Applied Linguistics Concentrations Concentrations of I8 units each are possible in the areas of language surveys, linguistics, literacy, TESOL,

understanding through the communistudents, especially those in scientific, cation of different worldviews and valtechnical, and vocational fields.

ues. Prerequisite: STE 525.

STE 665 Course Design In TESOL (3) Examination of the communicative approach to teaching English in relation

nine units of graduate study.

STE 580 English: Past, Present and

SS 501 Advanced Writing for InternaFuture (2-3)

and translation.

tionals (1-3)

Historical and social survey of the deve~

Concentration in Language Surveys

Grammar, sentence strncture, and parato syllabus design, curriculum develop­ opment of the English language from a ment and program managemenl

SAL 64 I Language Surveys SAL 646 Sociolinguistics

graph development for academic writ­ ing. Oitical thinking and composition, including extracting information from sources, synthesis, and proper format for written papers. Experience in writing papers in relevant academic fields. Required for non-native English speakers

small tribal language to the widespread international language it is today. Poss~ ble future trends are also discussed. STE 581-582 Topics in TESOL (1-3) Topics are listed in the class schedule each semest e r. Courses may be repeated for credit with a different.

STE 690 Independent Study (1-3) lndh1dual work, directed reading, or


SAL 654 Field Methods in Linguistics SAL 68~84 Topics in Linguistics

cial problems in TESOL Such work must be done with the approval and supe~ sion of a faculty professor of record. STE 691 Field Practicum in TESOL (2-3) ing in a field setting, typically as part of a supervised team working with a voluntary agency. Elective, by depart­

Elective (6)

Concentration In Linguistics

SAL 529 Introduction to Semantics

assigned by the TAL departmental WritIntensive ESL/EFL classroom teach­

& Pragmatics

Titles offered include:

ing Proficiency Exam or students who have completed the Biola ESL sequence or its equivalenL Must be taken within

SAL 622 Phonological Theory SAL 624 Syntactic Theory

a. Readings in Language Learning


SAL 646 Sociolinguistics

b. Teaching Pronunciation

ment permission only.

the first 9 units of graduate study. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

SAL 654 Field Methods in Linguistics

c. Reading in the ESL/EFL Context d. Writing in the ESL/EFL Context e. TESOL and the Teaching of

Elective (3)

STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II (3) Extensive independent teaching in an ESL classroom under the general super­ vision of a master teacher, plus weekly pedagogy. Credit for course may be earned, in some field-based situations, by portfolio assessment. Lab fee: $50.

Concentration In Literacy


SAL 523 or SAL 622 Phonology SAL 543 Literacy in Social Contexts SAL 544 Literacy Methods & Materials SAL 546 Reading & Literacy Theory SAL 652 Field Methods in Second Lan-


STE 509 Structure of English (3)

f. Readings in ESOL Curriculum

Study of the syntax of English in prepagroup discussion of issues in language g. Materials Design for Voluntary

ration for teaching non-native speakers. Theoretical insights taken from several approaches to grammar. May also be completed as a Field Studies course. STE 525 Introduction to TESOL-Adult (3) An introduction to the field ofTESOL at


h. Preparing Students to Take the

guage & Culture Leaming


Elective (3)

STE 695 Research Seminar (1)

i. Teaching Vocabulary Prerequisite: !STE 525

Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis state­ ment, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisites: permis­ sion of instructor and no more than six units of coursework remaining.

Concentration in TESOL

STE 509 Stmcture of English STE 525 Introduction to TESOL STE 527 Materials Evaluation &

the post~ondary and adult levels dealSTE 614 Second Language Acquisition (3)

Examination of the various factors, especially individual, sociological, and

ing with learner needs, approaches to and methods of teaching, techniques for


STE 560 Communicating Values

the four skills, lesson planning and classpsychological, which enter into the

process of acquiring a second language.

Through TESOL

room managemenL Credit for course may be earned by examination. May also be completed as a Field Studies course. STE 526 Introduction to TESOL- K-12 (3) An introduction to the field ofTESOL at the primary and secondary levels in U.S. multilingual classrooms. The role of the primary language , methods and techniques for teaching the four skills, and assessment are also covered.

STE 614 Second Language Acquisition

Includes discussion of learning strateSTE 696 Research Paper (1)

STE 692 Practicum in TESOL

gies as well as autonomous learning inside and outside of the classroom.

A paper based on classroom research, literature review, or the design of a ~ labus or appropriate teaching materi­ als. Prerequisite: STE 695 or equivalenl

Elective (2)

Concentration In Translation

STE 621 Advanced Methods and

Techniques In TESOL (3)

SAL 529 Introduction to Semantics

In-<:lepth treatment of a variety of methSTE 697 Comprehensive Examination (0)

& Pragmatics

SAL 535 Introduction to Bible

ods in TESOL and broad coverage of

An examination covering the major

teaching techniques through demonknowledge areas of the field. Nor­


SAL 624 Syntactic Theory

stration, discussion and practice.

mally taken in the final semester. Stu-

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