A studen t must maintain a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. to graduate. Concent ration options may require additional units. A minimum of 29 graduate units must be comp leted in th e Master of Arts in Education Program at Biola University. Students enrolled in the Research Institute for Christian Edu cat ion (R.l.C.E. ) program in Hong Kong are required to complete a mini mum of 20 units on the Biota Univer sity, La Mirada Campus.
tifi ca te. for sp ec ific information regarding th e above programs read the approp ri ate section within the cat alog and consult an adv isor in th e Department of Education. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS Applications must be submitted through the Graduate Admissions Office. For non-degree seeking stu dents who are earning crede ntials or certificates only, the following admis sion requirement s apply: I) hold a baccalaureate degree from an accred ited institution, 2) present passing scores on CBEST, 3) complete a CCTC approved subject matter program or provide passing scores on subject mat ter competency exams (Praxis and/ or SSAT), and 4) have a minimum of a 2.75 cumulative G.P.A. In addition to requirements one through three listed above, students seeking an M.A. in Education must have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. Note: Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become pait of the student's academic file and nonnally can not be returned or wpied for distrilrntion. TRANSFER OF CREDITS/UNITS Students transferring from an accredited graduate program may transfer a maximum of six (6) units. The courses transferred must be equiv alent and have direct applicabi lity to the student's program design. Only courses with a grade of "B" (3 .0) or higher will be considered for transfer toward the MA degree. Courses with a "C" (2.0) or higher may be consid ered for transfer into the credentialing or certificate programs. Units consid ered for transfer must have been taken within five years prior to the date of admission. The entire common core (15 units) mentioned below must be taken at Biola University. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The Master of Arts in Education Degree program has four distinct ele ments: I. Acommon core of graduate courses (15 units). 2. Aconcentration of professional coursework (18 units). 3. Aone-unit capstone experience or a comprehensive exam. 4. Aone-unit professional develop ment module. A minimum of 35 units of gradu ate coursework is required for the Master of Arts in Education Degree.
(CCTC) as ha1ing fulfilled all standards for California cert ifi cates and credentials. Amaster 's degree program can be taken simultaneouslywith a certificate and/ or credential program, resul ting in a graduate education that leads to time!)', effi cient degree compl etion. Personal relationsh ips with univer sity farnlty, school administrators, mas ter teachers and peers lead to a wide range of personal growth outcomes: ■ Foundational knowledge of current educational issues and settings. ■ Ability to link theory with practice effectively differentiating the curricu lum for a wide variety of learners. ■ Ability to integrate Christian thought within the context of the teaching/ learning process. ■ Possession of Christian attitudes conducive to the development of professional excellence and wit ness to the community. ■ Commitment to lifelong learning and professional growth. ■ Ability to work collaboratively with students and colleagues. ■ Ability to creatively solve problems (individually and in team settings) as contextual needs change within the educational community. Anon-traditional course schedule of evening and Saturday courses provides flexibility for students, teachers and administrators, and specialists. A rich interterm and summer calendar accom modates local students and participants from outside the state of California. Individualized graduate programs in education facilitate study outside the country (e.g., student teaching in Papua New Guinea) or long-distance completion of the Master's Capstone Thesis (e.g., out-of-state or out-of country studies). Master 's program options designed for professional con cen tra tion are easily adaptable to international student needs. PROGRAM OPTIONS There are several options available within the Graduate Education Pro gram. These options include: I) a Mas ter of Arts in Education, 2) a Master of Arts in Education with a teaching cre dential, 3) a teaching credential only (Pre liminary, Professional Clear), 4) the Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential, 5) an Association of Christ ian Schools International (ACS!) Cer tificate, 6) a Cross Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate, and/or 7) a Reading Cer-
MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Chair: Pete Menjares, Ph.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Hetzel, Menjares, Ramos, Sibold Assistant Professor: John son
Instructor: Cho DESCRIPTION
Consistent with the mission and vision of Biola University, the Depart ment of Education provides quality instruction and guided field experi ences in a distinctively Christian con text. Truth as revealed in God's Word is honored as the basis for sound rea soning, moral intention, ethical behav ior, and professional practice. Gradu ate students acquire background knowledge, learning experiences, and competencies in carefully sequenced courses, preparing them for instruc tional leadership roles in both Christ ian and secular school systems. Faculty members of the Depart ment of Education promote academic rigor, scholarly research, and pedagog~ cal excellence as they collaborate with program participants. Through coll abo rative learning, professors fu lfill their roles as learning facilitators, tapping into the strengths of highly skilled grad uate students, helping them to achieve higher levels of academic excellence and ministry in the educational commu nity. Graduate professors integrate a Christian worldview throughout the teaching/ learning process. The Department of Education con tributes to and benefits from its position in a national university, simultaneously nourishing and being nourished through collaboration with the multiple schools of Biola University. These rela tionships strengthen concentration options. For example, students can enrich their knowledge in Bible, theo~ ogy, psychology and intercultural stud ies at Talbot School of Theology, Rose mead School of Psychology, and the School of Intercultural Studies, through required coursework and/or electives. DISTINCTIVES Graduate programs in the Depart ment of Education are based upon spe cific credential and certificate require ments established by the State of Califor nia and Biola University. Biola University is an approved educational institution that recommends individuals to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing
The 15 units of core co ur ses required for all M.A. degrees in the Department of Education include the 12 units of courses listed below and a minimum of 3 graduate units of Bibli cal studies or theology: 501 Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society.......... .... (3) 502 Advanced Educational Psychology....... ........... (3) 503 Educational Research and Statistics ...... ...... ........ .. (3) 504 Educational Curriculum and Teaching.. .... .... ..... ... .... . (3) The student may choose a 3-unit graduate course from the following cate gories for their Bible/ theology elective: ■ Biblical Exposition ■ Christian Thought - Theology ■ Christian Thought - Historical Theology ■ Christian Thought - Philosophy of Religion In addition, all master's degrees require a one-unit professional module (596) and a minimum one-unit Cap stone Research Project (598) or Thesis (599) or Comprehensive Exam (595). M.A. DEGREE CONCENTRATIONS Coupled with the core requirements listed above, the student may choose concentrations for their graduate work. Classroom Instruction Option A: California Professional Clear Teaching Credential This concentration is specifically designed for individuals who com pleted an undergraduate degree at Biola University, which included coursework in the Professional Teacher Preparation Program. The number of units for gradL1ation varies according to previous coursework, but must include the following courses: Professional Education Courses (23 Units) 505/506 Elementary/Secondary Curriculum• .... ....... .... .... .(4)
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