Instructional Leadership Prescr ib ed Program
512/514 Elementary/ Secondaf)'
degree in addit ion to the Reading/ Language ArtsSpeciali st Credential. *Pleaseco11Sult the Depa,tment ofEducation 1igarding thedetai!.s for the above programs. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE TO CERTIFICATION University Internship Program The University Internship Program is an alternate route to certifi ca tion and is a non-degree seeking program. lt allows candidates who have not com pleted a Professional Preparation Pro gram to be employed with a designated school district while completing the requirements for ce rtification. This program is se lec tive and is reserved for candidates who are especially mature and have met the following require ments prior to the issuance of a certifi cate to enter the classroom: I. Completed a bachelor 's degree. 2. Demonstrate subject matter com petence: A. completion of an approved multiple or single subject mat ter program; OR, B. passing scores on the appro priate PRAX!S/ SSAT Series examination. 3. Submit pass ing scores on Califor nia Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). 4. Minimum 3.0 GPA 5. Certificate of Clearance (FB!/DOJ Fingerprinting) 6. Verification of prior experiences working with children within past five years. 7. Currently have a fu ll-time teach ing position with school district contracted with Biola University (documentation required). Required Courses tor the University Internship Program Courm 570-583 cannot be used toward the master's degree. 570 Introduction to Internship .... .. .(2) 571 Student Motivation and Classroom Management Seminar .... .......... .(2) 572 Elementary Curriculum Pianning.... ... .................. ....... .... .(3) 573 Secondary Curriculum Planning ... ...... .... .... .... ...... ... .... ... (3) 574 Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Seminar ..... ....... ..... ... (2) 575 Elementary Reading/ Language Arts .......... ... .. ..... .. .. ... (3) 576 Secondary Content and Reading Methods and Materials.. ............ (3) 580Elementary Internship Fieldwork 1.................. ...... ..... .... (6)
58 1Elementary Interns hip Fieldwork 11.. 582 Seconda1y Internsh ip Fieldwork I..
Student Teaching I ......... (6)
.. (6)
513/515 Elementa1y/ Secondaf)'
The in st ructiona l leadership con centration is for individuals who hold a teac hing credential or who do not require Ca lifornia credentialing (out of-state employment or private institu tion). Completion of remaining cre den tial requiremen ts is also possib le in this program. The prescribed program requires: 15 units of the M.A. core, 9 units of M.A. concentration, 9 units of elec ti ves, the one-unit professional devel opment module ( 596), and a mini mum one- unit Caps ton e Researc h Proj ec t (598) or Thesi s (599) or Comprehensive Exam (595). Electives can be drawn from courses in the Department of Educa tion or CLAD certifi ca te require ments, or courses from other depart ments and schools at Biola University. An individualized program can be set up with your advisor. Conc:entration Requirements /9 units) 522 Current Issues in Education .... (3) 523 Behavior and Classroom Management. .... ........................ (3) 524 Research in Culture and Cultural Diversity......... ............ (3) Personalized Program The personalized program is for teachers who desire a custom designed program and who want to create their own personalized special ization (e.g., CLAD, Language Arts) . The personalized program requires: 15 units of the MA core, 18 units of an approved concentration , the one-unit professional development modul e (596), and a minimum one-unit Cap stone Research Project (598) or Thesis (599) or Comprehensive Exam (595). READING/LANGUAGE ARTS (1) Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential* The Reading and Language Arts Specialist Credential authorizes the holder to serve as a reading specialist in any grade: kindergarten , grades l through I2, and in classes organized primarily for adults. This credential program is designed for candidates who have completed at least one year of successful teaching. (2) Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential-Masters Degree Program• This program is designed for qual ified candidates who desire the M.A.
Student Teaching II ....... (6)
.. (6)
583 Secondary Intern ship Fieldwork 11...... .
Health Education for Teachers Computers in the Classroom
... ... ..... .. ..(6)
.... (2)
Ali Internship ca ndidates must have completed one of the fo llowing: Introducti on to Psychology, Adoles cent Psychology, Human Growth and Development, Psychological Founda tions; or may choose one of the fol lowing: ASED 522 Current Issues, !NCS 475 Multicultura l Education , HIST 403 California Histo1y, or BBST 465 Integration Seminar: Christian Philosophyof Education. For more information on th is alter native route, please contact the Educa tion Department, (562) 903-4843. TEACHING CREDENTIALS California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Requi rements for various creden tials and certificates are included in the designated degree concentrations. Spe cific requirements for the Ca lifornia Preliminary and Professional Clear cre dentials as well as other State specializa tion credentials and certificates may be obtained from th e Biola University Department of Education. These requirements are subject to change. Therefore, students should keep in con tact with the Department of Education. Professional Clear Teaching Credential Requirements In order to qualify for a Profes sional Clear Teaching Credential, a student must meet th e following requirements: l. Post-degree students must be accepted into the Graduate School ofArts.and Sciences as aGraduate Special student or as a Master of Arts in Education student (see Graduate School admission requirements). 2. Aminimum 2.75 G.P.A. is required for non-degree seeking graduate special students. (If simultaneously seeking an M.A. in Education, a 3.0 G.PA must be maintained.) 3. All professional education and competency courses must be com pleted with a grade of "C" or higher with the exception of Stu dent Teaching 512/513 and 514/515 which must be completed with a grade of "B-" or higher for
Education in the Least Restrictive Environment .. (3) *505/506 may be taken duiing the
last semester of thestudent's senior year for graduate credit if taken through concur rent enrollment in th e graduate and undergraduate programs. See Registrar's Offic:e for details. Classroom Instruction Option 8: California Professional Clear Teaching Credential This concentration is specifically designed for individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree at an accredited college or university, but have not participated in a teacher preparation program. The number of units for graduation varies accord ing to previous co ursework , but must include the following courses: Pivfessumal Educatum Courses /29-32 units) 502 Advanced Educational Psychology*............................ .... (3) 522 Current Issues in Education ..... (3) 520 Elementary Reading/ Language Arts or 525 Secondary Content Area Reading .... .......... ..................... .. .(3) 505/506 Elementary/ Secondary Curriculum ....... ...... ..... ..... ..... ... .(4) 512/514 Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching 1... ...... ........... (6) 513/515 Elementary/Secondary tudent Teaching II .................... (6) 510 Health Education for Teachers ... (2) 510 Computers in the Classroom .... (2) 521 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment. ... ... ...................... .(3) *502 is also a requirement for the M.A. core. Please see course description section for prerequisite requirements. In addition to the above Profes sional Education courses, Mu ltipl e Subject Teaching Credential candi dates must complete the following competency courses: ARTS 306 , ENGL 380, MATH 111 and MUSC 310 as well as a course in language/ linguis tics - 540, 542, ENGL 354, INTE 422, ISAL 520 or ISTE 526.
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