COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 501 Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society (3) Assists Christian teachers and adminis trators to fulfill their roles as change agents. Focuses upon historical , cultural and social analyses of schools and soci ety from a biblical perspec tive to help educators select pedagogical methods that harmoni ze with educational aims. 502 Advanced Educational Psychology (3) Considerat ion of theo ri es and prob lems of lea rnin g and lea rnin g processes, the natu re and development of cogni tion , in dividua l differences and motivation, and the application of this knowledge to educational practice. A media componen t is required for all
the candidate to be recommended for a teaching credential. 4. Comp letion of an approl'ed subj ect matter program or passing scores 011 the appropriate Praxis/ SSAT examinations prior to submitting an app li cation for student teaching. 5. Ca lifornia Basic Educationa l Skills Test (CBEST). Passing scores on the CBEST are required prio r to submi tting an application for stu dent teaching. 6. Passing scores on the Reading Instmction Competence Assessment (RICA) is required of all Multiple Subjects Teach ing Credential candi dates prior to application for an in~ tial teaching credential. 7. 30 units of coursewo'rk are required past the bachelor 's degree in a preapproved program. The coursework must be completed within five years of receipt of the Preliminary Credential. 8. Complete 510 Health Education for Teachers, 511 Computers in the Classroom, and 52 1Education in the Least Restrictive Environment 9. Possess current certification of train ing in infant through adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) which meets the standards fo r the American Heart Associa tion (B or C level course) or the American Red Cross. 10. The U.S. Constitution requirement maybe met severalways: a) com plete a minimum 2-unit course that covers the U.S. Constitution (HIST 105 U.S. History or POSC 205 Survey ofAmerican Government); b) trans fer a course that covers U.S. Consti tution; c) pass POSC 480 US Consti tlllion (a one-un it course) and the accompan)ing exam by arrange ment with the History Department; or d) pro11de verification of passing scores from another university on a U.S. Constitution examination.
included in M.A. concentrations. Con tact the Department of Education for details . The CLAD Certifica te sequence of courses offered through the Department of Education at Biola Un iversity is as follows: 524 Resea rch in Culture and Cultural Dive rsity............. ....... (3) 540 Foundations of Language Education ....... .. ..... ... ... ... ...... .. ... (3) 541 MethodsofTeachingLanguage .. (3) 542 Language Assessment and Eval uation ................... .. .... ...... ... (3) In fo rmat ion on cross-listed co urses may be obtained in the Department of Educa tion. Association of Christian Schools International The Bio la M.A. in Education meets the requirements for the Associ ation of Chri sti an Schools In te rn a ti onal (ACS!) Cert ificate . The ACS! Certificate is identical to the Califor nia Prelim inary Credential program, excep t that BBST 465 Integration Semi nar: Christian Philosophyof Edu cat ion or ASED 501 Philosophy and Va lues in Schools and Soc iety must also be completed. ACS! application informat ion may be obtained in the Department of Education Office.
keep ing for ap prop ri ate grade leve ls and subj ec t areas. Fo r Professiona l Clear credential students on ly. Admis sion by consent. Fee: $10. 512 Elementary Student Teaching I (6) 513 Elementary Student Teaching II (6) 514 Secondary Student Teaching I (6) 515 Secondary Student Teaching II (6) Full-ti me labo ratory experie nce in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teac h- ers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Prerequisite: appli- cation and consent. St ude nts doing student teac hing are limi ted to a max- imum of 15 units that semester. 520 Elementary Reading/language Arts (3) The methods and materials for teaching readi ng to students in elementary schools using a variety of approaches and tech niques; consideration of the needs of pupils with varied cultural backgrounds wi ll also be considered. Prerequisite: 502. 521 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment (3) Competencies fo r meeting the needs of exceptional students; special attention to needs of minority students, cultural and eth nic differences, and develop ment of moral/spiritual values. For Pro fessional Clear credential requiremenL 522 Current Issues In Education (3) Fundamental and specific issues in education . Examines the views of a wide range of philosophers, psycholo gists, sociologists, professional educa tors, political leade rs, historians and researchers. Students investigate, ana lyze and discuss current research related to the school community. Field observation/participation in schools is required for credential candidates. 523 Behavior and Classroom Management (3) The effect of teacher behavior upon student behavior, the learn ing task and the classroom environment. Explores alternative approaches to classroom dis cipline, management and organization . 524 Research In Culture and Cullural Diversity (3) Examines and analyzes current research and theories concerning the nature of culture and its relationship to the lan guage, cognition, learning and academic achievement of the diverse student popu lation of California and the U.S. in gen eral. Consideration of the critical role of the teacher in understanding, using, val uing and communicating cultural knowledge for the purpose of maximiz ing educational objectives.
credential candidates. Fee: $20. 503 Educational Research and Statistics (3)
Princip les and procedures of research design app li ed to educational issues; basic statistics with emphasis on teacher conducted research in the class room. Prerequisite: basic computer literacy. 504 Educational Curriculum and Teaching (3) Histori cal, philosophical and social foun dations of curriculum. Examination of curriculum research related to assessing, developing and organizing educational strategies. Prerequi site: 505 or 506. 505 Elementary Curriculum (4) Int roduct ion to the scope and sequence of the curriculum in mathe matics, science, social studies and lan guage arts; emph as is on teaching, integration across conten t areas, class room management and resources. A field practicum component is required for teaching credential can
SPECIAL CERTIFICATES Christian School Specialist
This certificate is awarded to any indi11dual who completes a Master of Arts program in the Biola University Department of Education and who has completed, at any accredi ted inst~ union of higher education (regional or AABC), 24 semester units of under grad uate or 15 units of graduate courses in Bible and theology. Christian School Master Teacher This certificate may be considered for any indi11dual who has completed a Master of Arts program in the Biola Universi ty Department of Education, has ach ieved a professional credential (or its equivalent) in any state or coun try , who qualifies for the Christian School Specialist Certificate, and who has completed the equ ivalent of five yea rs of full-time classroom instruction. Christian School Master Teacher Cer tificates are awarded by majorityvote of the contracted (full- and part-time) faculty of the Department of Education upon presentation of acceptable docu mentation and the recommendation of a qualified supervisor.
didates only. Prerequisite: 502. 506 Secondary Curriculum (4)
Curriculum, classroom management, teachi ng methods, use of media and educational skills in content areas. A field practicum component is required for teaching credential can didates only. Prerequisite: 502. 510 Health Education for Teachers (2) The nature and scope of Health Edu cation. Discussion of tobacco, alcohol, narcotics, nutrition and other health related issues. Teacher planning of prevention programs. For Professional Clear credential students only. 511 Computers In the Classroom (2) Knowledge and skills of computer use in educat iona l settings; computer app lications in curriculum, instruc tion, classroom materials and record
CLAD Certification
The Department of Education and the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics have designed coursework which meets the require ments for the certificate in Cross-cul tural Language and Academic Devel opment (CLAD) , providing teachers with the knowledge, skills , and alti tudes needed to effectively teach and guide students from culturall y, linguis tically, and socio-economically diverse backgrounds. In man y cases, the CLAD Cert ifi cate cou rses can be
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