

525 Secondary Content Area Reading (3) The methods and materials for teaching reading through the content areas in sec­ ondary school s; atte ntion to techniques for teaching reading, testing and indi1~d­ ualization. Prerequisite: 502. 530 Reading Process and Approaches (3) · Cri tical analysis of the processes and dynamics of reading as well as th e methods and materials fo r teaching reading in the elementary and second­ ary schools. Theoretical models of read­ ing, emergent literacy, current issues in literacy and instruction , and the assess­ ment and evaluation of reading are also discussed. A field practicum compo­ nent (observat ion/pa rti cipa tion ) in schools is req uired for credential candi­ dates only. Prerequisite: 520 or 525. 531 Writing Process and Approaches (3) Writing as a process, its interrelation­ ship to read ing, cognition and to lin­ guistic and contextual issues. Examina­ tion of current problems, instructional research , theories, methods of instruc­ tion and materials, programs, compos­ ing on the computer and assessment. 532 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties (3) Addresses numerous theoretical and practical considerations related to the nature and causes of reading diffrcul­ ties and disabilities, including tech­ niques and materials for individual diagnosis. In struction provided in regard to clinical and classroom tech­ niques, evaluation and use of materi­ als for the remediation of reading dis­ abilities and active participation in an instructional program. 540 Foundations of Language Education (3) Asurvey course that considers the struc­ ture and use of language in general and English in particular. An under­ standing of linguistics, English pronun­ ciation and grammar is emphasized. Research concerning current theories, practice and methods of first and sec­ ond language acquisition and English language development is also discussed. 541 Methods of Teaching Language (3) Survey of the theories and foundations of bilingual education as well as orga­ nizational models and practices for use in teaching English as a second lan­ guage, English language development and content area teaching. The appli­ cation of theory to classroom instruc­ tion and the methods of teaching lan­ guage are emphasized. The evaluation and selection of materials for instruc­ tion are also considered.

542 Language Assessment and Evaluation (3)

The individual differences of language mino rity student s, in st ructional tec h­ niques and classroom discourse which affect the acquisition of first and sec­ ond language reading, writ ing, listen­ ing and speaking skills are examined and analyzed. Also addresses the skills and competencies needed to ade­ quately and effect ively assess, diagnose and eva luate English language profi­ ciency for placement and ach ievement. 550 Literature Study in the Classroom (3) Opportunity to explore, evaluate, discuss and effectively incorporate the literary works of children and young adults in the multicultural classroom. Theories and rationales for the use of multicultural lit­ erature in the classroom are discussed. 551 Practicum in Language and Literacy (3) Observation, case study construction and analysis, assistance and instnrc­ tion of one or more language minor­ itystudents in an ac tual language and literacy environment. This practicum affords opportunity to apply th eory to practice in a naturalistic , field-setting. 552 Supervision in Language and Literacy (3) Labo ratory experience in language and literacy under the supervision of qualified instructional leaders and university supervisors. Coursei 570-583 cannot be used toward theMaster's degree. 570 Introduction to Internship (2) Program information and application process. Topics of discussion include stu­ dent rapport and environment, profes­ sional obligations and student diversity. 571 Student Motivation & Classroom Management Seminar (2) Surveys the theories of motivation and behavior as well as classroom manage­ rial approaches. Reviews selection of meaningful activities, appropriate rein­ forcement and immediate feedback. 572/573 Elementary or Secondary Cur­ riculum Planning (3) Identifies key characteristics of pro­ ductive planning and generates analo­ gies that high light important aspects of teacher plann ing. Incorporates objectives, different teaching strate­ gies, materials and assessment plans. 574 Evaluation of Teaching & Learning Seminar (2) Reviews instnrctional objectives, set­ ting criteria and identification of stu­ dent's prior performance using for­ mal and informal assessment. Incor­ porates critical thinking skills into

595 Comprehensive Examination (1) Students who choose the Comprehen­ sive Examination must demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field of study. The con tent of the Compre­ hensive Written Examination includes material from the core areas of the cur­ riculum and the student's particular spe­ cialization. Students may elect to com­ plete the Comprehensive Examination in lieu of the Capstone Thesis or Project. 596 Professional Development Module (1-3) Subject matter and credit fry arrangement. 597 Independent Studies (1-3) Subject matter and credit fry arrangement. 598 Research Project (1-3) Students may elect to complete a research project or an instructional development project under the guid­ ance of a faculty adviser. This option requires a written report. 599 Thesis (1-3) Students may elect to complete a thesis under the guidance of a faculty adviser.

classroom instructio n and reviews affective outcomes of teaching. 575 Elementary Reading/ Language Arts (3) A review of methods and materials for teaching read ing to students in ele­ mentary schools using a var iety of approaches and techn iques; considera­ tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. 576 Secondary Content and Reading Methods & Materials (3) A review of single subject content areas in secondary schools. A look at reading techniques, testing and indi­ vidualization. 580/582 Internship Fieldwork I- Falt (6) Teaching responsibility in which can­ didate is under contract with a speci­ fied school district and supervised by district and university personnel. 5811583 Internship Fieldwork II - Spring (6) Teaching responsibility in which can­ didate is under contract with a speci­ fied school district and supervised by district and university personnel.

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