DAVID CIOCCHI Associate Professor of Phi losophy, 1974 BA, Biola College; MA, University of California, Santa Barbara; MA, Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. JOHN COE Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology, I989 BA, Biola University; MA, Talbot School ofTheology; MA, Western Kentucky University; MA, University of California, Irvine; Ph.D., Un iversity of California, Irvine. PATICOLE Assistant Professor of TESOL and ELI, 1991 B.S., University of Southern California; M.A, William Carey International University. MARGY COLEMAN Assistant Professor of Art, I998 B.FA, Miami University; M.FA, University of Massachusetts.
MURRAY DECKER Assistant Professor in lntercultural Studies, I997 BA, North American Baptist College; MA, Ph.D., Biola University. DAVID DICKSON Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, 1982 BA, University of California, Los Angeles; MA, Ph.D., University of Southern California. GLENN DILL Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1990 B.S., M.BA, Pepperdine Un iversity. DENNIS H. DIRKS Professor of Christian Education, I976 Dean, Talbot School ofTheology BA, California State University, Fresno; MA, Talbot Theological Seminary, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School.
ROGER FELDMAN Associate Professor of An, 1989 BA, University of Washington; M.FA, Claremont Graduate University. ROBERT FELLER Assistant Professor of Music, 1991 B.M., Uuiversity of Southern California; M.M., Eastman School of Music. THOMAS] FINLEY Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, 1976 BA, Biola College; M.Div., Ta lbot Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. REBEKAH FLEEGER Associate Professor of Nursing, I969 RN.,Jackson Memorial Hospital; B.S., Florida State University; MN, Un iversity of California, Los Angeles; Ph .D., Clare- mont Graduate School. RICHARD FLORY Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1992 BA, Biola University; MA, California State University, Fullerton; Ph .D., Univer- sity of Chicago. WAYNE S. FLORY Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1972 BA, Westmont Coll ege; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary; Th.M., Ta lbot Theological Seminary; MA, California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of Southern Cali fornia. ANDREA FRANKWITZ Assistant Professor of English, 1998 BA, Evangel Co ll ege; MA, University of Northern Iowa; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University. JANET FREEMAN Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1996 B.S.N., Biola University. KENNETH R GARLAND Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1986 BA, Biola University; M.RE., Ed.D., Talbot School ofTheology. R DOUGLAS GEIVETT Associate Professor of Christian Thought, 1993 B.S., Mttltnomah Schoolof the Bible; MA, Dallas ll1eologicalSeminary; MA, Gonzaga University; Ph.D., University of Southern California ANNEL GEWE Associate Professor of Nursing, 1979 RN., Los Angeles General Hospital School ofNursing; B.S., Biola College; M.S.N., California State University, Los Angeles.
ALAN W. GOMES Associate Professor of Historical Theology, 1987 BA, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.Div., Th.M. , Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fu ller
Theological Seminary. MICHAEL GONZALES Associate Professor of Communication , 1991
BA, Immaculate Heart College; MA, Loyola Marymount University; M.P.W., University ofSomhern California. CHRISTOPHER R GRACE Associate Professor of Psychology, I988 B.S., University of Northern Colorado; M.S., Colorado State University; Ph.D., Colorado State University. ELIZABETH HALL Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1998 BA, MA, Ph.D., Biola University. DELBERT J HANSON Professor of Ph ilosophy, I966 BA, MA, Wheaton College; MA, Ph.D., University of Southern California. LES HARMAN Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1992 B.S., San Diego State University; M.S.BA, San Francisco State University. DOUGLAS HAYWARD Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, I989 BA, Westmont College; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; MA, Un iversity of California, Santa Barbara; Ph.D., Un iversity of Californ ia. CRAIG HAZEN Associate Professor and Director of the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics, 1997 BA, California Ste University, Fullerton; MA, University of California, Santa Bar- bara; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara. DORCAS HENRY Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.S., Marion College; MA, Ball State University. DOROTHYJUNE HETZEL Associate Professor of Education, I996 BA, Biola University; MA, California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. HENRYW. HOLLOMAN Professor of Systematic Theology, I974
VIRGINIA M. DOLAND Professor of Engl ish, I963
B.S., BobJones University; MA, Califor- nia State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of Southern California. HAROLD DOLLAR Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1983 B.B.E., Columbia Bible College; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Miss., Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. DONALD E. DOUGLAS Professor of lntercultural Studies, I989 A.B., Wayne State University; MA, Ph .D., University of Michigan. DAVID DUNBAR Associate Professor of Foreign Language, 1989; Dean of Human ities BA, Sanjose State University; MA, University of Oregon; Ph.D., University ofArizona. NANCYS. DUVALL Associate Professor of Psychology, I975 BA, Agnes Scott College; MAT., Duke University; Ph.D., University of
CLYDE COOK President, I982
Professor Intercultural Studies, 1982; Director and Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1967-79; Athletic Director, 1957-60 BA, Biola College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary. PAUL COX Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, 1994 BA, University of Missouri; MA, Un iversity of Southern California; M.Div., Trin ity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Southern California. JANET COZAD Assistant Professor of Nursing, I992 B.S.N., Cal iforn ia State University, Fullerton; M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach. SHAWNA CROSS Assistant Professor of Music, I997 B.S.,John Brown University; M.M., Eastman School of Music MICHELLE CUNNINGHAM Assistant Professor of Christian Education, I989 BA Wheaton College; MA, Ed.D, Talbot School ofTheology. EDWARD M. CURTIS Professor ofBiblical Studies and Theology, 1978 B.S., Baylor University; MA, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
North Carolina. RUTH EBELING
Associate Professor of Biology, 1987 B.S., Biola University; M.S., Cal ifornia State Long Beach. KEITHJ EDWARDS Professor of Psychology, 1973 B.Ed., UniversityofWisconsin; MA, Ph.D., New Mexico State University; Ph.D., Un iversity ofSouthern California. KATHLEEN EVERETT Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1995 B.S.N., California State University, Fullerton; M.N., University of Califor- nia, Los Angeles.
A.B., Southwestern College of Memphis; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary.
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