CYNTHIA L WESTCOTT Associate Professor of Nursing, 1977 B.S. , Stale University Teachers College, Plansburg, New York;M.N. , University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. MICHAEL]. WILKINS Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1983 Dean of the Faculty, Talbot School ofTheology B.A , Biola Un iversity; M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary and School ofTheology; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. WESLEYWILLMER Professor of Business Administration, 1989 Vice President, University Advancement B.A, M.Ed. , Seattle Pacific University; Ph.D. , State University of New York.
MICHAELE TRIGG Dean of Student Affairs, 1993 B.A. , Universityof Ca li fo rnia, Los Ange les; M.A. , Uni vers ityof Southern Califo rnia; Graduate, College of the Resurrec tion , England ; D.Phil. , Universityof Oxford, England . KATIE TUTTLE Director, Student Leadership and Development, 1987 B.A., John Brown University; M.A. , Azusa Pacific University. RODNEYVLIET Director of the Library, 1990 B.S. , Minnesota Bible College; M.A., Fort Hays State Universi ty; Ph .D., Michigan State University; M.L.S. , Universityof California, Los Angeles. MARJORIE SUE WHJTEHEAD Systems Librarian , Librarian II , 1992 B.S., Biola Un ivers ity; M.L.S., Univer sity of California, Los Angeles.
tasks a rich varie ty of academ ic and other professional experti se, and thus se rve to eurich the curricul ar offer ings of the University, particular in some of the more specialized areas. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FACULTY JEANNE BACK Associate Director, Career Sen1ces, 1983 B.A, San Diego State University; M.A., Azusa Pacific Un iversity. JOHN BACK Associate Dean , Student Affairs, 1986 B.A, Taylor University; M.A., Azusa Pacific University. LINDA G. FORD Director, Career Semces, 1993 B.A, University of the Pacific; M.Ed., Azusa Pacific University. SHERI FUHRIMAN Director of Freshman Academic Advising, 1997 B.A, Westmont College ; M.Ed. , Azusa Pacific University. MESGHINA GHEBREMEDHIN Director, International Students, 1985 B.A, Asmaru University, Eritrea; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A. , Biola University. RONALD J. 1-IAFER University Chaplain, 1966 B.A. , Biola University; M.Ed ., Talbot TheologicalSeminary. SUSAN JOHNSON TechnicalServices Librarian, Librarian m, 1989 B.A, Californ ia State Unive rsity, Fullerton; M.L.S., University ofTexas. DERENDA KING Director of Learning Ass istance, 1999 B.A, University of Cali fornia, Los Angeles; M.A., Pepperdine University GLEN KINOSHITA Director, Multi-Ethnic Programs, 1991 B.A., Biola University; M.Div., Talbot School ofTheology. ROBERT M. KRAUSS,JR Serials Librarian, Librarian I, 1993 B.S. , Ursinus College; M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., Califor nia FamilyStudyCenter; M.L.l.S., University of South Carolina. SUNG W. LEE Director, International Student Education , 1991 B.A , Yonsei University; M.S. , Un iver sityof Southern Cal ifornia; Ed.D. , Talbot School ofTheology. HAROLD LINDEN Director of Campus Safety, 1997 B.S., University of La Verne.
STELLA MA Assistant Deanof Student Affairs, 199 1 B.S.C., National UniversityofSingapore; M.A. ,Talbot School ofTheology. BARBARA MILLER Director of Student Ministri es, 1998 B.S., Palm Beach Atl anti c College; M.A. , Bi ola Uni ve rsit y. DAN PASCHALL Associate Dean of St udent Affairs and Residence Life, 1997 B.A, MA, Azusa Pacific University. BETH ANN PATTON Public Sm•ice Librarian , Librarian II , 1988 B.S.E., M.A. , Universityof Wisconsin . ERIC PLESCHNER Director of the Art Ga llery. PETER J. SILZER Director, Summer lnslitute Linguistics, 1992 B.A., Concord ia Lutheran College; Ph.D. , Aust ralian National University.
LELAND E. WILSHIRE Professor of History, 1979
B.A, Whitworth Col lege; B.D., Th.M., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Univers ityof Southern California. JENNIE KUK-YING WONG Professor of Music, 1964 LR.SM., Royal Schools of Music; F.T.C.L., L.T.C.L., Trinity College of Music; L.T.S.C., Tonic Sol-Fa College of Music. PETER YAM-POON WOO Associate Professor of Mathematics/ Computer Science, 1988 B.A, Un iversity of Hong Kong; MA, Ph.D. , UniversityofSouthern Californ ia. PHILIP WOODWARD Assoc iate Professor ofBusiness, 1990 B.S., University of Southern Califor nia; M.B.A., Cali forn ia State Univer sity, Fullerton; M.B.T., University of Southern California. J. WILLIAM WORDEN Professor of Psychology, 1985 B.A, Pomona College; B.D., Eastern Seminary; Ed.M., Harvard University; Ph.D., Boston Univers ity; A.B.P.P. CHERYL Z. ZUKERBERG Associate Professor of Nursing, 1983
B.S.N., M.S.N., California State Univers ity, Long Beach, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. PART-TIME FACULTY
The Biola University faculty each semester includes, in addi tion to the regular faculty members listed above, approximately81 persons teaching on a part-time basis equivalent to about 30 full-time equiva lent faculty posi tions . These persons bring to their
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