cation. Transc1ipts from all secondary schools and post-sec onda1)' institutions must be sem direc tly from tl1e school to Biola's Office ofAdmission in order to be considered official. All min scripts must be official and accompanied by a certified Engli sh u-anslation tl1at documents coursework and examina tions taken, indicate g1-ades received, identi~• passing and max imum marks and show evidence of seconda1)' gradua tion . Interna ti onal students must have successfull y com pleted college prepai-atOI)' courses in their home counuy If the student has attended university in his/ her home counli)' and would like u-ansfer credit, he/ she must have u-ansc1ipts eraluated by a professional creden tial agency. Undergradu ate u-ansfer international students must have completed satis facto1)' course work \\~tl1 a 2.5 academic GPA Infmmation is available in tl1e Office ofAdmission or the Regisu-ar's Office. Graduate Students - Official u-anscripts of all coll eges, universities or seminaries attended must be sent directlyfrom the school to Biola 's Office of Admission to be official. All u-ansc1ipts must be accompanied bya certified English u-ans lation that documents coursework and examinations taken , indicates grades received, identi fi es passing and maximum marks, and evidences completion of a Bachelor's degree. 3. A completed Affidavit of Support form that certifies the student has sufficient funds to study in the U.S. must be on fil e prior to acceptance and issuance of the I-20. The Affidavit of Support must be notarized and accompanied bysupporting bank statements or tax return forms. 4. Reference fonns - Undergraduate students are required to pro11de one reference from a pastor/ minister and another froma school admin istrator, teacher, and/ or employer who has known the applicant for at least one year. Reference fonns are provided by the University and are included with the application. Graduate students are required to provide references appropriate to their program. 5. A TOEFL score of 500 paper/ 173 computer test or an SAT I test for undergraduates. Graduate programs vary but start with a minimum score of TOEFL 550 paper test or 213 computer. Students will be referred to the Eng lish Language Studies Program for preparatory courses in English if scores are below requirements. Application Deadlines Biola University accepts international applications only for the fall semester. Spring admission is only open to current F-1 stu dents o-ansferring from another college/ university in the United States. The application deadline for enu-ance into the fall semes ter isJune I. Sp,ing semester applications should be filed prior to December I. The application process may take 3-6 months. Applicants are encouraged to apply well before the deadlines. Applicants interested in financial aid should apply several months before the stated deadlines. Late applicants will assume expenses for documents needing express postal delivery to and from the University. See ELSP section for program deadlines. Financial Responsibility of International Students The student must supply infonnation attesting to ability to provide United States dollars in the minimum amount required to support the costs of tuition and room and board, in excess of the cost of a round-uip fare from his/ her native countl)'.
St udents who can not locally ob tain a TOEFL Bulletin of Information and registra tion fonn should \\'lite for themse1·e ral months in advance to: Test of Eng li sh as a Foreign Language, Box 6Ei4 , Prince ton, NewJersey, USA 08541 (Phone: 609-771- 7100, Fax: 609-771-7500,Websi te: http://11~1~1• ). Because this test is administered onlyat certain times, the candi date for adm ission should inquire about testing dates well in advance of the date of anticipated school tern1 in the U.S. TOEFL/Bf PE Requirements for Specific Programs Undergraduate Programs The minimum TOEFL score for admi ssion is a total of 500 paper/ 173 computer for the undergraduate student. (TESOL minors must have a score of 550 paper/ 213 computer. ) Astu dent may submit an SAT I score for admi ssion instead of a TOEFL score. Students whose SAT I verbal score is below 480 . are required to take the Biola Engli sh Placement Exam (BEPE). Graduate Programs The minimum for admission to Biola's graduate schools is a total of 550 paper/ 213 computer (wi th a score of 55 or above for each of the three test sections) . The followin g graduate programs have different requiremen ts: TAL Programs 600 paper/ 250 computer TOEFL required Not accepted through ELSP (See TAL section) Th.M. 550 paper/ 213 computer TOEFL required BEPE required. Talbot Ph.D. 600 paper/ 250 computer TOEFL required BEPE not required (See Talbot Ed.D section)
600 paper/ 250 computer TOEFL required BEPE not required (compl ete ELSP course sequence as required) 550 paper/ 213 computer TOEFL required BEPE required. 600 paper/ 250 computer TOEFL required Not accep ted through ELSP
English Placement The Biola English Placement Exam (BEPE) is adminis tered to determine which course(s) (English 100, IOI , 102, 103, 105, 107 or 109), if an y, students must take. The course(s) must be taken during the student's first semester until the student has successfull y passed the English Depart ment Exit Test (EDET). There will be a late make-up fee of $15 when placement exams are not taken during orientation week of the student's first semester. Since admission to the University is based on the understand ing that the student 1111! successfullycomplete the ELSP sequence, students will not be allowed to graduate or continue at Biola if they do not complete their ELSP requiremenL For undergradu ate students, a "passing" score on the English Department Exit Test (EDET) must be achieved before taking English 100, 110 A or Bor before credit from other schools can be granted. Application Guidelines I. An application for admission , recent photo and a $45.00 non-refundabl e application fee. 2. Official Transcripts: Undergraduate Students - Undergraduate students are required to have completed the equivalent of 12 years of edu-
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