

ACADEMIC R ·!!iUi•,.!i• 1999-2000 SUMMER SESSION 1999 April 12-May 7 Registrat ion ; all continui ng students May30 Move in to summer housing May31 Memorial Day HolidayObserved (Monday- no classes) June 1-18 First session (3 weeks), undergraduate and graduate courses June 1

INTERTERM 2000 January 1 Unclergraduate/ Graduate appli cation deadline for Spring NewYear's DayHoliday January 3 Classes begin - late registration January 15 Rosemead applica tion deadline January 17 Martin Luther King Day Observed (Monday - no classes) January 21 Final day of instruction (undergraduate and graduate students) SPRING SEMESTER 2000 January 22 Engli sh Placement Examfor all non-native English speaking students January 26 Claim residence hall roomby noon January 26-28 Orientation fo r new students and registration for all students January 31 Classes begin - late registration Convocation February 9 Last day to complete registration February 11 Last day to add new classes February 28 FacultyTown Ha ll Meeting March B Day of Prayer (special chapel with regular class schedule for all students) Talbot and Intercultural Studies students' final draft of thesis due (May graduates) March 15-17 Missions Conference (special schedule of workshops and meetings in place of regular class schedule) March 24 Last clay to withdraw from classes; Las t day to rece ive a refund when dropping a class March 27-31 Begin academic advis ing for pre-registration April 10-May 5 Registration for Summer Session and pre-registration for Fall semester April 13 MA in Education Information Session April 18 Seminary Information Session

April 21 Good Friday Holiday (no classes) April 21-30 Easter Recess (classes resume 7:30 a.m. Monday, May I) May 1 FacultyTown Hall Meeting May2 Talbot and lnterculturalStudies students' first draft of thesis due (December graduates) May2

September6 Labor Day Holiday (Monday - no classes) Septembers Last day to complete registration September 10 Last dayto add newclasses September 13-17 Spiritual Emphasis Week (regular classes meet ) October4 FacultyTown Hall Meeting October 13 Day of Prayer (special chapel with reg- ular class schedule for all students) October 20-22 Torrey Memori al Bible Conference (special schedule of workshops and meetings in place of regular class schedule fo r all students) October 20 Talbot and lntercultura lStudies students ' final draft of thesis due (December graduates) October22 Last day to withdraw fromclasses; Last day to receive a refund when dropping a class October 25-29 Begin academic advising for pre-registration October 26 and 28 Talbot's Lyman Stewart Memorial Lectures October 27-November 24 Registration fo r Interterm and pre- registration for Spring semester November 1 Faculty Town Hall Meeting November 16 Seminary Information Session , 6-9 p.m. November24 Rosemead/ Talbot/ JCS students' doctoral dissertations to librarian November 25-28 Thanksgiving Recess (classes resume 7:30 a.m. Monday, November 29) December 2-3 University Day (6 p.m.111ursday to 9 p.m. Friday, regular classes meet - no exams) Decembers Talbot and Intercul tural studies students' first draft of thesis due (May graduates) December 13-17 Final Exam Week (undergraduate) December 17 Final day of instruction Mid-year commencement


Rosemead In formation Session May5

Unde rgraduate/ International app lication deadline for Fall June 19 Seminary InfonnationSession (Saturday) June 21-25 Psychology graduate comprehensive examinations June 21-Ju/y 9 Second session (3 weeks, graduate courses) June 21-July 23 Second session (5 weeks, undergraduate courses) July4 Independence Day July5 Independence Day Holiday Observed (Monday - no classes) August 1 Graduate application deadline for Fall August 9-13 Psychology graduate comprehensive exam inations FALL SEMESTER 1999 August 19-20 University facu ltyworkshop August 20 New students arrive on campus English Placement Exam for all non-native English-speaking students International Student Orientation August 21 Returning students arrive on campus Orientation for all graduate students August 23-25 Orientation and registration for new undergraduate students and registra- tion for all students August 25 Claim residence hall room by noon August 26 Classes begin - late registration August30 Convocation

Rosemead/ Talbol/ lCS students ' doctoral dissertations to librarian May22·26 Final Exam Week (undergraduate) May26 Fina l dayof ins truction May27 Commencement SUMMER SESSION 2000 May28 Move into summer housing May29 Memorial Day HolidayObserved (Monday-no classes) May 30-June 16 First session (3 weeks, undergraduate and graduate courses) June 1 Undergraduate application dead line for Fall International application deadline for Fall June 17 Seminary Information Session 6-9 p.m. June 19-23 Psychology graduate comprehensive examinations June 19-Ju/y 7 Second session (3 weeks, graduate courses) June 19-July 21 Second session (5 weeks, undergraduate courses) July4 Independence Day Holiday (Tuesday - no classes) August 1 Graduate application deadline for Fall August 7-11 Psychology graduate comprehensive examinat ions

Pi£ase note that this is theAcademic Cai£ndarfor the 1999-2000 school year only. Academic Ca/enda1, for the 2000-2001 school year will be auailab/£ in the Registrar's Office after April 1, 2000.

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