\~~1en a course is repeated where a studen t has received a "UW," a Dor Fgrade the first time, the better grade is the only one used in computing the cumulative GPA, and the units are counted only once. Both grades are shown on the student's per manent record. \%en a course is repeated where a student has received a Cor Bgrade the fi rst time, both the first and the sec ond grades figure into the total cumulative GPA co111 putation, the un its fro111 both courses are added to the student 's unit total, and both grades are shown on the student 's pennanent record. GRADE REPORTS Grade reports 11111 be issued at the end of each term by the Registrar's Office. Anydiscrepancy between this report and the student's personal record must be brought to the attention of the Registrar 's Office before the end of the following semester. GRADE CHANGES It is the student 's responsibility to bring any error in grades to the attention of the instructor within one semester fo llowing the issued grade. Grade changes are only allowable for computational or record ing errors and must be corrected no later than the last dayof classes of the next full term semester. DEAN'S LIST Students achieving a semester GPA of 3.6 or better while enrolled in 12 or more un its with a cumula ti ve GPA of 3.2 or better, wil l be placed on the semester Dean 's List. AUDITORS Students wishing to audit must pursue standard application and registration procedures. Auditing students cannot register for a course until after the second week of the semester. (See Financial Information for fees.) Acourse taken for audit cannot be repeated for credit at a later date. Students wishing to audit graduate-level courses must be college graduates and must pay the appropriate per unit fee. Auditors must receive permission from both the Registrar 'sOffice and the instructor of the course. ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-time load is 12 units at the undergraduate level. Astudent who is on academic probation may be limited to 12 units or less depending upon his grade point average. Amini mum of 10 units must be taken bythose living on campus. The minimum full-time load is eight units for those in graduate degree programs. Those canying less than the full time load but more than 3 units are considered part-time stu dents. Graduate students carrying 3 units or less are normally conside red less than part time. ATalbot student is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 17 units each semester. The normal full-time load for a Rosemead student is 12 to 16 hours per semester, but not less than nine hours. Without the advisor's approval, a student maynot carry over 16 units in any semester. Part-time registration of less than nine units is permit ted on ly after a student has been admitted to candidacy. Rose mead does not admi t part-time students to its degree programs. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In physical edu-
The fo ll owing grades are also used with special significance in certain programs and are no t used in computi ng the GPA: CR Credit 1 0.00 NC 1 o Credit 3 S Satisfactory 1 0.00 US Unsatisfactory 3 0.00 RD Report Delayed 0 RC Registered in course~ R Research 1 0.00 IP Internship in Progress 1 0.00 W Withdrawai3 AUD Audit3 0.00 NR Not reported by fac ulty3 NO Non-graded Course 1 0.00 1 No grade points/ Credit giren 2 No grade points 3 No grade poinL,/ No credit given · Special Notations on Course Titl es CPL Credit for Prior Learning PTT Professional and Technical Training The two notations above apply to the BOLD program. CPL and nT are not considered resident units. SLC Service Learning Contract This type of course involves the student in a ministry off campus in the commun ity. Acredit "CR" indicates the completion of course work with academic performance equal to or higher than the "satisfac tory" standard for the degree program (normally "C" 2.00 for undergraduate programs and "B" 3.00 for graduate programs.) A 'W" indi cates an offi cial withdrawal (within the third to eighth week) from a course and does not affect the student 's grade point average. A "UW" indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for courses but do not attend classes are given the grade of "UW" which 11111 innuence the GPA the same as an "F." A temporary mark of "RD " (report delayed) will be issued in special cases when approved by the Dean of School of Arts and Sciences (undergraduate students) and the deans of the respective schools (graduate students). The grade point average of a student is obtained bydivid ing the total number of units attempted at Biola University into the tota l number of grade points obtained at Biola. (This calculation does not include courses transferred from another institution and starts anew for graduate programs.) To graduate with a baccalaureate degree, a student must have at least twice as many grade points as uni ts in total credit value of all courses undertaken at Biola (2 .00 GPA) and a 2.00 GPA in the major fie ld. Higher standards are required for graduate degrees, as stated elsewhere in this catalog. REPEATED COURSES A student will be permitted to repeat a course in which eithe r a "UW," a D or an F grade was earned. Courses in which grades earned were either C or B, may be repea ted only with approval from the Registrar 's office. Onlycourses taken at Biola University will be used to change course grades. In additi on, the student must noti fy the Registrar 's Office, the semester a course is repeated.
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