cal science requires 132 uni ts and nursing requires 141uni ts. For specific major requirements please see indicated major listings. 2. Completion of all academic requirements and approl'al of the sllldent's graduation petition by the major ad1~sor and the Registrar 's Office a year before graduation . To ensure comple tion of degree requirements, the nom1al academic load, du1ing the last year, for a student anticipating graduation is 18 units. Those students who 11~sh to take more are expec ted to notify their grad uation counselor. Approval fo r the addi tional units beyond the nonn will be made through the Registrar's office. 3. At least three lntertenns (minimum of 3 units per lntert erm). Students are strongly encouraged to take an Interterm course each of their first three years, so as to retain maximum fl exibili ty for completing all requirements in the senior year. 4. A minimum of 30 un its must be taken at Biola Uni ve rsity, at least 15 units (upper division level) in the major .fi eld. Extension credit or credit byexam ination may not be used to fulfill th e minimum residence requirement of 30 semester units. See paragraph for in fo rmation on minors. 5. Aminimum "C" average (or a 2.00 grade point aver age) is required on work taken at Biola Un iversity and withi n mos t of the majo r fie lds . (Note: GPA requirements are higher in some majors. See departmental requirements.) 6 All correspondence course work must be completed and an official transcript received by the Registrar 's Office before the sen ior year, two semesters prior to graduation . 7. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Biola University. 8. All students who have entered the Uni ve rsi ty in the fall I986 or later and who wi ll be graduating in th e spring 1990 or later must pass the Writing CompetencyExam. Special Note: All graduation requirements may be met wi thin four school yean by canying approximately 16or.1 7units each semes ter. A student may still be graduated within four yem, if hewishes to take a lighter wad and enroll in SummerSession and/or lnterterm. GRADUATION HONORS - UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Honors at graduation for baccalaureate recipients are based on overall performance, Chri stian values, and a mini mum 60-unit residency. Honors are not automaticall y granted. They are granted by the faculty and may be with held or modified. The university honors have been defined by the Academic Standards Committee as: Cum Laude GPA 3.50-3.69 Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.70-3.89 Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.90-4.00 Honan recognized in the graduation ceremony may be changed based on the processing offinal grades. Graduate and BOLD stu de nts should check with their program section in the catalog for honors qualification. HONOR SOCIETY A select group of graduating seniors are chosen by the faculty each year to membership in Epsilon Kappa Epsilon, the baccalaureate honor society of Biola University. Eligibil ity is based on invitation from the deans' office. Students receiving an invitation must complete the application form
and return it to the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Fi nal selec tion is based upon scholasti c perfo rmance, Christian witness and con tributi ons to the Biola communi ty. Membership is limited to no more than 5% of the graduating class. To be eligi ble fo r membe rship , a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or high er and must have completed 80 credit units at Biola prior to the semester of graduati on . BOLD stu dents shou ld check their program for a li sting of honors. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Requirements for All Graduate Degrees See individual degree programs for spec ifi c requirements for graduati on. I. Co mpl eti on of all academic requir ement s and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major adviso r and the Registrar's Office a year before graduation . 2. All course wo rk during the fina l semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Biola Uni versity. 3. Aminimum of twenty-four (24) units must be taken at Biola Un ivers ity in the degree program. 4. Aminimum of twenty-four (24) distinct units must be completed at Biola in any additional graduate degree at the same level. This applies to the second (or additional) degrees and double degrees taken at Biola for all gradua te programs. Double Emphases Amin imum of 12 units must be taken that are unique to the second emphasi s. (i.e., Talbot: a minimum of 78 units for two emphases in the M.A. and a minimum of 110 units for two emphases in the M.Div. degree). Al l prerequisi tes, sup porting courses, and departmental requirements for both of the em phases must be completed prior to the singl e com mencement. The student must receive the approval of both the departments and approval of the Registrar 's Office. Second Master's Degree Students seeking a second master's degree must com plete a minimum of 24 distinct units in a second area of major study, taken at Biola University (i.e., Talbot: a mini mum of 90 uni ts for two M.A.s, and a minimum of 122 units for an M.Div. and an M.A. are required for graduation with a second master's degree) . All prerequisites, supporting co urses and departmental requirements for each degree must be completed prior to graduation. The student must receive approval from both the academic departments and the Registrar's Office. The student may choose to graduate with both degrees at one commencement or different com mencements. A student may petition the Registrar and the school faculty to surrender the first certificate or master 's degree to avoid the required extra 24 units. The programs in Talbot School of Theology are accred ited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) . ATS requires that a minimum of 50% of Talbot ' s degree pro grams be taken in residency (i.e. , not transferred in nor shared with any other program). (ATS Standards, 1998)
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