Bio/a University is a co11111111nity of Christians committed to the p,incijJles of Christian living found in the Bible and holds that these biblical standards are vital lo our i1ulivid11al and co,porate relation ships. 1Waintaining these standards contributes to the kind of atmos phere in which quality Cluistian education and spiritual nurture can best occur, and strengthens the testimony of Bio/a within both Christian and secular communities. In this light , and given the clear biblical imperative for spiritual self-discipline, the University has established these "standards of condu cl" lo be observed and upheld, iJy all members of the Bio/a community. Consistent with the example and command ofJesus Christ, we believe that life within a Cluislian community must be lived to the glory of God, with love for God and for our neighbors. Being indwelt by the Holy Spi,il, we st,ive to wail< iJy the Spirit, "crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires" (Galatians 5:24). To this end, members of the Bio/a community are not lo engage in activities which Scripture forbids. Such activities include, but are nol limiud lo, dishonesty, lhieveiy, fornication , adulteiy, homosexual practice, drunkenness and unscriptural divorce. Scripture also condemns other "deeds of theflesh" such as covetousness, jealousy, p,ide and lust - sins which the maturing Christian should put off, and replace with 1ruil of the spi1il ": love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fai thfulness, gentleness and selfconlrol (e.g., Luke 10:27; Galatians 2:20, 5: 14-24; Ephesians 2:3; l Corinlhimu 6:9-10). As a Christian educational institution, Bio/a also recognizes the responsibility of its board of trustees, faculty and staff lo provide examples ofmaluring Christian character conduct to its students and the community al large. To this end, participation in certain prac-
/i ces has been traditionally lieut by the University to be inapprop,iate for members of the Bio/a community. Such jJracti ces relate to areas of pmonal discipline and are in keeping with the &iblical admonilion that Christians gl01ify God in their physical bodies as "the temple of th e Holy Spilil" (]Co,inthians 6:19-20), and that /heir freedom in Christ must not cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble (lCo,inthians 8:7-13; 10:23-33). f\,/embm of the Bio/a community are expecled to refrain from theuse of alcoholic bevaages and tobacco in any fonn, and from gambling. Furthemzore, diswnmenl must be exercised in avoiding all activities which may be spiritually or morally harmful. Individual decisions regarding movies, television programs, all fonn of electronic media and other activities a,i expected loreflect this moral commitment . Bio/a University does not presume to be a censoring agency for all activities; it does, howeva, expect tangi&le evidence ofmaturing Ch,istian conuictiom and discaningjudgment. In addition, membns of the Biota community will obmve Sun day as the Lord's Day and give primary attention lo worship, rest , C/11istian fellowship and recreation, and savice. These standards app ly to the student while enroll ed in any of the schools or programs of the University on and off campus. In addi ti on, these standa rds app ly to the board members during their term of service on the Biola Uni versity Board of Trustees, and to facu lty and staff during their term of employment with Bi ola University. Biola therefore reserves the right to di sc ipline or di sm iss any student or employee who, in its judgment, does not conform to these conduct stan dards or to other expressed principles, policies, programs and expectations of the university governi ng employee conduct.
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