COMMUTER STUDENTS Students who live off campus are an important part of our university communi ty. Because it may take more effort for com muter students to feel a part of a university community, com muter students are su·ongly encouraged to interact with those students living in residence hallsand to participate in student life on campus. Involvement in clubs and leadership opportunities is strongly encouraged. For undergraduate students, the Stu dent Senate and the Student Relations Board have designated positions which provide representational status for commuters. Information and services for commuter students, including com muter hostel housing, are handled through the Student Affairs Division and the Department ofAuxiliary Services. FOOD SERVICE Biola provides excell ent food service for all students. A wide variety of en trees , sandwiches, soups, fresh fruits, bread, beverages, and desserts is offered. The food service staff will work out individual programs for students with special dietary requirements or weight reduction programs pre scribed bya physician. Avariety of meal plans are avai lable. All students living in the residence halls are required to choose ei ther a 10-, 12-, 15- or 20-meal plan; or a 10-, 12-, 15- or 20-flex-meal plan. (The numbers indicated are meals per week.) A "flex " plan is 10, 12, 15 or 20 meals per week at Cafe Biola, our dining room, plus "flex points" to purchase additional meals either at Cafe Biola, the Eagles' Nest, our on-campus coffee shop, or Com mon Grounds, our coffee house. There is a 5-meal plan and a 5-fl ex-meal plan which are provided on ly for graduate students, commuter students, or students who reside in the Biola apartments. Students who sign a meal-plan contract must inform Aux iliary Services if they wish to cancel their meal plan. They will be charged up to the end of the week in which Auxiliary Services is notified of the cancellation . DUPLICATING CENTER The Biola Duplicating Center, located on the McNally Campus, is available to students, staff, faculty and the public. The duplicating center has high-speed duplicating equipment and can do a variety of jobs, including thermal binding, tabs, covers, color copying, etc. Our prices are generally lower than off-campus duplicating stores. There is also an after-hours drop box located outside of the duplicating center. BOOKSTORE The Biola Bookstore is open Monday through Saturday for the convenience of the students, faculty, staff and public. All required textbooks, as well as general books and supplies, are avai lable. The Bookstore has a large selection of Christian books and offers Bibles in a variety of styles and bindings at sub stantial discounts. Biota insignia clothing and a large selection of greeting cards, school supplies, donn-room furniture/ acces sories, gift items and music. The bookstore welcomes special orders via its 1-800-MY-BIOLA phone line. For a fee, Fax mes sages may be sent or received at the Bookstore and a quick-
turnaround photo developmem servi ce is provided. Aconven ience store (located inside the bookstore) contains a generous selec tion of soft drinks, j uices, yogurts, ice cream, snacks and candi es. During school breaks and vacations the Bookstore has shortened hours. Please call (562 ) 903-4883 for in fo rmaLi on. Computer Store Located within the Bookstore, the Biola Computer Store exists to aid students with their academic programs. The Com puter Store offers exceptional pricing on Apple Macintosh prod ucts through a special agreement 11~th Apple Computers, In c. Designed to meet the academic community's needs for comput ers, software and accessories, the student 11~11 find most of their computing needs convenientlymet, at ve1 1• competitive prices. Through agreements with Microsoft, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus , WordPerfect and others, some software can be purchased at one half to one-third the non-academic rate. Many titles are kept in stock. Feel free to contact us about your software needs. The Computer Store keeps different hours than the bookstore, please call ahead (562) 903-4884 and check our hours. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER The Student Health Center provides health se1vices for all registered students. The facility is located directly across from the libra1y Consultation with a physician or a nurse are free, however there is a fee for medications or specific treatments. Payment is requilid at the time ofeach uisit by c.ash , check or credit card. Spouses of enrolled students are eligible for se1vices at the Stu dent Health Center for an office 1~sit fee of $35.00. The Heal1h Cenler does not prouideseroices tochi/Llren. Office hours are as follows: Monday through Friday; 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. with no lunch closing. Appoi ntments are preferred, but walk-ins are we lcomed. Summer sessions and lnterterm office hours are reduced. Please consu lt Health Center staff for specific hours of operation. Insurance All students who en roll in 7 units or more or those stu dents who li ve in a university facility are required to have cur rent health insurance. Biola offers a catastrophi c accident and illness policy for those who do not have an insurance plan. Cost of insurance is subject to change. Health Requirements Undergraduates - All students who register for 7 units or more and those who are residents of university housing are required to have an entrance physical exam completed by a physic ian or licensed health care provider using the stan dardized Biota University physical exam form. Non-Resident Graduates - A Student Health History, immunization record and current TB test (within one year), completed and on file in the Health Center, are required. Resident Graduates - A physical exam, completed and on fi le in the Health Center, is required for all resident gradu ate students. Any of the above forms are available through the Office of Admissi ons or the Student Health Center. Please check with the Health Center staff for assistance or other specific information at (562) 9034841.
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