forests, wetlan ds, lakes and ri vers, students take courses, gain fi eld experience, and develop practi cal tools for environmental stewardship. Several courses offered in the summer and in tert ermmay be used fo r upper division elec ti l'e uni ts in the biology maJOr. Fi nancial ass istance is availabl e from Au Sable. In te r ested students shou ld obta in in fo rmation and forms from Dr. Rafe Payne, Department ofBiologi cal Sciences. FOCUS ON THE FAMILY INSTITUTE Biola University is participating 111th the Focus on the Fam ily Institute to offer a unique program of study. Selected stu dents will spend an entire semester of study at Focus on the Family in Co lorado Springs, Colorado. The students will be participating in classes designed to address the critical issues fac ing today's famili es. Students will also gain practical , rele vant knowledge from classes that survey the latest trends and be -exposed to today's religious, educational and political leaders. In addition, students will be challenged to investigate current research whi le balancing professional responsibility. Opportunities for integration of faith and learning will be provided throughout the experience. This will also allow for specialized education and training while netwo rking with some of the most exciting leaders of our day. Parti cipants will apply following their sophomore or jun ior year of study at Biola. The selection process is competi tive among students from many colleges/ universities, with selectees being determined byFocus on the Fami ly Institute. Special planning must be accomplished with the Dean of Academic Reco rds to ensure that course selection fits wit h graduation requirements. For more informati on about th is program, please con tact the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. COUNCIL FOR CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES - OFF CAMPUS STUDY PROGRAMS The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, an asso ciation of over ninety institutions, offers the following semester and summer programs to students of its member institutions. These programs offer a unique opportunityfor students to make the world their classroom, going beyond the confines of the tra ditional classroom. These off-campus, interdisciplinary learning opportunities are available to juniors and seniors. For further information, please contact the Dean of Humanities, or the appropriate director of the program. Cost for Council Special Programs is at the same rate as the normal Biola tuition. Because Biola University is a member of the Council, these diverse off-campus study programs are available to juniors and seniors 111th a minimum G.P A of 2.75. For further informa tion regarding academic requirements, financial arrangements and schedule planning see the program director. American Studies Program (ASP) Founded in I976, the American Studies program has served hundreds of students from Council member institutions as a "Washington, D.C., campus." ASP uses Washington as a stimulat ing educational laboratory where collegians gain hands -on expe rience with an internship in their chosen field and explore press ing national and international issues in public policy seminars
which are issue-oriented, interdi sciplina1y and led by ASP facu lty and Washington professionals. In ternships are tailored to fit the student 's tale nts and aspirations and are avai labl e in a wide range of fields. ASP bridges classroom and marketplace, com bining biblical renections, policyanalysis and real-world expe1i ence, Students are exposed to on-the-job learn ing that helps them build for their future and gain perspective on the calling of God for their li ves. 1l1e are challenged in a rigorous course of study to discover for themselves the meaning of Christ's lordship in putting their beliefs into practi ce. The aim of the program is to help Council schools prepare their students to live faithfull yin contemporary society as followers of ChrisL Students earn 16 semester hours of credit. For additional information see the Political Science section , or make inquiry 111th Dr. David Peters in the Departmen t of Political Science. Components Recommended Credits Foundation for Publi c Involvement and PolicyAnal ysis 2 Domesti c Policy* 3 International Policy* 3 Internship/ Practicum § 16 *One unit of study each semester looks at an economic issue in either domestic or international policy. China Studies Program (CSP) The China Studies Program is an interdisciplina1y, semes teral program based at Fudan Uni versity in Shanghai , China. Whil e living and expe1i encing Chinese civilization firsthand, students participate in courses on the historical, cultural, reli gious, politi cal, geographical and economic realities of this strategic and populous nation . In addition to the study of standard Chinese, students participate in community-based service learning projects whil e resident. The program seeks to introduce students to China 's diversity and includes visits to Beijing, Xi 'an, and Hong Kong. This unique program of study enables Christian students to learn about this increas ingly important part of the world in an informed, Christ-cen tered waywhile earning 16 units undergraduate credit. Upper division students of any major who are inter-ested in more information concerning the program or who wish to apply should contact Dr. Mary Ann Lind in the History DepartmenL Development Studies in Honduras Students attending the Development Studies in Honduras spend a fall semester studying development theori es as theyplay out in the third world. Theywill be living with a Honduran fani ily and experiencing life in the third world. The group visits banana plantations, farms that grow shrimp for export, and the agriculture, health and literacy projects of development organi zations, and analyzes their impact in improving the lives of the poor in Honduras. For additional information and application see Dr. Brad Christerson in Sociology. Seminars Units Exploring a Third World Society 3 The Problem of Poverty 3 Development Theory and Practice 3 Spanish Language 4-8 13-17
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