Russian Studies Program (RSP) RSP st udents are exposed to th e depth and di ve rsity of Russian culture during a semeste r spent in Russia's three largest citi es: Moscow, St. Petersbu rg and Nizhn li Novgorod. In addi tion to three seminar courses entitled History and Soci ology of Religion in Russia; Russian Peoples: Cultures and Lit erature; and Russia in Transition; students receive in st ruction in the Russian language choosing either four or six semester hours of language coursework. For those opting for the fou r hours of Russian a seminar course entitled International Rela tions and Business in Russia is al'ailable. The RSP stri ves to give students as 1,~de an experience as possible in this complex nati on, beginning with time in Moscow, the heart of both medi eval and modern Russia. Students then spend 12 weeks in Nizhnli Novgorod, a su-ategic city on the Volga Ri ve r. After six weeks of language instruction, students li ve with a Russ ian ·family for the remainder of thei r stay in this city. Students also participate in a service opportuni ty in Nizhn li Novgorod. The program concludes with a week spen t in the compl ex and inu·iguing city of St. Petersburg, the Russian "¼~ndow to the West. " Students generally earn 16 semester hours. For addi tional information and application, contac t Dr. Chris Grace at the Rosemead School of Psychology. Components Recommended Credits Russian language 6 Seminars: Russian His tory and Culture 4 Post-Communist Russian Transi tion 4 Service Projec t £ 16 SUMMER PROGRAMS Oxford Summer School Program The summer equivalent of the Oxford Honors Program allows students of Council member institutions to spend a sum mer term studying at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) of Keble College at Oxford University. The program includes multi-disciplinary study of the renaissance and Reformation through examination of philosophy, art, liter ature, science, music , politics, and religion of early modern Europe in a choice of lectures, seminars and field trips. Stu· dents earn 6-9 semester credits which are administered directly to member institutions by CMRS. Unlike the Council-spon sored programs, credits at the Oxford Summer School Program are generated directly at the University of Oxford. Compomnts Recommended Credits Lecture course 3 Seminar 3-6 6-9 (The Oxford Summer School is a Council-affiliated, not Coun cil-sponsored program.) Summer Institute of Journalism {SIJ) Council campuses are invited to choose two student jour nalist to apply for this four-week , all expenses-paid experi ence to Washington, D.C. Fifteen students are selected to participate in the Institute, which last from mid-May to mid-
June. The Ins titute blends classroom expe ri ence with hands on work and is an excellent opportunity to learn through lec tures and panels with leading journalists who sha re a strong Chri stian comm itment. Partic ipants also part icipate in semi nars taught by communica ti ons professo rs from Cou ncil member insti tuti ons , take part in fi eld trips, and complete wo rkshop projects for local newspapers. Th e cou rse pro1~des valuabl e insight and training in gathering and wr iting news, editing copy and des igning layout. The In st itute seeks to develop students as Christian Journali sts-exhibi ti ng both professionalism and legal/ ethical integrity. Students gener allyea rn 4 semester hours of credit. OVERSEAS STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM The International Student Exchange Program provides Biola students with the opportun ity to study at a Ch ri stian uni ve rsi ty in Japan or Korea. Presentl y, students can study in English at Tokyo Christian Un iversity in Japan and at Yonsei University and Han Nam Un ivers ity, or they can st udy in Korean at JeonJu University or Seoul Women 's University, in Korea. Studen ts can go for one or two semesters if th ey have fini shed their first year at Biola with a GPA of3.0 or higher. For add iti onal information and an application, contact the Department of International Student Education. OTHER STUDY TOURS Along with these regularlyscheduled programs, there are often othe r opportunities for study and travel. For instance, during th e past few years Biol a has sponsored a summer study tour in the former Soviet Un ion . Also, Biola occasion ally offers students the chance to attend fore ign universities as exchange students. On occasion , students can apply for exchange programs at Yonsei University, Han Nam Uni ver sity, Jeon Ju University and Seoul Women's Un ivers ity in Korea as well as at Tokyo Chr ist ian University in Japan. Nursing majors frequentl y have special study opportunities in Alaska and Ecuador. Biola students are also eligible to apply for programs sponsored by the Council of Christian Coll eges and Universities, such as the program at the Cen tre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Oxford, England. For information about which travel programs are currently offe red, please contact the Office of Admission . BIOLA ENGLISH STUDY TOUR PROGRAM OF ISE This is a four-week summer English study tour program for international college students who would like to study the English language and American culture at Biola. The pro gram includes intensive study along with weekend and daily activiti es. The final four days of the program consist of a field trip to Northern California. There are additional optional programs available for stu· dents who wish to further their interaction with American people and their culture. Interested students should contact the Department of International Student Education.
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