

SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS AT BIOLA In cooperation with the Summer Institute of Linguistics and Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA, the Unil'ersity offers an intensil'e program for students plann ing to work in crosscultural mi ssions. Expe1ienced instructors from Wycliffe teach courses in phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, literacy, Bible translation based on the fie ld studies of SIL workers around the world. These courses are equivalent to those offered at other SIL schools and are recognized as valid for membership in Wycliffe and other mis­ sion organizations. This collaboration enriches the applied li n­ guistics program b)' offering students both undergraduate and graduate training fo r culturallyappropriate field-based work. Interested students should contact the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics for addi tional information. TORREY HONORS IN BERKELEY Biola Berkeley is a three- to six-week Summer School course of the Torrey Honors Institute designed to give Biola/ Torrey students an opportuni ty to read books, attend lectures, parti ci­ pate in discussion groups, visi t the cultural points of interest, and be involved in practical ministry, such as evangelism. This program offers up to eight units of undergraduate credit which are applied to the program offered at the ToITey Institute. There will be one or two sessions, each consisting of four (4) uni ts. This program will help those who need to use their junior or sen ior year for their majors. It will offer other students the unique opportunity for spiritual bonding and intel­ lec tual growth to be fostered together with fellow classmates in ways that cannot be done during the year. For additional infor­ mation and application, contact Torrey Honors Institute. Components Recommended Credits YMDT 410 American Evangelical Writings 4 and/ or YMDT 465 Eschatological Writings 1 4-8 SUMMER SESSION A continuing Summer Session program provides students with the opportunity for a greater degree of fl exibili ty in plan­ ning their total program. Students may en rich their course of study and reduce the overall time spent in school or decrease their regular course load by careful selection of Summer Ses­ sion courses. Visiting students find it refreshing to study in a different atmosphere and perhaps a different locale, and entering students find it helpfu l in gain ing advanced standing. Work taken may be applied to both the degree and the teach­ ing credential programs. Instruc tion is offered in standard courses by the Biola faculty and capable visiting professors. Gmrses offered cover theareas ofan, Bible, theology, history, liter­ an.ire, mathematics, philosophy, fJ¥hology, biological nence, socio~ ogy and other subjects, including education courses for teaching cre­ dential candidates. Graduate courses in education, in tercultural stud­ ies, theology and p:sychology enable graduate students to continue their programs during the summer. Credit is also available in connec­ tion with excellent fo reign tours conducted during the summer. Tuition, room and ooard are lower than regular charges at private co~ leges; total costs are competitive with state summer school charges. See section on financial information forSummerSession tuition.

Certa in courses or workshops may be offe red in the sum­ mer that are not listed in this bulletin. Courses may be inno­ va til'e or the content may be in response to specialized needs or cu rrent to pics. Such co urses will be described in the sepa­ rate Summer Session bull etin. Requests for th e Summer Session bull etin (avai lable abou t March I5) and app lica ti on forms for admission should be addressed to the Office of Admission. Admission to the summer program does not presuppose or grant acceptance to the Uni versity for the regular school year. SUMMER STUDIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Program Purpose The purpose of this program to provide a short-term uni­ versity experi ence for high schoo l students who want to ge t an early start on their university degree. Enrollment for the summer session is open to high school students who have completed their junior year. We are strongl y urging home school students to participate in this program. The Program Students may enroll in as many as three lower division (100 - 200 level) courses for a maximum of nine uni ts of uni­ versity credit. These courses will take place du ring the regu­ lar summer school calendar. If the studen t desires to take th ree cou rses , it is recommen ded that he/she take one course in Bible, one course in general education , and one course in the major that theyare considering. This program is designed for individuals v.1th a high degree of self-motivation and personal discipline. Students \\111 live in a residence hall wi th other high school and university students, and 11111 be expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the stated behavioral standards of our university campus. Applicants should read carefully the standards of conduct section in the general catalog and be willing to abide by these standards. Academic Credit All students in the program will begin to establish an offi­ cial university transcript. Grades fo r the summer courses will be included on this transcript. Students who wish to fulfill high school requirements should make arrangements with their high school prin cipal or Independent Study Program Administrator before beginning the program. Biola Univer­ sityhas nojurisdi ction over high school policy in thi s matter. Admissions Requirements The same requirements for general admission to Biola Uni­ versity will apply to those who participate in this special learning opportunity. Entrance requirements for this program include: l. Attained a 3.0 ("B") grade point average 2. Complete a Biola University admissions application 3. Letter of reference from their high school counselor 4. Letter of reference from church youth pastor or pastor ::i. Official transc ript of high school grades Application Procedure Request an admissions application for the Summer Studies for High Schoo l Students Program. Complete the informa­ tion that is requested and return it to the Office of Admission.


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