

do not complete it before th ey enroll will follow th e Biola Gene ral Education curriculum. TheIGETCfor the University of Qilijomia (UC) system is NOT recommended. ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Biola Universit y, as a member of th e Col lege Entrance Examination Board, recognizes the merits of the Advanced Placement Program and will grant cred it for Advanced Place­ ment co urses taken in high schoo l. Credit will be given when recommended by th e hi gh schoo l and when the Advanced Pl acement examinat ion is grade 3 or better. Note: A maximum of 32 units can be awarded for all forms of advanced credit (AP, CLEP IB, etc.) Milita ry mdit is unlimited. The maximum for CPL is 30 units. COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Biola University subscribes to the College Level Examina­ tion Program (CLEP) of the Coll ege Entrance Exam ination Board . Biola Unive rsity encourages transfer students from non-accredited schools to val idate certain credi ts on the basis of the examinations provided by this program. High school students with superi or records are encouraged to take the general examinations prior to attending Biola Universi ty. Cred it fo r CLEP general exami nat ions wi ll be awarded on ly in those areas where a general education requirement has not been met by previous co ll ege coursework and only up to the amount needed to complete the requirement. (For example, a minimum of only eight units in the sc iences and mathematics wi ll be released if the students have no credi ts in these areas.) Elective credit wi ll not be given for the general examinations of CLEP. Credit 11~11 be awarded for CLEP subject examinations in areas not covered byCLEP general examinations, pro11ded no college credits have been attempted or earned in the same field. Students should not take English composition through CLEP. Students are advised to take the CLEP test as earlyas pos­ sible in their college program to receive the maximum value from them. Biola University reserves the right to determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded. The Registrar' s Office has final au thority for the release of CLEP credits into Biola Universi ty. CHALLENGING ACOURSE You may be able to challenge a course or requirement if the department has a challenge exam available. Check with the specific department to see if a comprehensive challenge exam is available . If your performance on a comprehensive examination demonstrates a good grasp of the course conten t an exemption from taking the course but no units or credits will be allowed. However, in the case of the R.N., L.V.N. and Bible survey courses, they may be granted credit units based on the suc­ cessful completion of the challenge exami nations. Specific information regarding these exami nations is available from the Department of Nursing. For further information see the university registrar.

Transfer students 1,·ill not be requi red to take the SAT I or the ACT if given sophomore classification upon entrance (req uires 27 semester unit of accep ted credits). Howerer, all transfer students entering the nursing program mu st hare the SAT I or the ACT. Transfer students coming from institutions whi ch are not accredi ted nor recognized may be given the opportunity to validate credits th rough the College Level Examination Pro­ gram or through consu ltation . In fo rmation on this proce­ du re is available from the Admissions and Registrar's offices. Provisional credit for liberal arts courses from non-acc red­ ited institutions will be granted in accordance with the poli­ cies of state coll eges or universities of the state in which the institution is located. Provisional credit is considered va li­ dated on lywhen the student performs at the "C" level or bet­ ter following enrollment in Biola Un iversity. For students with previous credit, a combined maximum of 32 units 11111 be awarded for all forms of general education advanced credit options including AP, CLEP an d In terna­ ti onal Baccalaureate. A student will be permitted to transfer a maximum of 70 units of credit from a community coll ege. Upper divisi on credit cannot be allowed for courses taken in a communi ty col­ lege. Final autho1ity for the acceptance of transfer credits into Biola University rests with the Registrar's Office. Current stu­ dents taking co urses at local community co ll eges whil e enrolled at Biola sho uld request written prior approval of courses in order to assure that transfer cred it will meet the needs of their curriculum. No course below a "C" (2.0) will be transferred from another institu tion . Credit/No credit and Pass/Fai l courses should not be taken. Vocational or technical courses will not be accepted for university credi t. Admission counselors are prepared to give academic advisement to those attending, or planning to attend, commun ity colleges 111th the intention of transferri ng into Biola Un iversity. Biola University will accept co rrespondence credit from regionally accredited or recognized school s. The maximum allowed is I :i semester units of credit of which the maximum limit for Bible is six units. GENERAL EDUCATION OPTIONS FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS Transfer studenlS mayfulfill their general education require­ ments bycompleting Biola Unive rsity's General Education Cur­ riculum or, p1ior to enrolling at Biola, completing the Interseg­ mental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) . The IGETC mode l for the California State University (CSU) system is accepted by Biola Universi ty with the follow­ ing provisions: I. The current foreign language requirement for all bachelors degrees will be retained. 2. The minimum of 130 units fo r graduation will stay the same. 3. In addition to the IGETC, all prerequisites and sup­ port courses for existing majors must be met. 4. Transfer students following the IGETC must com­ plete it before th ey enroll at Biola University. Students who

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