each class may require an unprepared studen t to change to a lower leve l class. Enrollment in Spanish classes will be deter mined on the basis of a mandatory placement exam. Stu dents who do not maintain continuous enrollment in the pro gram must be retested and placed accordingly. If the student needs lO review prior coursework, he sho uld aud it the appro priate lower-level course. Repea ting a level for credit will for feit al l prior experi ence credit fo r that level and above. Exceptions to this policy are noted under the appropriate departments (please note the unit difference per semester for classical languages) . International students for whom English is a second language need not take a foreign language under cer tain circumstances. In addition, students who have acqui red a second language 1,~ thout taking high school or college classes in it may be eligible for a waiver of the requirement. (For advise ment see the Foreign Language Depar tment.) All non-native speakers of Engl.ish will be ab/,e lo count 12 units of ESL imtmclion (both ELI and ESL cow,es ai the 103 /,eve/ and above) /award gradua tion. For students pursuing the B.A. degiee, the 12 units of ESL will satisfy theforeign language requiremenl. For students pum1ing theB. S. degree, four units uri/1 satisfy the foreign language requirement, and an additional eight units can be wunted as e/,edives. Sign languagedoes not meet the foreign languagerequirement at Bio/a University. English 6units ENGL 100 Basic Studies in Critical Thinki ng and Writ ing or ENGL I IOA/ B Critical Thinking and Writing All students scoring less than 480 on the verbal section of the SAT (or 16 ACT) must enroll in English 100, unless they rece ive a score of 510 or better on the SAT II Writing Exam. There will be a late make-up fee of $25 when placement exams are not taken on the dates indicated in the student's acceptance letter. Non-native English speakers who do not pass the Biola English Placement Exam (BEBE) must enroll in the prescribed English for Non-Native Speakers course(s) prior to enrolling in English 100 or I JOA. No te: International students, please see the English Lan guage Studies section of the cata log for English I 02, I 03, 105, 107, and 109. Literature 3 units ENGL 220 Film and Literature ENGL 230 Literature in Context ENGL 240 American Literature ENGL 251 English Literature to I 798 ENGL 252 English Literature Since 1798 Students may take any one of the above courses to fulfill the literature requirement. With the English Department chair 's permission, the student may substitute any upper divi sion literature course from English or foreign languages. Fine Arts 3 units Anyone of the following will meet this requirement: ARTS 100 Art Appreciation ARTS 103 Non-Western Art ARTS 106 Art of the Past ARTS 130 Introduction to Studio Arts COMM 160 Introduction to Drama MUSC 101 Introduction to Music
Note: Students who se/,ect a liberal mts mnjor mny count onlJ a total of 30 units of bibliwl studies and theolog)' toward the required units for a degree. In the BOLD Program, elective units counting toward thegraduation requimnent wnnot be taken in biblical studies. (Biblical studies and C/11istian eduwtion ma;ors may count unlimited bibliwl. studies or theology units toward the requhed units for a degree. ) The mnximum limit for mognized co1respo1u/ence cozmes in Bibi£ is six units. Challengeexams are available (see Biblical Studies section) . Pmt-time students (/,ess than 12 units per semester) are required to include at /,east one biblical studies and theology cozme within each 15 units completed at Bio/a Un ivenity un/,ess the 30 units require ment has been met. Pmt-time students seeking a degree from Bioln University must completetheentirerequirement as outlined above. Arts and Sciences Requirement The students must make selections from the following courses in the arts and sciences. UniversityLife I unit required (Not counted tuward total number ofunits for gmduaiion. Requiled of all new students and students tmnsfening with 11 units or /,ess.) Communication 3 units required Foreign Language 12 uni ts req uired English 6 units required Literature 3 units required Fine Arts 3 units required Hi story 8 un its req uired Philosophy 3 units required Physical Education 4 units required Behavioral Science 3 units required Science/ Mathematics 8 units required The courses that mee t the general educa ti on require- ment are the following: Communication 3 units Anyone of the following will meet this requirement: COMM 100 Introducti on to Public Communication COMM 170 Small Group Communication COMM 181 Introduction to Argumentation and Debate COMM 280 Oral Interpretation Foreign Language 12 units If you have completed: You will be required to take: (of the same language) (of the same language) BA *BS I year high school 12 units 4 units Elementary I and 2 and first semester Intermediate 2 years high school 8 units None Elementary 2 and first semes ter Intermediate 3 years high schoo l 4 units None First semester Intermediate 4 years high school None None *Conversational language wurses may be used toward the B.S. requirement but not the B.A. requirement. If you taJi.e a classical language for your foreign language you must take it through the 102 level for a B. S. degree. Students with two years of a high school language must take the 102 and 201 sections of the same language in order to complete the B.A. requirement. However, the instructor of
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