

BIBLICAL .,.u,a,,.111..

FACULTY Professors: Arnold, Curtis, Finley, Rigsby, Russell , Wilkins Associate Professor: Rhee Assis tant Professor: Hubbard Greek The purpose of th ese courses is to introduce students 10 the Greek lan­ guage in order to enhance their personal understanding of the New Testament and to prepare those who desire to pur­ sue graduate biblical studies. The plan is to prm1de students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study, interpretat ion and exposi­ tion of the Word of God. Upon completion of 12 units of Greek, it is intended that the student's proficiency in the Greek language will enable him/her to read and translate a Greek text with accuracy using a standard lexicon and grammar; to explain the sig­ nificance of tenses, cases and important grammatical stmctures; to exegete a bibli­ cal text accurately; and to undertake indi­ vidual research in biblical and extra-bibli­ cal Greek. 1l1e courses Greek 10 I, 102, 20 I, and 202 wiU fulfill the general educa­ tion foreign language requirement. 101, 102 Elementary Greek Grammar I, II (3,3) An introductory study of th e basic ele­ men ts of New Testament Greek, emphasizing syntax and deve lopment of vocabulary. Translation of selected por­ tions of the New Testament, with exten­ sive translation of a selected New Testa­ ment book in the second .semester. 201, 202 Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis (3,3) Acomprehensive survey of New Testa­ ment Greek grammar and vocabulary

380 Wisdom and Poetic Literature (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, th emes , theo­ logical issues, literary structure and content ofJob through Song of Songs. Prerequisite: 109. 391 Major Prophets (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theo­ logical issues, literary structure and con­

tory and histori cal matters. Prerequi­ si tes: I 03 , 105 , 110. 458 Theology ot Mission (3) Study of God's redemptive acts in Sc ripture in behalf of mankind, with app li ca tion to the mission of the church today. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109, 110, 251 , 254,306. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Senior level capstone seminar in which the studen t will search the Bible and the literature dealing with the topic(s) under discussion in th e course leading to the discovery of means whereby the subject area may be "integrated" with Biblical truth. 1l1e results of the research will be incorporated in a paper or project which will be critiqued by the seminar members and by the professor. (May be repeated with different content with a maximum of six units counted toward graduation). Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109, 110, or per­ mission of the instructor. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Guided independent reading,, problem-solving and preparation of a formal paper or project done in consul­ tation with a selected professor. May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward graduation. Pre­ requisite: Permission of the instructor. 490 Practicum (1-3) Supervised experience in teaching bib­ lical studies. Includes course prepara­ tion , observation and evaluation. May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward graduation. Pre­ requisite: Permission of the instructor.

whic h builds upon the first year of study. In trod uction to textual criti­ cism and exege ti cal methodology whic h will aid students in interpret ing the New Testament. Reading in se lected portions of th e New Testa­ ment. Prerequisite: 102 or equivalent. 304,305 Studies in Biblical Greek (1-4, 1-4) Exegesis of biblical Greek texts for adva nced students , wit h attention to translation, grammar , backgrounds , interpretation, and problems of analy­ sis. Study may include one or more portions of New Testament literature. Prerequisite: 202 and/ or consent. May be repeated with different content. 403 Hellenistic Greek (3) Readings from the Jewish , patristic and pagan writers of the Hellenistic period, including the Septuagint, with atten­ tion to literary analysis and comparison with relevant biblical authors. Oppor­ tunity may be given to use the GRAM­ CORD and lbycus computer projects. Prerequisite: 202 or equivalenL 405 Advanced New Testament Textual Criticism (3) A survey of the materials, history and theori es of New Testament textual criticism. Prerequisites: BBST 201 and two years of Greek. 407 Advanced Greek Grammar (3) An advanced study of syntax focusing on nuances of grammar and style. To facili­ tate this study, in addition to the use of advanced grammar, special studies and anicles, extensive is made of exam­ ples drawn from biblical and extra bibli­ cal literature. Prerequisite: 304 and 305. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Individual research and writing for advanced students by special arrange­ menL Studymay include concentration in New Testament literature , history, textual criticism, specialized grammati­ cal or lexical projects, introductory mat­ ters, or New Testament theology. Pre­ requisite: 202 and at least six units of upper division Greek and/or consent. May be repeated with different contenL Hebrew 101, 102 Elementary Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Introduction to the language of the Hebrew Bible: morphology, syntax, as well as reading and translation of bib­ lical texts. 201, 202 Intermediate Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Advanced grammar and syntax with emphasis upon rapid reading as well as the development of exegetical skills. Prerequisite: 102.

tent. Prerequisite: 109. 392 Minor Prophets (3)


Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theo­ logical issues, literary structure and con­ tent. Prerequisite: 109. Advanced Study Electives (Descriptions often provide general framework for focused electives. Specific titles for 430, 440 and 450 appear in the .semester schedule prefixed by "Adv St";

sections of 465, by"lnteg Sem:"). 411 New Testament Theology (3)

Method, practice and history of the dis­ cipline. May emphasize selected writers orthemes. Prerequisites: 103, 105, II 0. 412 Old Testament Theology (3) Method, practice and history of the discipline. May emphasize se lected writers, themes or eras. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109. 430 Advanced Study: New Testament (3) Independent student research and writ­ ing in addition to a seminar style class­ room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 110. 440 Advanced Study: Old Testament (3) Independent student research and writ­ ing in addition to a seminar style class­ room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109. 450 Advanced Study: Christian Thought (3) Independent student research and writ­ ing in addition to a seminar style class­ room atmosphere for the study of .selected texts and/or topics from either or both testaments, thematically arranged to emphasize biblical, histori­ cal and/ or systematic theology. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 105,251, 254. 455 Pauline Theology - Romans (3) Study of Paul 's theology and worldview as contained in the book of Romans, with special attention given to introduc-

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