BIBLICAL .,.u,a,,.111..
FACULTY Professors: Arnold, Curtis, Finley, Rigsby, Russell , Wilkins Associate Professor: Rhee Assis tant Professor: Hubbard Greek The purpose of th ese courses is to introduce students 10 the Greek lan guage in order to enhance their personal understanding of the New Testament and to prepare those who desire to pur sue graduate biblical studies. The plan is to prm1de students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study, interpretat ion and exposi tion of the Word of God. Upon completion of 12 units of Greek, it is intended that the student's proficiency in the Greek language will enable him/her to read and translate a Greek text with accuracy using a standard lexicon and grammar; to explain the sig nificance of tenses, cases and important grammatical stmctures; to exegete a bibli cal text accurately; and to undertake indi vidual research in biblical and extra-bibli cal Greek. 1l1e courses Greek 10 I, 102, 20 I, and 202 wiU fulfill the general educa tion foreign language requirement. 101, 102 Elementary Greek Grammar I, II (3,3) An introductory study of th e basic ele men ts of New Testament Greek, emphasizing syntax and deve lopment of vocabulary. Translation of selected por tions of the New Testament, with exten sive translation of a selected New Testa ment book in the second .semester. 201, 202 Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis (3,3) Acomprehensive survey of New Testa ment Greek grammar and vocabulary
380 Wisdom and Poetic Literature (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, th emes , theo logical issues, literary structure and content ofJob through Song of Songs. Prerequisite: 109. 391 Major Prophets (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theo logical issues, literary structure and con
tory and histori cal matters. Prerequi si tes: I 03 , 105 , 110. 458 Theology ot Mission (3) Study of God's redemptive acts in Sc ripture in behalf of mankind, with app li ca tion to the mission of the church today. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109, 110, 251 , 254,306. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Senior level capstone seminar in which the studen t will search the Bible and the literature dealing with the topic(s) under discussion in th e course leading to the discovery of means whereby the subject area may be "integrated" with Biblical truth. 1l1e results of the research will be incorporated in a paper or project which will be critiqued by the seminar members and by the professor. (May be repeated with different content with a maximum of six units counted toward graduation). Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109, 110, or per mission of the instructor. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Guided independent reading,, problem-solving and preparation of a formal paper or project done in consul tation with a selected professor. May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward graduation. Pre requisite: Permission of the instructor. 490 Practicum (1-3) Supervised experience in teaching bib lical studies. Includes course prepara tion , observation and evaluation. May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward graduation. Pre requisite: Permission of the instructor.
whic h builds upon the first year of study. In trod uction to textual criti cism and exege ti cal methodology whic h will aid students in interpret ing the New Testament. Reading in se lected portions of th e New Testa ment. Prerequisite: 102 or equivalent. 304,305 Studies in Biblical Greek (1-4, 1-4) Exegesis of biblical Greek texts for adva nced students , wit h attention to translation, grammar , backgrounds , interpretation, and problems of analy sis. Study may include one or more portions of New Testament literature. Prerequisite: 202 and/ or consent. May be repeated with different content. 403 Hellenistic Greek (3) Readings from the Jewish , patristic and pagan writers of the Hellenistic period, including the Septuagint, with atten tion to literary analysis and comparison with relevant biblical authors. Oppor tunity may be given to use the GRAM CORD and lbycus computer projects. Prerequisite: 202 or equivalenL 405 Advanced New Testament Textual Criticism (3) A survey of the materials, history and theori es of New Testament textual criticism. Prerequisites: BBST 201 and two years of Greek. 407 Advanced Greek Grammar (3) An advanced study of syntax focusing on nuances of grammar and style. To facili tate this study, in addition to the use of advanced grammar, special studies and anicles, extensive is made of exam ples drawn from biblical and extra bibli cal literature. Prerequisite: 304 and 305. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Individual research and writing for advanced students by special arrange menL Studymay include concentration in New Testament literature , history, textual criticism, specialized grammati cal or lexical projects, introductory mat ters, or New Testament theology. Pre requisite: 202 and at least six units of upper division Greek and/or consent. May be repeated with different contenL Hebrew 101, 102 Elementary Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Introduction to the language of the Hebrew Bible: morphology, syntax, as well as reading and translation of bib lical texts. 201, 202 Intermediate Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Advanced grammar and syntax with emphasis upon rapid reading as well as the development of exegetical skills. Prerequisite: 102.
tent. Prerequisite: 109. 392 Minor Prophets (3)
Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theo logical issues, literary structure and con tent. Prerequisite: 109. Advanced Study Electives (Descriptions often provide general framework for focused electives. Specific titles for 430, 440 and 450 appear in the .semester schedule prefixed by "Adv St";
sections of 465, by"lnteg Sem:"). 411 New Testament Theology (3)
Method, practice and history of the dis cipline. May emphasize selected writers orthemes. Prerequisites: 103, 105, II 0. 412 Old Testament Theology (3) Method, practice and history of the discipline. May emphasize se lected writers, themes or eras. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109. 430 Advanced Study: New Testament (3) Independent student research and writ ing in addition to a seminar style class room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 110. 440 Advanced Study: Old Testament (3) Independent student research and writ ing in addition to a seminar style class room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 103, 105, 109. 450 Advanced Study: Christian Thought (3) Independent student research and writ ing in addition to a seminar style class room atmosphere for the study of .selected texts and/or topics from either or both testaments, thematically arranged to emphasize biblical, histori cal and/ or systematic theology. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 105,251, 254. 455 Pauline Theology - Romans (3) Study of Paul 's theology and worldview as contained in the book of Romans, with special attention given to introduc-
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