class will seek to de\'e lop the skills of personal evange li sm and exp lore bib li cal teachings regarding di sc iples hip as th ey apply 10 local church and para church agencies. Prerequ isite: 25 1. Offered fa ll semes ter. 372 Christian Education of Children (3) Discovery and evaluat ion of methods and materials appropriate for achiev ing learning objectives wh ich meet the physica l, ment al, soc ial, emot ional and spiritual needs of children (birth through grade six ). Student s may choos e 373 or 374. Pr erequisit es: 150, 26 1. Offered spring semester. 373 Christian Education of Youth (3) Examination of the adolescent in our culture with emphasis (1pon designing a ministry lo this age leve l within the context of the local church and para church agencies. Each studen t will prepare a model ministry to this age leve l ij unior hi gh through co llege) for use in enlistment and training of workers and paren ts. Students may choose 372 or 374. Prereq uisite s: 150, 26 I. Offered fall semester. 374 Christian Education of Adults (3) Focus on understanding the needs and development of contempo rary adults. Di scovery of the uniqueness of ad ult learning and investigation of design , curricula, methods, and implementa tion of educa ti onal programs for the church and other agencies. Students may choose 372 or 373. Prereq uisites: 150,261. Offered spring semeste r, 380 Ministry Planning Prepracticum (3) Personal and interactive evaluation of the student's calling to Christian min istry, including charac ter, gift s, inter ests, and abilities. Field observat ions and other experiences designed to give perspective and aid in subsequent placement in vocatio nal pract icum and future employment in Christian education agencies. For Chri st ian Education Ministries maj ors onl y. Prerequisites: 150, 25 1, 252 , 261. Fee: $15. Offered fall / spring. 382 Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education (3) Introduction to historical and philo sophical foundations of Chris ti an edu cational ministry. Each student will be expected to analyze his own view of the teaching and learni ng process to estab lish the framework for a personal and biblical philosophy of Christian educa tion . Prerequisites: 150, 251, 252. Offered spring semester.
462 Vocational Practicum II (2) Struct ural experiences in the supe rvi sion of a limi ted educat ional min istry program in a selected vocational se tting. Class experiences will foc us 0 11 helping the student to apply personally his/ her own leadership and management skills. For the Ch ristian Education Ministri es majors on ly. Prerequi sites: 380, 461. Offered fall/spring. 470 Current Topics in Christian Education (1-3) Designed for upper division students in C.E. who want to study speciali zed top ics not cu rrent ly cove red in catalog course offe rings. May be taken two times with different emphasi s. Fee may be required. Admission by academic ad1~sor approval. Byarrangement. 480 Independent Study in Christian Education (1-3) Deve lopment of skill in independent studyof topics in the field of Christian Educat ion Ministri es. Prerequisite: Senior level Christian Education Mi n istries majors on ly and departmental approval. May be repeated. Offered fall / spring, by arrangement.
428 Family Ministries in the Church (2) Biblical concep ts of the family; sur-vey of the needs of whole and fragme nted families in the church; resources and tec hn iques ava il ab le 10 mee t th ese needs. Offered fall , odd yea rs . 430 Camp Leadership (2) Study in th e phil osop hy, objec ti ves, leadership, program and adminisu·ation of the Ch ri stian camp. Investigation into the trends of campin g, both cen tralized and deceiiu-ali zed. Techniques in organizing and directing a camp pro gram , including coun se lor training. Emphasizes utilization of camping to enhance church's ministry. Fee may be required. Prerequisite: Upper division status. Offered !nterterm/ summer 461 Vocational Practicum I (2) Structured experi ences in teaching th e Bibl e in a fie ld se ttin g with a se lected age group. Lesson prepara tion , execu tion and eva luation with an empha sis on developing speaking skills associated with professional min istry posi tions. Christian Education Ministries majors on ly. Prerequisites: 380, 252. Offered fa ll / spring.
412 Missions Education in the Church (2) Basic adm ini stration of a program wit hin the chu rc h's educat ional min istry through whic h missions is taught to ail age le\'els. Byarrangement. 413 Women 's Ministry in Christian Education (3) An examinati on of the biblical, histori cal, and contempora1)' perspectives of women in leadership rol es within a ministry. Assessment of role expecta ti on, relati onsh ips and voca ti ona l opportunities. Prerequisite: 150. 415 Organization and Administration of Christian Education (3) An introduction to the biblical princi ples and current practi ce of manage ment: plann ing, organizing, staffing, directing, and evaluating with special emphasis upon the application of these fun ct ions lo church and parachurch administration. Prerequisites: 150, 251,260,380. Offered spring semeste r. 416 Curriculum Development (2) Essential principles in curriculum for mulation including evolution of exist ing curricula and curriculum writing expe rience. Prerequi site: one of the age level co urses: 372, 373 or 374 . Offered lnterterm/ summer. 422 Singles Ministries in the Church (2) Issues and needs of never-married and formerly married persons, including id entity cri sis, ro le definition , se lf acceptance and the development of intimacy. Resources, programs and skills for min istering to these needs are emp has ize d. Offered spring semester, odd years. 423 Counseling Theories and Issues for the Christian Worker (3) Introductory investigation of selected counseling theories emp loyed by staff members of church and parachurch agenc ies. The examination of each theory will include: historical back ground, basic concepts, process, mech an isms, case examples, evaluation and appl ication to specific co unsel ing issues. Offered fall semester. 424 Techniques of Counseling for Use in the Church (2) Distinctives of pastoral counselors in a church or parachurch agency, their qualification and necessary counseling techniques. Special emphasis will be placed upon the student' s develop ment through experiential practice of "people-helping skills" from a Christian perspective. Offered spring semester, alternate years. Prerequisite: 423.
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