include 109,263,305,315,363,391 , 409, 435, 478; ARTS 315 or 325; ENGL 343 or 344. 1l1e remaining 15 units (12 ofwhich must be upper di11sion) may be chosen from: 220, 270, 282, 356, 364, 382, 440, 450, 461, 463, 468, 470, 471 , 480; ARTS 348; ENGL440; MUSC 390 or 440. Note: Reco111111ended co urses for The at re major for general education include: COMM 280 Oral Interpretation; PHIL 216 Aesthetics; ANTH 200 General Cul tural Anthropology. Public Relations/Advertising When yo u have compl eted thi s co nc entration you should be pre pared for employment in public rela tions and marketing related positions. This concentration combines business and communication courses into an interdisciplinary program. Obtaining a degree with this concen tration requires 45 units, of which 27 must be upper division , and include: 202, 230, 270, 284, 383 or 457, 389, 440, 478, 387 or Business 328, Business 211, 230, 331 , and 334. The remaining six units must be taken from the fo llowing courses: Communication 33 1, 334, 385, 458, 459, Business 332 and Art 303. Interdisciplinary Print Journalism This conce ntrat ion all ows sll1- dents to focus two-thirds of their units on co re writing courses wi thin the Communi cation Department. The remaining one- third of the units are selected from offerings in communi cation, history, public administration or English writing. This eclec ti c emphasis will prepare the graduate for work in fields as diverse as newspa per writing, magazine writing and editing, book publishing or personal writing endeavo rs. Students inter es ted in "hard news" reporting should take history/po liti ca l sc ien ce focus electives; those interested in feature or magazine writing should take Eng lish writing focus electives. Obtaining a degree with this con centration requires 36 units, of which 24 must be upper division. The required 21 units within the Commu nication Department are: 202, 230, 331, 334, 440, 458, 478. The remain ing 15 units may come from the fol lowing: COMM 330, 332, 336, 384, 388, 433, 457; ENGL 320, 340, 343 or 344, 410; HIST 401 , 402; POSC 301, 306,405, 406,4 10. Interdisciplinary This concentration will provide you maximum latitude in creating a course of su1dy to suit your particular needs. If you choose this option, begin by consult-
440 (3 units), 453, 456, 457,458,464 ,478 and 3 uni ts of communication electives. A11dio Prod11ctio11 -Audio sta nds on its own in radio, records and concerts, and is an equal partner with picture in televi sio n, fi lm and concerts. There are many ca re er opport uniti es in thi s vibrant fi eld . Must include 202, 251 , 35 1,365,433,440 (3 units ), 450 (3 units), 45 1,456,457,458, 478 , and eit her 353 and 453 or 359 and 452, plus 3 units of communication elect ives. Broadcast j ournalis111 - You could be a fi eld reporte r or news anc hor, or yo u mi ght prefer the behind-the sce nes activities of news gathering and writing. Must in cl ude 202 , 25 1, 33 1, 336, 351 , 352, 355, 388, 431 , 433, 440 (3 units), 450 (3 units) , 457 ,458, 478. Media Manage111enl - Whynot be the boss) Surprisingly, there are many exce~ lent and good paying jobs in manage ment aspects of media companies. Must include 202, 355, 387, 433, 440 (3 units), 455, 458, 478, and Business 111 , 230, 334, 431 , 464 and 6 units of business electives. Communication A Bache/qr ofA,ts dtgree in Co111muni cation is offe red in these five emphases. Communication Studies When yo u have comp leted th is co nce ntr ati on you shou ld be pre pared for employment in fields where exce llent interperso nal and group commun ica ti on skill s are especia lly important. This concentration is also exce ll ent prepa ration for graduate training for careers in fields such as the ministry, education or law. Obtaining a degree with this con centration requi res 36 units , 27 of which must be upper divis ion. Eigh teen units are required COMM 270, 383, 385, 386, 458, 478. Eighteen units of elect ives must come from the following courses: COMM 170, 181, 220,263,280, 282/ 382, 357,363,364, 384,386,387, 388,440,450,461 , 468, 470,471,472,473,474,475,480. Theatre Arts The Theatre Arts emphasis focuses upon dramatic performance, writing for the stage, and dramatic theory. Gradu ates may pursue careers in theatre arts, graduate work in theatre arts, or min istries within the church that incorpo rate dramatic arts with worship plan ning. This emphasis is interdi sciplinary with course offerings from Communica tion, Art, English and Music. Obtaining a degree with this empha sis reqtrires 48 units, 39 of which must be upper division. Major requirements
Chair: Todd Lewis, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Lewis, Nas h Associate Professors: B. Cavin , M. Cavin , Gonzales, Perez Instructor: Roebuck OBJECTIVES
223,224,328,421,422, 423,424,429, 470, 472, JCS 310; one of the following: Psychology 320, 321, 322. In addition, Biology 31 1 or Ps yc hology 412 is required as a support course . Radio/Television/Film A Radio/ 1V/ Film major will pre pare you fo r a professional career in one of th e exc iting and impo rt ant caree r fi elds li sted below. You will receive "hands on" training, have many oppo rtu nities fo r actua l producti on wo rk , an d do an in dus try related internship. When yo u gradua te you will have the training and experience necessa ry to begin you r ca reer. The Radio Television Film major is 45 uni ts, 24 of which must be upper divi sion. All student s in the majo r are required lo take the Biblical Studies 465 integration seminar called "Media Ethics" for Bible credit. Choose one of the career tracks listed below. Media Pe1fonnance- Choose this if you want to be behind the mike (di sc jockey, announcer) or in front of the camera (talk show host, actor, etc.) . Must in cl ude 202, 251, 263 , 280, 315, 35 1,352, 363 or 364,435,440 (3 units), 456, 457, 463, 478 and 3 uni ts of communication electives. Radio - Radio is bigger than ever. There are many solid career opport u nities in both sec ul ar and Christian stations. Must include 202 , 251 , 336, 35 1, 355, 365, 433, 440 (3 units) , 450 (3 units), 455, 456, 457,458,478, and 3 units of communica tion elec tives. Motion Picture Production - Thi s emphas is includes things that are done behind the sce nes to make a movie, from pre-production planning through post production edi ting and sound. Must include 202, 251, 352, 356, 357, 358, 359, 433, 440 (3 units), 452, 456, 457, 458, 464 , 478. Motion Pidure and Television Direding - This emphasis will give you a strong foundation in the artistic, te ch nical, financial and interpersonal aspects of the industry. Must include 25 1, 352, 356, 357, 358, 359, 363 or 364, 391, 433, 440 (3 units), 452,456,457,462,478. Screen Writing -All of media star ts here. Writing is a satisfying and influ ential career fi eld. Must include 202, 352,356, 35~ 358,433, 43~ 440 (3 units), 447, 456,457,458,478, English 220 (Literature & Film), English 344. Television/Video Produclion - This emph asis includes studio and locat ion shooting, editing, much more. Must include 202, 251, 352, 353, 355, 356, 433,
It is the purpose of the Communica tion Department that when you com plete our major you will have: (I ) we ll developed persona l commun ication ski lls and be able to think , writ e, and speak clearlyand effectively; (2) learning skills which will enable you to continue to develop personally and professionally after graduation; (3) entry level ski lls for employmem in your chosen field or else have suitable preparation for graduate study; ( 4) at least the beginnings of a workable world view which unifi es your life's work and your Christian faith. DEGREE PROGRAMS Upon compl etion of the unive r si ty baccalaureate and major require ments , the Communi cat ion Depart ment offers the Bachelor of Aris degree in three majors: ■ Commun ica tion Disorders ■ Radio/ 1V/ Film ■ Communication. In all majors, the total number of units for major area credit from practicum, internship and direc ted research courses may not exceed nine units. In all majors, the required gen eral education course for Communi cation is Comm 100, unless otherwise stated (see Theatre Arts major) . MAJORS Communication Disorders The major in communication disor ders is a pre-professional degree that pro vides the student with a foundation in normal communication and an under standing of the complexities of commu nication problems. It is the aim of the department to set this knowledge within the framework of a Christian perspective and a focus on the indhidual rather than the disorder. Students completing this major should be fully prepared for the graduate work necessary for the certifica tion or credentials in this area Obtaining a degree with this major requires 42 units, 36 of which must be upper division and include: 321, 324, 326, 327, 425, 426, 450, 458, 478 and INAL 301 or 302. The remain ing 12 units must be se lec ted with faculty ad1ice from the following courses: 220,
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