tion, artirn lation, resonance and hear ing are covered. 326 Language Development (3) Normal development of speech and language in children in terms of syn tax , semantics, phonology and prag matics. Motor and cognitive deve lo1> me111 surveyed. 327 Childhood Language Disorders (3) Studyof delayed language de,-elopment and ch ildh ood language di so rders . Includes theo ries concerning etiology, classification, evaluation and therapy. Prerequisite: 321, 326 or permiss ion. 328 Fluency Disorders (3) Review of the theories concerning eti ology of nuency di sorders. Survey assessment and treatment approaches
recording, audio processing, digital edit ing, manua l and automa ted mixing. Studenis master a CD as a course proj ect. Prerequisite: 251. Lab fee: $50. 383 Survey of Rhetorical Theories (3) Majo r theories of rhetorical and pub lic add ress from classical to con tempo rary periods. 385 Persuasive Communication (3) Techniques of persuasive speaking and communi cation persuas ion th eo ri es. Experien ce in th e preparation and delive,y of speeches. Prerequisite: I00. 386 Forms of Public Communication (3) Application, practice and ana lys is of selected communication forms from a rhetorical perspective. Sections offered in religious, political and social issues communications. May be repeated with different course content. 387 Organizational Communication (3) The dynamics of organizational com munication centering in systems, st ructures and patterns; the ro le of co mmuni ca ti on in organizational derelopment. 388 Principles of Information Gathering (3) Fundamentals of gathering informa tion for the mass media. Strategies for finding and using information sou rces, techniques and psychological dynamics of interviews. Emphasis on learning bydoing. 389 Advanced Public Relations (3) Specific applications of public rela tions theo,y to writing press releases, confronting issues of libel, practical pub li c relations experiences and other public relations issues. 391 The Director as Performer/Author (3) Art of direction , examining principles of script analysis, staging, picturiza tion, rh ythm, dramatic action , style, meaning, and other relevant issues facing the director. Prerequisite: con sent of instructor. 409 Production Practicum 2 (1) Advanced practical experience in dra matic process of a work. Credit for performing in a play, set construction, costume construction, pub li city or other aspem of the theatrical process. Permission of instructor required. Must be taken three times for a total of three units. 422 Neurogenic Communication Disorders and Dysphagia (3) Covers assessment and treatment of cog nitive/ communication and swallowing disorders resulting from stroke, trau matic brain i,tjury, degenerative diseases and other adult neurogenic disorders. Diagnoses include aphasia , apraxia,
351 Broadcast Announcing and Performance (3)
dysanhia, dementia and dysphagia. Pre requisit e: 321 , 324 or permi ssion . 424 Aural Rehabilitation (3) Review of manageme nt procedures used by professionals for the rehabili tation/ habitati on of persons with hear ing impairments . In cludes speech reading, auditory tr aining, hear in g aids and other communication systems and assistive li stening de1ices. 425 Audiology (3) Anatomy and physio logy of the ear; hea ring problems, test ing and rehabil itat ion. Practical experience in pure tone threshold testi ng. Lab fee: $15. 426 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods (5) Methods of evaluation and assessment of speech, voice and language prob lems. Introduction to therapeutic approaches and specific techniques related to speech and language habili tation and rehabilitation. Prerequisites: 321,324 or permission. Lab fee: $15. 428 Audiometry (3) Advanced study of procedures and problems in hearing measurement. Areas covered will include speech aud iometry, masking, recruitment , diagnostic testing and amplification .
Theory and practi ce of profess ional ann oun cing, news cas ting , sport s announ ci ng, interviewing and oth er performance for rad io and television. Fee: $10. 352 Introduction to Television and Film Production (3) Introduces student to scripting forms, film and television cameras, lighting, edit ing, much more. Lab fee: $40. 353 Television Production (3) Studems write and serve on produc tion teams to produce a variety of for mais of television programs. Prerequi si te: 352. Lab fee: $50. 355 Broadcast Programming and Promotion (3) Includes audience anal ysis and consid eration of various programming theo ries and techn iques. Also, promotion techniques for audience acquisition and retent ion. 356 Screen Writing (3) Writing of dramatic scripts for tel evi sion or film production. Fee: $25. 357 History of Cinema (3) Survey of the development of th e motion picture (1890 to the present). Films screened in the course will be analyzed from perspectives of art, genre theory, technology, and rhetori cal intent. Lab fee : $20. 358 Motion Picture - Pre-Production (3) The first cou rse of a three-co urs e .sequence (358, 359, 452) in which a dra matic film will be produced. This course emphasizes script development, budget ing, casting, set construction, and/ or location surveys, and develops skills in using production equipment. Prerequi site: 352. Lab fee: $50. 359 Motion Picture Production (3) Principal photography will be done for the film project begun in 358. Emphasizes lighting, camera opera tion, sound recording , directing, etc. Prerequisites: 352, 358. Lab fee $50. 363 Acting (3) Introduction to acting technique rang ing from solo and ensemble improvisa tion to basic scene work with theatrical texlS. Prerequisite: Comm 263. 364 Acting for Film and Television (3) Use of acting skills in front of televi sion cameras using scenes from actual television and fi lm scripts. Includes
for stuttering and cluttering. 330 Journalism Practicum (1)
Supervised practical experience in writing and / or editing the Chimes. Prerequisite for the Chimes staff: com pletion of/or current enrollment in 33 1or the equivalent. 331 Reporting (3) Basic training in news gathering and extensive writing of news and feature sto ries under time pressure. Introduction of copy editing techniques. Studyof the stmcture and history of the newspaper industry, press ethics and press laws. Computer operation abili ty required. 332 Principles of Editing and Design (3) Emphasis on copy editing and design ski lls necessary for quality publication of newspapers, magazines and public rela tions literature. Editing for style, gram mar and punctuation; improving copy; wr iting headlines and rntlines; effective use of type; use of color and art; and principles of page design. Fee:$ 15. 334 Article Writing (3) TI1e writing and marketing of non-fiction articles for newspapers and magazines. 336 Broadcast Journalism (3) Alaboratory course in radio and television journalism, including all aspects ofwriting and delivery of broadcast news programs and documentaries. Lab fee: $15. 347 Photojournalism (3) Further study in black and white tech niques and introduction to color, with special emphasis on the structure, law and ethics of photojournalism. Lab intensive, portfolio oriented. Fee: $30. 350 Advanced Studies In Media Production (1-3) A.speclS of theory and practice in media production. May be repeated with dif ferent course content. Fee: $30.
429 Clinical Practicum: Biola Speech/Language Clinic (1-2)
Supervised experience working with persons with communication disorders in the Biola Speech Clinic. Permission of the department must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for this course. May be repeated for a total of six units. Prerequisite: 312, 32 1, 326, 426, and departmental consent. 431 Advanced Reporting (3) Public affairs and investigative report ing. Use of local government, courts and community sources in developing
stories. Prerequisite: 33 I. 433 Mass Media Law (3)
Legal aspeclS of the mass media: con stitutional freedom of exp ression, news gathering , access to public records and proceedings, libel, pri vacy, copyright, advertising, broadcast regulation, and antitrust. 435 Writing for Performance (3) Creation of original material for solo or corporate dramatic performance. Workshop for the presentation of cre ated original materials for the stage. 439 Articulation and Phonological Problems (3) Oveniew of the etiologies, diagnosis and remediation of articulation and phono logical problems. Prerequisites: 321, 324.
critiques of acting methods. 365 Multi-Track Recording (3)
Covers multi-track recording techniques for music and other audio studio tech niques. Includes miking, multi-track
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