

440 Communicat ion Internship (1·3) Limited to qua lified juniors or se niors who wish to ga in practi cal experience usually off campus in a work situation. Department permission required. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. 444 Voice and Organic Disorders (3) Topics to be cove red include: etiolo­ gies, assessmemand treatmelll of func­ tional and organ ic l'oice disorders and related commun ica ti on di sorders. Prerequi sites: 32 1, 324 or permission. 447 Advanced Screen Writing (3) Adva nced work in writing dramati c scripts for television and motion pic­ tures. Prerequ isite: 356. 450 Communication Practicum (1-3) Directed practical exp·e rience in the various fields of communica tion. Per­ mission of th e departmen t must be secured th e semester prior to enrolling for course. May be repeated

458 Methods of Communication Research (3)

464 Advaced Non linear Editing (3) Moti on pi cture and video ed iting is increasingly being done on comput­ ers. In this course )'OU will not on ly learn th e tec hnology nonlinear tech­ niqu es , bu t yo u wil l also learn adl'a nced tec hniqu es in th e art of seam less editin g. Prereq ui site: 352. 465 Rhetorical Criticism (3) Evaluation and assessment of commtm~ cation sources and artifacts. Application of criti cal methodologies (e.g., pentadic, narratil'e, feminist, metaphoric, generic) to generate scholar lycommentary. 468 Performance and Worship Techniques (3) Issues fac ing the Christ ian worship leader, with oppo rtunit ies to co llect materials for chance l and para-drnrch dramat ic presentat ion. Provides use­ fu l examination of th e age-old co n­ nection between ritual and theatre. 470 Communication Seminar (1-3) Various aspec ts and problems in the field of commun ication. 471 Semiotics and Performance (3) St udy of the various sign systems at work in publ ic pe rformance events. Issues of how cont ex tualized meaning is produced in socie ty together with a study of the appropriation of cultural effects for performance.

472 lntercultural Communication (3) Relationship between communi cat ion and cu lture with emphas is on facto rs affec ting the quality and processes of interpersonal communication between pe rsons of different cultures or subcul­ tures. (See also INCS 420.) 473 Multi-Cultural Communication (3) Studyand analysis of issues of crosscul ­ tu ral communication within ethni c groups primarily residing in the Un ited States. (See also INCS 421.) 474 Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior (3) Selected commun ication topics var ied bysemester. Sections offered include: ge nder studies, peace rhetoric, fami ly communi cat ion, toxic commu ni ca­ tion. May be repeated with different course content. 478 Pragmatic Social Theories of Communication (3) Survey and application of social theo­ ries of communication, including gen­ eral semantics, confrontations, com­ munication to the grieving, humans as manipulators , ge nd er studies and nonverbal forms of communication. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Individual research in an area of com­ munication determined in consulta­ ti on with th e instructor . May be repeated for a maximum of three units. Prerequisite: consent.

Met hodology for co mmunication resea rch, including sampling, ques­ tionnai re des ign, introduct ion 10 sta­ ti stics. Student s conduc t survey research project. A major goal is to become adept at reading and eval uat­ ing research reports. Lab fee: $10. 459 Practical and Ethical Issues in Communication Careers (3) Covers ethi ca l and mora l problems related to employment , current issues in the industry, and caree r planning. See also BBST 465 Media Ethics. 461 Readers Theatre (3) Prog ramming and prese ntati on of prose, poetry and drama by two or more ac tors using the sk ill s of oral interpretation as well as those of the ac tor. Methods of preparat ion , per­ fo rmance and directing. 462 Directing for Television and Film (3) In motion picture or 11deo, the creative process comes together under the lead­ ership of the director. This course will help you become a better director by understanding the artistic, human rela­ tions, financial and technical aspects of the job. Prereq ui site: 352. 463 Advanced Acting Workshop (3) Furthe r in-depth studyof characteriza­ tion, script ana lys is , and various styles of act ing. Prerequisites: 263 and 363.


for a maximum of six units. 451 Aud io Post Production (3)

Advanced techniques in miking, mix­ ing, recording, processing and rein­ forcement of sound. Bo th technical and artistic aspects are cove red, with a strong laboratory emphas is. Prerequi­ site: 25 l. Lab fee: $50. 452 Motion Picture Post-Production (3) The final course in a three-course film production sequence (358, 359, 452). Emphasizes editing, music , sound effects, mixing, laboratory coordination, and distribution. Prerequisites: 352, 358, 359. Lab fee: $50. 453 Advanced Television Production (3) The course gives intensive experience in professional level television produc­ tion . Prerequisite: 353. Lab fee: $50. 455 Media Management (4) Covers management strateg ies as applied to media companies, includ­ ing radio and television stations, cable systems , motion picture production companies and compa ni es in the emerging technologies. 456 Senior Media Project (3) Student produces a project with ad11ce and guidance from faculty. The proj­ ect will represent the student's highest achievement in media production. It can be used as e11dence of abili ty when seeking emp loymen t. Projects ca n include scripts, audio, video, motion picture, and other media. Lab fee $50. 457 Communication Theory (3) Social scientific theory in interpersonal and mass communication with empha­ sis on practical usefulness of theories.

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