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402 Database Management (3) Integrated database systems, log ical orga ni zat ion , data description lan­ guage (DDL), data manipul ation lan­ guage (DML) , of hi erarchical net­ works and re lat iona l datab ases, ove rview of selected database manage­ ment sys tems (DBMS ). Prerequisite: 230. Alternate yea rs. 430 Computer Communications (3) Concepts of computer communications, local area networks, seven layers of com­ munication protocols, global networks. Prerequisite: 106. Alternate years. 440 Topics in Computer Science (3) Course may be repeated for credit with different content (sec tion title). Prerequisite: I06. Top ics are selected from the following: Compiler Th eory. The theory of lan­ guages and their implementation. Systems Programming. Design and implementation of language transl a­ tors and system utilities. Theory of Computation. Concepts from th eo reti ca l computer science, finit e state co nce pt s, dec idab ility, computability, and Turing machines. Computer Graphics. Computer inter­ ac ti ve graphics, software structures, screen display, graphical techniques. Artificial Intelligence. Concepts and techniques of art ifi cial intelligence, representation, search strategies, con­ trol , communicat ion and perception , and app lica tions. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Spec ial studies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent

230 Programming Languages (3) Organi za tion and structure of program­ ming languages. Run-time behavior and requirements of programs. lntro­ duction to programm in g language specificationsand analys is. Studyof var­ ious alternatil'e languages such as Ada, Ctt and Lisp. Prerequisite: 106. Fa ll. 301 Software Engineering (3) Concepts, pr inciples, techniques, and dornments of software eng inee ring . Emphasis on systematic approaches to software engineering and the software life cycle. Team project required . Prerequisite: 230. Alternate years. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and st ructuring of the major hardware componen ts of comput­ ers. Mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communications S)~tems. Prerequisi te: 202 or consent. Alternate years. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer operat ing systems; topi cs include time sharing, process commu­ nication, memory management , stor­ age all oca tion , in terrel ationships between the operating system and the arch itecture of comput er systems. Prerequisites: 106. Alternate years. 400 Theory of Algorithms (3) Various types of algo rithms, analytic techniques for the determination of algo rithmi c effi ciency, NP-complete problems, complexity hi erarchi es, intractab le problems. Prerequisite: 106, Math 112. Alternate yea rs.

one course (3 units) at the 300 or 400 le\'el in Compute r Science or Math . Math 105, 106,112,291 and 32 1or 333. Information Systems (57 units) This emphasis must complet e: I05, I06, 202, 230, 30 I, 302, 3I I, 402, 430; 440, and one course (3 units) a1 the 300 or 400 level in Business or Computer Science . Business 202, 211, 212,328,370. Math 103, 112 and 210. Note: All concentmtiom must include 24 upper division units. The general edu­ cation requirement for a foreign language for those following a computer science major may be met /Jy two years of high school lan­ guage or the first four units of a college lan­ guage. The science/mathematics require­ ment may be met /Jy three units ofscienu. MINOR A Computer Scienu Minor is offered with the completion of 21 units. Stu­ dents pursuing a minor are requi red to take a core curriculum of 105, 106 and 202. The remaining require­ ments are fulfilled acco rding to inter­ es t in consultation with department adviser. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. COURSES 103 Computer.Applications (1) Introduction to computer applica tions using programs such as Word , Excel , or PowerPoint. Cannot be used toward th e major. Does not count toward General Educa tion. May be repeated with a different topic. Fall , spring. 104 The Nature of Computing (2) The history of computing machines. Computer logic and binary arith­ metic. Elementary concepts of com­ puters. Elementary BASIC program­ ming. Societal impac t of computers. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fall, spring. 105 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving meth­ ods. Elementary concepts of algorithm development. C programming. Three hours lecture, one hour lab. Fall. 106 Data Structures (3) Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogo­ nal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multi­ linked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: 105. Spring. 202 Assembly Language Programming (3) Basic concepts of computer systems and computer architecture. Assembly language programming. Micros, pro­ gram segmentation and linkages. Pre­ requisite: 106. Spring.

Chair: Edward Thurber, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Th urber Associate Professor: Woo Assistant Professor: Se iu OBJECTIVES

Computer science studies the repre­ sentation, storage and transformation of information utilizing computer systems. The Deparmient of Computer Science at Biola Un iversity provides two primary areas of concentration in addition to a basic core curriculum. These two areas are computer science and information sys tems. The department also offers a selection of courses for those majoring in other fields who wish a minor emphasis in computer science. Our student labs are equipped with numerous Pentium and Apple PowerPC workstations. We also have a Computer Science Alcove equipped with the latest Pentium, Pen­ tillln Pro and Pentium II platforms nm­ ning either Windows NT or Linux. The departmen t endeavors to pro­ vide each studen t with an understand­ ing of the organization and operation of modern computer systems. Funda­ mental values and knowledge are emphasized so that students will be able to stay abreast of their fi eld . At the same time studen ts are exposed to practical applications and curr ent computer systems so th at they will have significant opportunities in the market place upon graduation. The pervasive us e of computers today allows the student to pursue a career in many differ ent areas including aerospace, insurance , teaching, the computer industry, and banking, to name a few. Al so, the student is pre­ pared to pursue further studi es in graduate school, typically in computer science or business. There is a con­ certed attempt by the department to integrate faith and learning in the study of computer sc ience and its

impact upon our society. DEGREE PROGRAM

A Badie/or of Science degree in Com­ puter Science is offered upon comple­ tion of the university baccalaureate and the computer science major in one of the emphases. MAJORS Computer Science (53 units) This emphasis must complete: 105, 106, 202, 230, 301, 302, 311 , 400, 430, 440 twice with two different topics and

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