Chair: Pete Menjares, Ph .D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Hetzel, Menjares, Ramos, Sibold Ass istant Professor:John son
2. Compl eti on or th e foll owin g: BI OS 300 Health Science, LEDU 410 Main streamin g and LEDU 470 Computers in the Classroom. (See Graduate Arts and Sciences sec tion if cou ,-sewo,-k is going lo be com pleted posl-deg,ie.) 3. Passing scores on California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) are required prior to submitting an application for student teaching. 4. Pa ss ing scor es on the Reading In struction Competency Assess- ment (RICA) will be required or all Multiple Subject Credential candi- dates prior to submitting an appli- cation for a teaching credential. 5. Verification or rnrrent training in cardiopulminary res uscitation - infant through adult - (CPR) that meets the standards in either the American Heart Association B- or C.level course or the American Red CrossCommunity CPR course. Post-degre e students must be accept ed into the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as a Graduate Spe cial student or as a Master of Arts in Educ ation student (see Graduate School admission requirements). CLAD Certification See the Department of Education for details regarding the Cross-cul tural Language and Academic Devel opment (CLAD) certificate. Association of Christian Schools International Certificate The credential program at Biola University meets the requirements for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACS!) Certificate (iden tical to the California Preliminary Cre dential program except that BBST 465 Christian Philosophy of Education must also be completed). Application information may be obtained from the
The Single Subject Creden tial certi fi es the swde nt to teach a sing le sub ject from kinderga rten th rough th e 12th grade, but is especiall )' ap prop ri ate fo r grades 7-12. The /1'1ultiple Sub;ecl C,edential cer tifies the student to teach in a self.con tained cl ass room fr om kindergarten th rough the 12th grade, but is espe ciallyappropriate for grades K-6. The Depart men t of Education and th e Dep artm ent of TESOL and Appli ed Lingui stics have designed coursework which meets the California Commi ss ion on Teacher Credentialing requirement s for the ce rtificat e in Cross Cultural Language and Acade mic Development (CLAD) . This cer tifi cate provides teac hers with the knowledge , skills and attitudes needed to effectively teach and guide students from culturally, linguisticallyand socio economi ca ll y di verse bac kgrounds . The Department of Education is in the process of developing means by which CLAD certificate course work can be completed in conjunction with under graduate programs. Con tact the Educa
plete th e Appli ca ti on fo r Character and Identifi cation Clearance. Thi s background clearance req ui res fi nger pri nting and must be completed prior to enrollment fo r the LEDU 330 Psy cholog ical Foundations of Educa tion course. Fee req ui red. All ca nd idates for the Preliminary Multip le or Single Teaching Creden ti al mu st co mp le te th e foll owin g undergraduate ed uca ti on cour se s: LEDU 300 , 330, 420/ 425, 430/ 435 and 440/ 442 or 450/ 452 . Undergraduate students who plan to participate in student teaching the semes ter fo llowing graduation should take 430/ 435 (Elementary/ Secondary Curriculum) . To rece ive graduate credit , reg ister for ASED 505/ 506 . Concu rre nt enrollment is required. See Department of Education or Reg istrar 's Offi ce for information. All educati on and competency courses must be compl eted with a grade of "C" or higher with the excep tion or Student Teac hing LEDU 440/ 442 and 450/ 452 which must be compl eted with a grade of "B- " or higher for the candidate to be recom mended for a teaching credential. U.S. Constitution Requirement The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that a teaching credential candidate must have completed a minimum 2 unit course that covers the U. S. Constitu tion or fulfill the requirement by examination. Biola University stu dents can complete this requirement by taking HIST 105 U. S. History or POSC 205 Survey or American Gov ern men I. Transfer students must either show proof or U. S. Constitu tion in a transferred course or will need to complete POSC 480 U. S. Constitution (I) by arrangement with the History Department (see History Department for information and exam detai ls). Professional Clear Teaching Credential Requirements In order to qualify for a Profes sional Clear Teaching Credential , a stu dent must satisfy all of the require ments for a Preliminary Teaching Cre dential plus the following: I. 30 units of coursework past the bachelor's degree in a pre-approved program. The coursework must be completed within 5 years of receipt of the Preliminary Credential.
In structor: Cho DISTINCTIVES
Biola University offers high quality undergraduate teacher preparation pro grams. Students participate in a broad general education program, thorough subject matter competence sequences, and challenging classroom observation and participation experiences. These programs provide a distinct foundation for professional careers in education. In addition , Biola' s ·undergraduate 30-unit biblical studies and th eology requirement , with its emphasis upon Scriptural knowledge and the dynamic integration of biblical and academic thought, provides a strong foundation for service in both public and private schools. OBJECTIVE The primary fun ction of the Department of Education is to pro vide excellent preparation for profe~ sional teaching. The goal is for Biola graduates ( I) to manifest strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and a Christian philosophy of educa tion , and (2) to possess subject matter knowledge, understanding of pupil behavior, competency in the skills of teaching, and ability to stimulate criti
tion Department for details. Approved Majors tor Single Subject Credential
Students intending to complete a single subject credential must complete an approved subject matter examina tion or program in one of the following areas: English (English-communication program), mathematics, music, physical
education, and social science. Approved Major for Multiple Subject Credential
cal judgment and creativity. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER PREPARATION
The Liberal Studies Major or the approved subject matter examination (students intending to complete a Multiple Subject Credential must complete the following courses: Eng lish 380, Math 111, Music 310, and Art 306, PEED 201). Preliminary Teaching Credential Requirements Students who wish to complete the undergraduate teacher preparation pro gram must apply for admission to the education program during the Introduc tion to Teaching course (LEDU 300). A minimum 2.75 GPA is required. Other departmental requirements and compe tencies are stated in the Guide for Students Entmng the Teaching Profmion , which may be obtained from the Department of Education Office. Students enrolled in the Introduc tion to Teaching course must com-
Two Professional Teacher Prepara tion Programs are available: Single Sub ject and Multiple Subject. These corre spond with State of California Prelimi nary Teaching Credential requirements which may be completed in conjunc tion with undergraduate degrees, and the Professional Clear Teaching Cre dential described in the M.A in Educa tion section of this catalog. State of California Teaching Credentials The California Preliminary Teach ing Credential can be comp leted in conjunction with the undergraduate teacher preparation program. In addi tion , Preliminary and Professional Clear credential requirements (as well as specialization credentials and cer tificates) are incorporated in the M.A. in Education section of this catalog.
A Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and lib eral studies major requirements. The liberal studies major is designed to prepare elementary school teachers with a broad founda tion in subject matter. There are 34 units or required core courses: Art 306; Bible I09; Biology 300; English 380; English 354; History 403; Inter cultural Studies 331; Math 111;
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