

Music 310; Phys ical Science IOI , 102; and three units from one of the fol­ lowing: Business 201, Geography 30 1, ln tercnltural Studies 475 , Psyc hology 32 I, or Sociology 330, 346, 362. In addition to this core, each stu­ dent must complete a concentration of 12 units in one of seven subj ec ts areas: Bi ology, English , lntercnltural Studies, Language and Linguistics, Mathematics, Phys ical Education , U.S. History or World Hi story. The General Education require­ ments for the Liberal Studies major are unique and include the following: L English I IO A, 110 B; three units of literature, English 220, 230, 240, 251 or 252; three units of Commu­ nication 100, 170, 181 or 270; 2. Mathematics 210; Biology 100, 110; 3. History 105, 205; Psychology 200; 4. Three units of Art 100, 106, or 130; Communication 160, or Music IOI; three units in Philoso­ phy 210, 214 or 215; and a foreign language as spec ified in th e uni­ versityGeneral Education section; 5. Elementary School Activities (Physical Education 201) ; and two physical education ac ti,~ties. COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The struct ure and function of th e school , foundations of education, qua!~ ties required for teacher effectiveness, and contemporary issues in education. A minimum of 35 hours of observa­ tion / parti cipation in schools is required. Successful completion of this course constitutes one of the require­ ments for admission to the Preliminary Credenti al program. This class is designed to fulfill the University's writ­ ing competency requirement. See Pre­ liminary Teaching Credential require­ ments of this catalog for fingerprinting and background clearance information . Prerequisite: sophomore standing. 330 Psychological Foundations of Education (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process, role of the teacher and learner, human growth and develop­ ment, learning styles, motivation, mem­ ory, transfer of learning, measurement and evaluation, research and experimen­ tation in learning theory. Prerequisite: 300, Psychology 200, approved consent, and formal application and acceptance into Department of Education. Amedia component is required. Fee: $20.

410 Mainstreaming (3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop to meet needs of excep­ tional pupils; special attention to needs of minoritystudents, to cultural and eth­ nic differences, and to development of moral/spiritual va lues. This course is not reqLLired for the Pre liminary teac h­ ing creden tial and is ge nerall y com­ pleted post-<legree. See Graduate M.A. Program fo r graduate leve l course, ASED 52 1 Education in th e Least Restrictive En~ronment (3). Prerequi­ site: 330 and consent. (See also 52 1. ) 420 Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in element ary schools; attention to a variet y of approaches and techniques; considera­ tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A minimum of 35 hours of observation/ participat ion in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching read ing through content areas in sec­ ondary schools; attention to reading techniques, testing, and individualiza-

450 Secondary Student Teaching I (6) 452 Secondary Student Teaching II (6) Full ti me laboratory experi ence in school classrooms under the direction of qualified super.·ising master teach­ ers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Prerequisite: appli­ cati on and consent. Studen ts doing studen t teaching are limited to a max­ imum of 15 units that semester. (See also 512/ 513 and 514/ 515.) 470 Computers in the Classroom (2) Knowledge and skills in computer use in education settings; inc ludes com­ put er app li ca tions in curri culum , managing instruction , record keep­ ing, generating instructional mater i­ als, and use within app ropriate grade levels and subj ec t areas to develop process skills. Thi s course is not required for the Preliminary teaching credential and is generally completed post-<legree. See Graduate M.A. Pro­ gram for graduate level course, ASED 511 Computers in the Classroom (2). Prerequisite: consent. Fee: $10. (See also 511. ) 480 Directed Study (1-3) Subject matter and cred it by arrangement.

tion. A minimum of 35 hours of obse r­ vation / parti cipation in sc hoo ls is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 430 Elementary Curriculum (4) Int ro ducti on to the sco pe and sequence of the eleme nt ary school cur­ riculum in mathematics, science , social studies and language arts; emphasis on a rnr iety of teaching ap proac hes, inte­ grati on across contelll areas, class room managemen t and resources avai lable. Fie ld obse rvation and media compo­ nents are required. A minimum of 60 hours of observation/ participation in public and Ch ri st ian sc hoo ls is required. Prerequisite: 330 and con­

se nt. Fee: $20. (See also 505.) 435 Secondary Curriculum (4)

Secondary school curriculum, class­ room management , teaching meth­ ods , use of media and ot her educa­ tional skill s in content areas. Field observa ti on and media components are required . Amin imum of 60 hours of observation/ parti cipation in public and Christian sc hools is required. Pre­ requisite: 330 and consent. Fee: $20. (See also 506.) 440 Elementary Student Teaching I (6) 442 Elementary Student Teaching II (6)

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