Chair: Beth Rambo, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Doland Associate Professors: lngraffia , Rambo, Smit h Ass istant Professors: Buchanan, Frankwitz, Pi ckett OBJECTIVES
th e cour ses li sted above under the department major. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS All students reques ting transfe r of credits from countries where English is not the primar)' language must pro vi de th e fo ll owing to be assessed by th e English Depa rtm ent pr ior to approval of credits: sam ple wri tings , a cour se desc ription fr om th e uni ve r sity's catalog, a sy ll abus of the course, writings from th e cou rs e and tran script. Final dec ision wi ll be made by the department chair. COURSES Note: Unless othenvise slated, a coune may be repeated wi th different content (sec tion title). The English Department does not exclude students from any of its counes on the basis ofgender. 100 Basic Studies in Critical Thinking and Writing (3) Reading and disrnssion of ideas and methods in writing , stressing funda mentals of gramm ar, punctuation , spelling and paragraph writing, along with crit ica l thinking persuasion and eva luation. Student s sco ring below 480 on the verbal sec tion of the SAT II (and under 510 on the SAT II Writing Exam, if applicab le) must take ENGL 100 within the first term of residence. Th ree hours of lecture, two hours of lab. Prerequisite to I!OB. 110A Studies in Critical Thinking and Writing (3) Reading and disrnssion of ideas and methods in writing , stressing critical thinking, persuasion and evaluat ion; expe ri ence in writ ing a variety of expository and persuasive essays. Stu dents scoring 480 or higher on the ver bal section of the SAT or 510 or higher on the SAT II Writing Exam may enroll in ENGL I JOA. Prerequisite to I JOB. 110B Studies In Critical Thinking and Writing (3) A continuation of 100 or I JOA, this course uses literary works as content for reading and di sc uss ion of ideas and methods in writing, stressing crit~ cal thinking, persuasion and evalua tion; experience in writing essays and the research paper. Required. Pre requisite: 100 or I JOA. 210 Writing for Competency (3) Intensive practice in writing at the col lege leve l. Designed for the students who have not satisfactorily fulfilled their department 's WCR (Wr iting Compeā¢ tency Requirement) as described in the
100, 170, 181, or 280. The major con sists of 3j unit s, 30 of which must be upper division. Students must take the fo ll owing courses: Englis h 252, 340, 350, 360, 370, 400, 4j!, two units of 470 and Communication 230. Three additional units must be comp leted in any one of the following courses: Eng lish 35 1, 353, 3j4, 360, 370, 420, 430, 440 , fi2 or 460. Six un its must be comp leted in any of th e follow ing courses: English 343, 344, Communi cat ion 330,33 1,334,388,43 1, or 4j7. English 351, 353 or 354 may be substi tuted for English 350 with the consent of the English Department chair. English/Communication Secondary Credential (37units) The English Department in cooper ation with the Communication Depan ment provides a program lead ing to a Single Subject California Teaching Cre dential in English/ Communication. Thi s program provides considerable fl exibility for those planning to teach English in high sc hool. Students who complete this program are able to waive the subject matter examinations (see Department of Education ), which oth erwise would be required for a Califor nia Teaching Credential. In addition to the general educa tion requirement of 12 units in Eng lish I 10 A/B, English 240: American Literature and Communication 100, an English core of 28 units (English 251, 252, English 320, 340, 35 1 or 353 or 3j4, 400 , one unit of English 470, and nin e units to be selected from English 343, 344, 360, 370, 380, 420, 430, 440 , 451 , 452, and 460) is required. For a total of 37 units in the major, an additional 9 units are to be selected from Communication. The student must consult with the Depart ments of English , Communication and Education for specific courses allowed
General Studies sec tion. Agrade of C+ or bet ter will fulfill the competency requirement. Prereq ui sites: Engli sh 100 or I JOA, I !OB; two un successful attempts to complete GNRC 300; and instructor 's signature. ELSP students must have passed the EDET. Fee: $25. 220 Literature and Film (3) Designed to fu lfill the genera l educa tion li terature requirement. Compari son of fi ct ional an d dramati c texts with their cinematic adap tat ions. Pre requisit e: 100 or I JOA; I !OB. 230 Literature in Context (3) Des igned to fulfill the general educa tion literature req ui rement. Selected writers representative of international or et hnic literatures. Prerequisite: 100 or I lOA; I JOB. 240 American Literature (3) Designed to fulfill the general educa tion literature requirement. Selected writers from the Co lon ial period through the twent iet h century. Required for adva nced studi es in American literature. Prer equisite: 100 or I lOA; I JOB. 251 Engl ish Literature to 1798 (3) Designed to fulfill the gene ral educa tion literature requirement and a pre requisite for advanced studies in litera ture. Se lected writers and their works from the early Middle Ages through the 18th cen tury. Required for English and Humanities/English majors. Pre requisites: 100 or 1JOA; IIOB. 252 English Literature since 1798 (3) Designed to fu lfill the general educa tion literature requirement and a pre requisite for advanced studies in liter ature. Selected writers and their works fr om the I9th and 20th cen turi es. Requir ed for English and Humanities/ English majors. Prereq uisites: 100 or I JOA; I !OB. 320 Studies in Grammar and Language (3) Introductory language course for edu cation students: history of language, grammatical systems, usage/ composi tion ; teaching applications. Prerequi sites: 100 or IIOA, I IOB;.220 or 230 or
Th e Department of Engl ish ha s five object ives: th e understanding of language as a means of communica tion , the ab ility to spea k and writ e with clarity; an understanding of liter ature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human hi sto ry; the apprec iati on and enj oyment of literature ; and an acquainta nce wit h the lit erary her itage of the English-speaking world. History 30j is recommended for all English majors. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Arts degree in English is offered upon complet ion of the univer sity baccalaureate and English major in one of the emphases which consists of 33 units, 24 of which must be upper division . A minimum grade of "C" is required in order to receive credit for any course counted toward the major. MAJORS English Emphasis (32 units) The student is required to take English 240, American Literature, to fulfill the general educa tion literature requirement. English 25 1 and 252 are required for the major and are prereq uisite to upper division courses in the major. The student must complete: English 350, 360, 370,400, 451 , 452 and two units of 470 Seminar. Remaining units may be completed in any of the upper division English course offerings. English 351, 353 or 354 may be substi tuted for English 350 with the consent of the English Department chair. The following emphases/ special programs are also offered: Writing Emphasis (35 units) The English Department offers a Writing Emphasi s. This program enables students to supplement their study of literature with theoretical and vocational training in writing. As part of the regular general edu cation requirement, students must complete English I JOAand I !OB, Eng lish 25 1, and either Communication
in the three areas listed above. Humanities Major/English Concentration
The Department of English offers an Eng lish concentration for the Humanities major (see Humanities sec tion for specifics). It is basicallya minor in English, but more flexibility is poss~ ble through department advisement. MINOR An English Minor is offered with completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division . The student selects units from three or more of
240 or 25 I or 252 or consent. 340 Advanced Composition (3)
Study of the theories of writing and rhetorical models. Extensive practice in writing. Prerequisites: 100 or !JOA, IIOB; 220 or 230 or 240 or 251 or 252 or consent. 343 Creative Writing: Poetry (3) Poetry workshop . Students will read and critique each other 's work, study
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