

Asian Islami c peop les from th e 7th cen tury to th e present. Major empha­ sis on post-World War II developments. 445 Africa: History, Peoples and Culture (3) African society and culture from antiq­ uit y to the present. Emphasis on regional dil"ersity, witl1 particular focus on the effects of lslami zat ion , African diaspora, colonialism, Christianization, modernization and nationhood. Spe­ cial emphasis on contemporary reli­ gious movements. 460 Seminar in Religious Traditions (3) Sign ificant religious traditions offered with different focus and content, such as: Asian ReligiousTraditions, the Evan­ gel ical Tradit ion. May be repeated witl1 a different focus. Prerequisite: 105,

American go\"ernment and poli tics, par­ ti cu larly its cont inuing interpretation of the U.S. Constitution as the framework

tional, regional and local factors, as well as of rernlutionary culture and search for socialjl!Stice. 395 Twentieth Century Through Film (3) Highligh ts of 20th-century history as cap­ tured on film . Historical understanding developed through readings, lectures and discussion. 400 Studies in Developing Nations (3) Regional studies in the Third World; stress on indigenollS cultures. European exploration and colonization; independ­ ence mo\"ements in the post World War II era; contemporary problems including economic grm,1h and cultural confli cL 401 The Rise of Modern America, 1877-1920 (3) Post-Civi l War economic growth, immigration , trans-Mississippi settle­ ment, industrialization , urbanization; America 's rise to world power, Pro­ gressive Era and World War I. 402 The United States Since 1920 (3) Shaping of American social , economic, political , religious and intellectual life and foreign policy in the era of th e twenties , New Deal, World War II, Cold War; emphasis on America's new role in a world of

331 Great Asian Civilizations (3) Survey of Indo-Aryan, Chinese and Japanese civili zatio ns from ancient times to the prese nt , st ressing the reli­ gio-philosophical de\"e lopments and their impact upon culture. 332 Studies in Asian Civilizations (3) In-depth study of specific regions of As ia; on e or mor e sec ti ons offered e\"ery yea r in such areas as: Mode rn India, Pacific Rim Nat ions, Modern Japan, and Modern China. May be repeated with a different foc us. Pre­ requisite: 205. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A study of selected political theorists. Emphasis on such writers as Plato, Aris­ tot le , Church Fathers, Augustine, Aq uinas, Machiavelli, Luther, Calvin , Hobbes, Locke, Burke, Bentham, Marx, Niebuhr and others. Readings in pri­ mary sources. Prerequisite: History 105, 205 or Political Science 205. 360 Economic History of the United States (3) Growt h and development of the American economy from the Colonial period to contemporary times. Emphasis on such dynamic factors as political, social, legal , technological and international developments affecting changes in agriculture , trans­ portatio n, communication, com­ merce, industry and finance. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Institution and practice in general and spec ific methods of teac hing as an assistant to professors of large classes. Taught jointly by instructors from the Education and History Departments. 390 History of Mexico (3) Survey of the history of Mexico from pre­ Colombian times to the presen~ empha­ sizing social, cultural, religious and politi­ cal developments, as well as relations between Mexico and tl1e United States. 391 Latin America : History, Peoples and Culture (3) Study of ethno-cultural groups - high­ land Mayas , Afro-Cubans, Japanese, Brazilians, etc. - and social groups such as university students, urban slum dwellers (javekuios) , etc; economic activi­ ties, social practices, religion and arts. Emphasis on both historical factors and contemporary developments. 392 Latin American Revolutions (3) Revolutionary movements and regimes in 20th century Latin America: Mexican Revolution of 1910, Castro's Cuba, San­ dinismo (Nicaragua) , Sendero (Peru), Zapatismo (Mexico). Analysis of interna-

for Ameri can democracy. 420 History of Russia (3)

Russia from the origin of th e nation to the contemporary Soviet state. Analysis of Czardom, the Rel"olution and inter­ national relations in the modern world. 422 Renaissance and Reformation (3) Europe fr om th e late 14th to early 17th century. Stress on changes inau­ gurated by the Renaissance and Refor­ mation ; ri se of nation-states and foun­ dations of modern European society. Offered alternate years. 424 Twentieth Century Europe (3) Europe in th e era of World War I, the ri se of Communism , Fascism and Hitler 's Nazi Part y; World War II and the post-war period; the Cold War and the collapse of the communist system. 430 History of the Jewish People (3) Post-biblical period to th e present; social, political and cultural history of th e Jew in the Middle East , Europe and the Americas; Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust , the State of Israel and Arab-Israeli tensions in the contempo­ raryworld. Offered alternate years. 440 The Islamic World (3) Political, social and cultural history of the Arab, Persian, Turkish and Afro-

205 or Political Science 205. 462 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3)

The background, original development and spread of the Christian religion; emphasis on the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynamics and church st ructure in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Offered spring semester. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Issues in the contemporary world addressed from an interdisciplinary social science and Biblical perspective. Prerequisites: Senior standing.

global interdependence. 403 California History (3)

Exploration, colon iza tion and geogra­ phy; indigenous people; the Mexican peri od; statehood; the social, eco­ nomi c and political deve lopments in the 20th century. Examination of contemporary California diversity and regional issues. Lab fee: $15 lntert­ erm and Summer only. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and deve lopment of Ameri­ can foreign relations from the Revolu­ tion to the present. Analysis of th e conduct of foreign relations, its objec­ tives and limitations. 408 The Church In the American Experience (1-3) A religious history of th e United States from the colonial to the con­ temporary period, emphasizing the Church's effect on and its response to Puritanism, the westward movement, social and intellectual ferment, indus­ trialization, immigration, urbanization and war. Offered alternate years. 41 0 American Constitutional Law (3) An examination of the principles of the American constitutional system looking primarily at U.S. Supreme Court dec i­ sions and the historical development of constitutional law. Attention also given to the judicial branch and its role in

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