

INTERCULTURAL iii•)•iill A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dean: F. Douglas Pennoye r, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Dollar, Kraft , S. Lingenfe lter Assoc iate Professors: Alexander, Dou­ glas, Hayward ,]. Linge nfelter, Pennoye r, Steffen Ass istant Professor: Dec ker


men ts for a Prelimi nary Multip le Suh­ ject Teaching Credenti al. In addition, teachi ng credential ca ndidates must pass the Multip le Subject Assessment for teachers (MSAT) and the Califor­ nia Bas ic Edu cational Sk ill s Tes t (CBEST) prior to entering the ele­ mentary curriculum course. The stu­ den t must consult with the School of lnte rcultural Studies and th e Depart­ men t of Educa tion for spec ifics. All st ud ent s in th e maj or are required to take Bib li ca l Studies 458 Theology of Mi ss ion as a Bibl e elec­ tive. BBST 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Cul ture is required in the sen ior year. Studen ts with senior stand ing may take 500 level courses (see School of lntercultural Studies graduate offerings) by permission. No te: For th e In tercultural Studies majors only, Anthropology 200 is prerequi­ site to all anthropology coursework. Students who desire a concentration/ certifiaite in TESOL (Teaching English lo Speak1s of Other Languages) are adwed lo dieck the IDOL mu/ AppliRd Linguistics sec­ tion of the catalog for requirements. They should also complete an applicalum fo1111 and pick up ahand/xJokfrom t/,e TAL department. Biola and the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) at Biola pro11de a num­ ber of linguistic courses that can com­ prise a concentration for lntercultural Studies majors interested in language analysis/ Bible translation. See TESOL and Applied Linguistics section of the catalog for these course descriptions. Field Internship Every lntercultural Studies major must participate 111 a cros s­ cultural/overseas learning program. This may be fulfilled by taking an approved fi eld internship that prmides opportunity to apply skills studied in the classroom in a foreign environ­ ment (INCS 350, 3 units) . Students mayalso fulfill this requirement bypar­ ticipating in an approved Biola semes­ ter-abroad program. Those choosing the latter will not get additional aca­ demic credit but will take three more units of electives within the major. MINOR An Int ercultural Studies Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper di11- sion, including Anthropology 200. The student is expected to take BBST 458 for Bible elective. Students must consult with department ad11ser.

Missions outr eac h has bee n th e major thrust and the spiritual strength of our program. It is the des ire of the fac­ ulty that each student in the program will find in their panicular career choice the means to effec til'e crosswhural personal min istry and ernnge lism. Toward that end the school 11111 prmide an informa­ tion center which will answer inquiries concerning mi ssions and encourage stu­ den ts and farnl ty to pursue academic exce llence and spiritual maturity so that they can Gln)' out 111th competence the Lord 's programof discipling all peoples. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Arts degree in Intercul­ lural Studies is offer ed upon comp le­ tion of the university bacca laureate and major requirements. lntercu/tural Studies (36 units) The int ercultural studi es major requires the completion of 36 units of which 24 must be upper di11sion . The 18-unit core includes: 233, 310 or 313, 322, 350, 457 or 458 and Anthropology 200, with the remaining 18 units cho­ sen to support th e particular ca reer interest of the student. Interdisciplinary (36 units) A personalized interdisc iplinary pro­ gram maybe designed bythe student and the student's ad11sor. The 18-unit core includes: 233 or 342,310 or 313,322,350, 420 and Anthropology 200. For the inter­ disciplinary program, six units of intercu~ tural studies electives and 12 upper di11- sion units are to be chosen from outside of the major in a discipline that supports the student's career objectives. Elementary Teaching Credential Program The int ercultural studies/ teach­ ing emphasis majors must complete the interdisciplinary core along with INCS 33 I and 332, the professional preparation program of 24 units whi ch includ e 12 units of student teaching and 11 units of competency courses: ARTS 306, ENGL 380, MATH 111 , MUSC 310. BBST 468 must be taken as a Bible elec tive, and BBST 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture is also required. Certain specific general education courses are also required whi ch include: Psychology I00, Physical Edu­ cation 201 , and Math 111. This option combines the JCS major with the Professional Prepara­ tion Program and the required compe­ tency courses and meets the require-

(For additional co1mes to be used in the major, see the Anthropology and Sociol­ ogy sections of ther.atalog.) 233 Foundations for Global Studies (3) Exploration of the fo undational issues related to internat ional and intercul ­ tural minist ry, including fou ndational models of global Chris ti an witness, spiri­ tual giftedness, character development and spiri tual formation , part nering 111th national leadership teams and partner­ ships and career tracks in global senice. 310 General Linguistics (3) Introduction to the basic concepts in the scientific study of language, major areas of linguistic analysis, and several subareas of the fi eld , including lan­ guage in society. Material from English and a variety of oth er languages is used to pr◊11de a broad perspective. 313 Language & Culture Learning (3) Techniques and activit ies to help a perso n be a more successful inde­ pendent learner of a spoken language and th e cultur e wit hin wh ich it is used. Practi ca l expe ri ence in lan­ guage and culture lea rning in a fo r­ eign-speaking community. Fee: $125. Other li nguistics courses which can comprise a concentrationfor Intercultural Studies majars include: General Articulatory Phonetics (3) Intro to Phonology (3) Intro to Syntax (3) Intro to Socio-linguistics (3) Field Methods in Linguistics (3) (See the TESOL & Applied Linguist ics section of the aitalog for description of t/,e above courses.) 322 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interper­ sonal adjustments with nationals and other missionaries. 331 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) Astudyof non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in light of their historical and socio-cultural background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $35 for Fall and Spring semesters only. 332 Peoples of the World (3) A study of specific cultural areas with an emphasis on customs, social strnc­ tures, religion , arts, and history. May be repeated with different course con­ tent. Areas of specialty may include: Histnry, Pe.ople and Cultures ofLatin America History, People and Cultures of Sul>-Saharan Afrir.a



The objectives of the undergrad u­ ate department of lntercultural Stud­ ies is five-fold: (I ) to enable students to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theological, his­ torical, soc iological, anthropological and linguistic issues of the crosscu l­ tural communication of the gospel; (2) to enable students to demonstrate a personal responsibility to the man­ date given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make discipl es of every nation based on an understanding of both human beings and culture; (3) to equip Chris­ tian professionals to serve in a broad range of vocations; (4) to facilitate the growth of Christ-like charac ter and ass ist students in their spiritual forma­ tion; (5) to increase student under­ standing of linguisti c and cultural diversity, so that th ey will relate more meaningfully to people with a differ­ ent linguistic and cultural background and be encouraged to analyze and develop Christian perspectives toward crosscultural problems. The careers open to lnt ercultural Studies majors are diverse, and include such areas as missions outreach, cross­ cultural health services, development programs and agencies, social welfare, translation work, information research, bilingual and multicultural education, crosscultural communications, and public and foreign service. The Intercultural Studies major is designed to allow students to pursue options which will best prepare them for their career objectives. The interdis­ ciplinary concentration offers a unique opportunity to combine lntercultural Studies with other disciplines in the University to prepare the student for careers such as bicultural education , crosscultural mass media communica­ tions, social work, crosscultural counse~ ing, missionspolitical liaison, urban pro­ gram administration, etc.

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