120 The Nature of Mathematics (3) Selected topics in mathema ti cs 111th con sideration of historical development and related philosophical issues. Designed to meet the general educat ion require men t in mathemati cs for liberal arts stu dents. Cannot be counted toward the mathematics major. Fall , spring. 190 Business Statistics (3) Collection and presentation of business data, central tendency and dispersion measures for business analysis, sampling and inference for confidence interval s and hypothesis testing, business forecast ing with simple and multiple regression, index numbers. Prerequisite: consent. Fall, spring. For business majors only. 205 Calculus Ill (4) · Functions of two and three variables, par tial differentiation, multiple integration, curves and surfaces in three dimensional
ential geome try, curl'a ture, torsion. Prerequisite: 341 or consent. Alte r nate yea rs. 435 Oifferential Equations (3) First order dilTercntial equat ions and second order linea r equat ions, seri es so lutions, Laplace transfo rms, numeri cal methods, partial differential equa tions and Fouri er ser ies, boundary va lue problems and Sturm-Liouville theo ry. Prerequisite: 205, 29 1or con sent. Alternate years. 440 Complex Variables (3) Complex variables, analytic functions, complex integral theorems, power series, conformal mappings. Prerequisite: 205 or consenL Alternate years. 450 Topics in Abstract Algebra (3) Topi cs from groups, ring and fi elds. Galois th eo ry. Prerequisite: 315. Alternate yea rs. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special studies in mathematics. Pre requisite: senior standing or consent. May be repeated for credit.
370 Readings in Mathematics (1) Readi ng of material in a special topic. Colloquium participat ion. Wri ting and oral presentation of a research paper. Prerequisite: Consent of the depart ment. May be repeated for credit. 410 Topics in Advanced Calculus (3) Implicit function theorems, main the orems in integral calculus. Jacobian transformations, infinite seri es. Pre requisite: 305. Alternate years. 415 Number Theory and the History of Mathematics (3) The hi story of mathematics from Euclid through th e 19th century as seen by ex pl oring deve lopments in number theory including congruences, Diophantine equat ions, divisibili ty, the orems of Ferma t and Wilson, primitive roots , indi ces, quadratic rec iprocity and the di stribution of prime numbers. Prerequisite: 11 2. Alternate years. 420 Modern Geometry (3) Projec ti ve geometry, cross ratios th eo rems of Menelaus, Cevas, Pappus, Desargues and Brian chon. Hyper bolic and elliptic geometries. Differ-
Bayes' Th eo rem, one and hi gher dimensiona l random l'ari ables, special and mul til'ariate distri bu tions. Prereq uisites: 112, 205. Al ternate years. 332 Statistics (3) Estimation: consistency, unbiasedness, maximum likelihood, confidence inter vals. Hypoth esis-tes tin g; type I and II errors, likelihood ratio tests, test for means and var iances; regression and correlation, Chi-square tests, decision theory, nonparametric stati stics; applica tion of statistical methods. Prerequ is ite: 331or consent. Alternate years. 333 Operations Research (3) Mathematical foundations of model building, optimization , linear pro gramming models, game theoretic models. Prerequisites: 105, Computer Science 105. 341 Classical Geometry (3) Theorems of Pythagoras, incenters, cir cumcenters, circles, Euler line, Fermat center. Compass constructions. Solid geometry. Spherical geometry of arcs. Coordinate geometry. Prerequisite: Consent. Alternate years.
space. Prerequisite: 106. Fall. 210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)
Nature of statistical methods, descrip tion of sample data, fundamental con cepts of probability, probability distri butions, sampling, estimation, correla tion and regression, application of same . Fall, sp ring. 291 Linear Algebra (3) Topics from matrices, determinants, lin ear transformations and vector spaces. Prerequisite: 106 or consent. Fall. 305 Advanced Calculus (3) The real number system, elementary topological concepts in Cartesian spaces, convergence , continuity, deriv atives and integrals. Prerequisite: 112 and 205 or consent. Alternate years. 315 Modern Algebra (3) Introduction to abstract algebra with topics from elementary ring, fi eld and group theories. Emphasis on ring of integers, congruences, polynomial domains, permutation groups. Pre requisite: 112 and 291 or consent. Alternate years. 321 Numerical Analysis (3) Functions of one variable, approximate numerical solutions of non-linear equa tions and systems of linear equations, interpolation theory, numerical differ entiation and integration , numerical solutions of ordinary differential equa tions. Prerequisites: 291, Computer Science 105. Alternate years. 331 Probability (3) Samples spaces, axioms and elementary theorems of probability, combinatorics, independence, conditional probability,
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