

Cultural and research opportunities abound in the area. Several major uni\·ersities and libraries are within easy clriring distance of La Mirada including the Universityof Cali fornia, Los Angeles; the University of Southern California; the Unirersit)· of C1lifo111ia, Irvine; and several other state and p1irate institutions. THE BIOLA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by Biola Avenue and on the east by La Mirada Boulevard. It is located between the large east-west thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximately three miles to the sou th­ west is the Santa Ana Freeway (Freeway 1-5) . Students coming to the campus byautomobile should fol­ low these direct ions to the main en trance on Biola Avenue: ■ Coming from the northwest , leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Rosecrans and travel east to Biola Ave., then turn north on Biola Ave. ■ Comi ng from the south east , leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Vall ey View and travel north to Rosecrans, then turn right on Rosecrans to Biola Ave., then turn north on Biola Ave. ■ Coming from the east 11a San Bernardino Freeway (I 0) turn sou th on the Orange Freeway (57) to Impe rial Highwayand travel west on lmpe1ial Highway (approxi­ matelynine miles) to BiolaAve., tum south on BiolaAve. The campus consists of95 acres with 700,000 square feet of building space in 30 major buildings. Just under half of the space is dedicated to nine student residence complexes, hous­ ing nearly 1,500 students in a fin e variety of li vi ng quarters. These incl ude tradi tional residence hall s, full y independent apartments, and special housing for both married students and graduate students. The rest of the buildings house classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, offi ces and students services. High­ lights of the buildings include Soubirou Hall, containing spe­ cialized classrooms for nursing in struction ; Lansing Audi to­ rium, a 450-seat concert hall with a fine pipe organ and excel­ lent acoustics; the Rose of Sharon Chapel, a small chapel exclu­ sively reserved for si lent prayer and meditation; a gymnasium­ swimming complex with a short-course Olympic pool; and a new production center for the Radio/ TV/ Film program. On the eastern side of the campus lie the athletic field s. Included are a crushed-brick, quarter-mile track; an excel­ lent baseball diamond; a soccer fi eld; and lighted tenni s courts. In addition to more than 15 ac res of recreational facilities on campus, there are off-campus facilities in the l 05-acre La Mirada Region al Park, just across La Mirada Boulevard from the Biola campus. Biola has purchased a former medical office building at the co rner of La Mirada Boulevard and Imperial Highway, less than half a mi le from the northern edge of the main campus. The Biola Counseling Center is housed here as are the admin­ istrative offices of the BOLD program and other programs that serve the non-traditional students and the local community. THE LIBRARY The Rose Memorial Library serves Biola University as the central librarr facility on campus, supporting the needs of all

th e underg1·acl uate and graduate programs with ex tensive resources and a wide variety of services. In addit ion to more than 252,000 books, the libra1)' cur­ rent!)' subsc ribes to more than J,100 periodical titl es, with a number of bound journal back fil es elating from the nin e­ teenth century. More than 2,000 aclclitional periodi cal titles are avai lable fu ll- text on-line. The collec tion refl ec ts Biola's enthusiasm and scholarly interest in Bible hi sto1 1 and transla­ tion , the hi stori cal roots of fundamentalism and evangelical Christianity, and the worldwide wi tn ess of Ch ri stian missions. Auxiliary collections embrace ex tensive microform resources; selec ted Bible study tools in Braille; comprehensive pamphlet files including maps, charts, mission resources, and a 111de va1iety of topics in the liberal arts; and special holdings of text and curriculum resources approp1iate to teacher education. To facil itate study and the use of libra1 1 resources, the Rose Memorial Library provides access to its ho ldings by SCROLL, the on-line public access catalog and circulation sys­ tem, and over 80 on-line databases are available on a local area network. Library automation reflects the Un iversity's commit­ ment to providing quality service and expanding resources th rough the electronic exchange of ideas. In additi on, copy machines, coin-operated typewriters, microform readers and reader-printers fac il itate resource use . Study tables and indi­ vidual carrelscan accommodate approximately350 patrons. Library services offer trai ned reference help at all times, with special effort made to relate students and faculty to other important li braq• resources of the southern Californi a area , the nation, and throughout the world. Reciprocal bor­ rowing privi leges are ava ilable fo r undergraduate and gradu­ ate students to access the impressive resou rces at California State Universityat Full erton and Domi nguez Hills and mem­ bers of several local consortia and cooperatives. Traditional interlibra1 1•loan services are avai lable. In-house and network computer services help Biola scholars to access the Internet and international bibliographical databases through OCLC First Search and Elosie Host. Six professional librarians, supported by a well qualified paraprofessional staff and many student assistants, comprise a libra1 1 work force dedicated to service more than 70 hours per week during the regular semester with adjusted sched­ ules of se rvice available year round. MEDIA CENTER The University Media Center located in the libra1 1 offers a variety of audio-visual tools and methods to enhance the quality of communication by facu lty and students. Among these methods are the Media Center' s physical resources. Thousands of computer indexed tapes, CDs, laser discs and films are open to use, as well as the latest presentation equip­ ment in several equipped carrels and roll-about units. THE CENTER FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Instructional Services maintains a faculty lab with graphic workstations and offe rs assis tance wi th graphic design and presentation development. The center has a library of teach­ ing resources that supplements training seminars th rough-


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