2. Integrat e knowledge from Biblical studi es, and the behavioral , bio logical, and ph ys ical sc iences toge ther wit h k11 0\\'ledge from nnrs ing sc ience and 111il izc this knowledge as a basis for nursing practi ce. 3. Base nur si ng practi ce on a formul ation of th eoreti cal kn owledge incorporating comm11 nica1ion/ collab ora1ion , teaching/ lea rning , critical thin ki ng/ problem solving, and leader shi p/ ad\'ocacy principles. 4. Coll ect relevant data systemat i callyfromall pertinent clie111 systems, the emironment , and the research knowl edge base; util ize this data effectively to pro\ide safe, competent nursing care. 5. Demonstrate app li catio n of synthesized concepts related to Christ ian caring, st ress/ adaptation , develop mental, interac tional and systems the ories in the purposeful and systematic use of the nursing process to facilitate optimal adaptation through appropri ate use of the prevention, restoration, and conservation modes of interven tion with the three client ,ystems. 6. Identify and utilize kn owledge of the relevant cultural , economic, eth ical, legal, political, social , and spiritual fac tors and the interactions between them that affect the practice of nursing and the delivery of health care services. 7. Demo nstrate personal and professional development and Christ ian commitment consistent with the goals of Biola Universityand baccalau reate nursing education. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into clinical nursing. Students desiring to be admit ted to the Department of Baccalaureate Nursing must meet all requirements for admission to the university. Biola pre nursing students mee ting all require ments for admission to clinical nursing, who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have taken at least two full-time semesters at Biola, will be given priority for admis sion to the nursing program. Before being accepted, students must complete the prerequisite college courses with a minimum grade of "C" (2.00) . These courses include anatomy, inorganic and organic/ biochemistry, communication (100,170, 181 or280),English llOAand llOB, first aid, physiology, and psycho~ ogy. Students also are required to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.80 on all pre-nurs ing college course work. Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 to 2.79 may be
considered for admission on prmisional status if space is a\ai lable in the program and if there is reason to anticipate the stude nt 11ill be able 10 complete the pro gram successfu ll y. Add it ional factors considered in the application process include the following: total transcript e1aluation, small group inteniews, a brief written biographical ske tch and a brief extemporaneouswri ting assignment, ref erences, prenursing examination, SAT scores, and work experience. Adepart mental application fo rm is to be com pleted and fil ed in the department with an application fee of $25 byJanuary 15. There is an additional late fee of$ IOfor app li cations rece ived afte r the estab lished deadline. Decisions regarding stu dent acceptance into clinical nursing are made by th e nursing faculty. Before starting clinical nursing, students \1ill be required to subm it completed health forms and proof of current certification in cardiopulmonary certification for health care professionals. Applicants whose educational and professional expe riences quali fy them fo r adva nced standing are welcome . Those intending to challenge nursing courses should make an appointment with th e Departmen t of Nursing as soon as acce pted bythe Un ivers ity. After Being Accepted Into Bio/a 's Clinical Nursing Program Astudent is required to have, at his own expense, a year ly phys ical examina tion and specific laboratory tests and immunizations byJune 15. ute fees are assessed. Students will not be permitted in the clinical agency without this. Each student is assessed for liability insurance through the University when participat ing in clinical courses. The University and coope rat ing age ncies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occurringduring the school program. Students must arrange for the ir own transport ation to clinica l agen cies as the University does not provide transportation. Students must have a valid driver 's li ce nse and have access to a car at the beginning of the clini cal nursing program. Valid CPR certification is required and must be renewed annually through out the clinical nursing program. Theory and clinical must be taken concurrently in courses with a clinical component. On e unit of theory equals one clock hour, and one unit of clinical equals three clock hours. Due to the importance of course and clinical orientation, attendance is
requirement for adm ission into cl ini cal nursing. Fee: $15. 201 Nursing of the ClienVFamily I - Theory (3) lmplementation of the nursing process to facilitate adap til'e equil ibrinm in the clie nt / fam il y. In cl udes normal growth and developme nt of the adolescent through the older adult. (C* ) 201 Nursing of the ClienVFamily I - Clinical (4) Clinical app li cation of the nursing process with ad ul t clients in inpatient and communitysettings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 201 - The ory. Graded on a credit / no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. ub fee: $15. (C*) 202 Nursing of the ClienVFamily II - Theory (5) Continuation ofNURS 201. Implemen tation of the nursing process to fac ilitate adaptive equilibrium in tJ1e client/ fam ily. Prerequisites: 201,303. (C*) 202 Nursing of the ClienVFamily II - Clinical (4) Clinical app li ca ti on of th e nursing process with adult clients in ac ut e med ical-surgical and community se t tings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theo ry. Graded on a cred it/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 204 Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology (2) Use of th e nursin g process in the administration of medication . To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theory. (C*) 230 Clinical Topics in Nursing (1-3) Allows st udents to exp lor e issue s related to nursing prior to attaining upper,:livision status. Requires writ ten consent of instructor. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of nine units. 232 Clinical Experiences in Nursing (1-4) Allows students the opportunity to gain additional clinical nursing experience prior to attaining upper,:livision status. Requires written consent of instructor. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 12 units. 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) A transition seminar designed to facil itate sociali zation into baccalaureate professional nursing . Des igned for transfer-<:hallenge students.
mand ator)' to proceed in nursin g cou rses. Astudent must ea rn a mini mnm grade of "C" (2.00 ) in microbiol ogy, stati sti cs, BBST 465 health care ethi cs , and in each nnr sing course , and maintain a cumul ative GPA of 2.00 in order to progress in nursing. Students will be permitted to repeat nursing courses one time only. Students withdra1,ing more than once at a fai ling lel'el (C- or below) or fa iling two courses may be dropped from the nursing pro gram . Unsafe clinical nursing practi ce, rega rdless of GPA, is ground for dis missal from the nursing program. St u de nts who withdraw from nursing in good stand ing will be readmi tted on a space-available basis. Transfer-challenge stude nts have equal access for open spaces in nursing courses. It is recommended that microbiol ogy (Biology 282 ) be taken prior to Nursing of the Client/ Family I and II. Students will not be advanced to level II without microbiology. Mandatory NLN ac hievement exams will be taken throughout and at the completion of the nursing program. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Sci1mce degree in Nurs ing is o!Tered upon completion of the university bacca lau reate and major requirements . Th e nu rs ing major requi res the completion of: Biological Science 252, 28 I, 282; Chemist ry 11 2 (totaling 16 sc ience units); Nurs ing 110, 201, 202, 204, 303, 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366, 441 , 442, 450, 451, 452 and 460. Supporting courses: Three units of each of the following: Psychol ogy 200, intercultural studies or sociol ogy, and statistics. Note: The general education require ment for a foreign language for nursing maJOTI is two years of the same high sdwol language orfour units of a college language. Nursing majors are exempt from general eduwtion requiremen ts of literature (3) and histmy (fourofeight units required). The annual Commitment and Pin ning Smice is financed byassessing each clinical nursing student $15 per year. COURSES 110 First Aid/CPR (1) Theory and skills related to first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Course will provide opportunity for students to rece ive certification for one- and two-person adult , child and infan t CPR. Meets pre requisit e
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