


out the year. Instructional consultants, mentors and deve l­ opment grants are also avai lable through the center. THE ROLE OF COMPUTERS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY Biola Un iversity believes that the computer is an increas­ ingly valuable too l and th at one of ou r educational goa ls should be to prepare students for a world in whi ch the com­ puter will continue to play a signifi can t role. According!)', it is our desire to in tegrate compu ter use into the university curriculum. Thus, the Universi ty provides access to computers for every student and requires their use in freshman English . It is the intent of the Un ive rsit y, over time, to require the use of these computers over a wide spec­ trum of the curriculum. This priority is further supported through computerized and media-rkh classrooms whi ch allow faculty to take advan­ tage of these emerging technologies in their class presen ra­ tions as well as permitting students the hands-on experience of learning with these tools. The campus network can be reached through the on-cam­ pus computer labs, any on-campus residence or through a bank of modems that supports off-campus connec tions. All buildings on campus are con nected through a local-area net­ work supported by high-speed fiber-optic cable. Many services

are avail able through this network. A computerized campus bulletin board sys tem affords all members of the Biola com­ munity the opportunity to share thei r ideas, exchange com­ puter tips and even ge t course in fo rmation from their in su-uc­ tors. A high-speed Internet connection facilitates research, the exchange of sc hol arl y informat ion and allows elec tronic mail to be exchanged with individuals all over the world. BOOKSTORE The Biola Bookstore is open Monday through Saturday for the convenience of the st udents, faculty, staff and public. All required textbooks, as well as general books and supplies, are avai lable. The Bookstore has a large selection of Ch rist­ ian books and offers Bibles in a variety of styles and bindings. During school breaks and vacati ons the Bookstore has short­ ened hours. Please call (562) 903-4883 for in fo rmati on. Computer Store Located within the Bookstore, the Computer Store is designed to meet the computing needs of the academic com­ munity, offering compu ters, software and accessories for pur­ chase. Software, such as Microsoft, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus, WordPerfect, are available. The Computer Store keeps dif­ ferent hours than the books tore. For store hours and more informati on, call (562) 903-4884.

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