


for th ree units , Biology 2j2, 281 and 311. The remaining 13 units of elec­ tives, of which nine units must be upper di11sion (including one phys ical educa­ tion cou rse), may be chosen from : PE 20j and one 300-level ana lysis cou rse (recommended ), Biology 120 (nutr i­ tion ), Psychology 322, or any 300-level course in biology, statistics or computer science. Psychology 200 may be used to fu lfi ll the behavioral science requ ire­ ment. Required as support courses: Mathematics 101 , Chemistry !0j and 106; and Physical Science 11 1 and 11 2, which maybe used to fulfill general edu­ cation math and science requirements. MINOR A Physiml Edumtion Minor is offered wi th the completion of 18 units , of which 12 uni ts must be upper di11sion courses. The curricul um consists of: 20j, 301 or 302, 307, 400, 408 and any two courses 310-3 I 7 an d 320-326. Coaching Minor: Prima rily for those who wish to coach in a formal sc hool setting. Requi res 205, 301 or 302, 309 and any two courses 310-317 and 320- 326. Additional acti111y classes are sug­ gested for minors as schedules permit. COURSES 110 Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Fundamental techniques of individual ski lls, basic strategy and rules. Aerobics, badminton, basketball , bowling, condi­ tioning, fie ld hockey, fie ld sports, flag football , first aid**, folk dance***, golf, racque tball , soccer, softball , track and field , tennis, tumbli ng and gymnastics, vo ll eyba ll and wr estling. May be repeated once if no 130 or 150 section offered. Recreation classes*** offered are backpacking, outdoor suf\1val and rockclimbing. ***Only one recreation class may be counted as a P.£. activity credit. **First Aid does not count as P.E. activity credit. ***Folk dance, P .£. majon only. Lab fees : $15, (exception: rac­ quetball, bowling, tumbl ing/ gymnastics and golf, $35); backpacking, outdoor

130 Intermediate Physical Education Skillsand Techniques(1) Int ermed iate skil ls, individual and tea m strategy and rul es in se lec ted activity classes. Lab fee: $1 5 (excep­ tion: bowling, racquetball , golf$35). 132 Adapted Physical Education (1) Individ ual program of actil'iti es 10 meet the phys ica l del'e lopmenl needs of a student. 133 Games and Rhythmic Activities (1) Games of low to high organization for grades K through 12. Basic rhythmi­ cal and dance princip les emphasis on del'elopmenl of basic motor skills. 140 Physical Education Skills and Techniques-Aquatics (1) Fundamenta l and advanced tech­ niques of ind ividual skill s. Swimming, lifeguard training, water safety instruc­ tion. Prereq uisite for Lifeguard train­ ing: First Aid/ CPR. Now:First Aid and CPR do not coun t as P.E. activity credit. Prereq ui site fo r WSI: Val id EWS or Lifeguard Trai ning. Certificate or equivalent. Lab fee: $15. 150 Advanced Physica l Education Skills and Techniques (1) Advanced skills, individual and team strategy and rules in selected act ivity classes. Lab fee: $15 (except ion: bowl­ ing, racquetball , golf, $35 ). 180 Recreation Leadership and Programming (2) Basic qualifications of the successful leader of recreational groups; aims of a successful program; techniques of organ izing and supervising the pro­ gram. Recommended for youth club leaders and directors, and playground and camp assistants. 201 Elementary School Activities (2) Games, basic rhythmic skills and phys­ ical ac tivities designed fo r the elemen­ tary child; preparation for the upper division profess ional me thods course in the teac hing of phys ica l educa tion. (Education majors on ly.) 205 History and Philosophy of Physical Education (3) Ahistorical re11ew of phr.;ical education and sports; objecti ves of phr.;ical educa­ tion; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional educa­ tion. Offered alternate years. 301 Klnesiology (3) Human movement with emphasis on th e st ructure and fu ncti on of th e skele tal, muscu lar and nervous sys­ tems, with simp le mechanical pri nci­ ples involved in movement ski ll s. Pre­ requisite: Biology 252, 28 1 (see pre­ requisites). Offered alternate years.

1 11 0 or 150. Offered alternate years. 312 Analysisof Track and Field (2) Rules governing indi dual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mas­ tery of fo rm; mechanical pri nc iples in vo lved; me th ods of coac hin g th e var ious eve nts. Prerequis ite: I 10 or experience. Offered alternate years. 313 Analysis of Baseball (2) History, rules, nomenclature, care of fi eld; elemental mas tery of each posi­ tion including base running, sliding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play; strategy and methods of coaching softball . Offered alternate years. 314 Analysis of Wrestling (Men) (2) Emphasis on the analys is of individual sk il ls and tea m play; var ious tec h­ niques of offensive and defensive tac­ tics and stra tegy. Prerequisite: 11 0. Offered alternate years. 311 Analysis of Basketball (Men) (2) History, rules, elementary mastery of ind ividual and team play; and me thods of teach ing basketba ll. Prerequisite : required . Offered alternate years. 309 Sports Officiating (Women) (2) Rules, scoring and mechan ics of offici­ ating ath letic events; selected ac ti\i ties and practice in actual officiating required. Offered alternate years. 310 Analysis of Soccer (2 ) 302 Physiology of Exercise (3 ) Immediate and long-range effects of muscular act i1·i1y 011 human organisms. Prerequisite: Biology 252, 281 (see Pre­ requisi1 es). Offered alternate years. 306 Elementary School Physical Education (2) Elementary school physi cal education procedures in cluding postural and rh ythmi c exercises, fundamenta ls of games, tec hn iqu es covering the sim­ plest primary skill s through the more difficult seasonal sports, such as base­ ball , basketball , foot ball and vo ll ey­ ball ; derelopmenl of a program of physical educat ion on the elementary school level. Offered alternate years 307 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education (3) Lecture, laboratory and field experience in the developme111, evaluation and appli­ cation of tests in health and physical edu­ cation; use and interpretation of elemen­ tary statisti cs. Offered al ternate years. 308 Sports Officiating (Men) (2) Rules, sco ring and mec han ics of offic i­ at ing athlet ic events; selec ted ac1 i11ties and practices in ac lll al officiating Essent ial tec hn iq ues of wrest ling; deve lopment of a team; condition ing and co ndu ct of prac ti ce sess ion s; mechani cal princip les which gove rn

performance. Prereq ui site: 110 or experience. Offered alternate years. 316 Ana lysis of Teaching Individual and Team Sports (2) A theory and laboratory co urse designed to acquaint st udents with teaching prog ression, practice tech­ niq ues, selec tion and care of equipme111 for selected sport activities. Prerequi­ site: Comp letion of all req uired 100 level courses. Offered al1erna1e years. 317 Analysis of Football (Men) (2) Analys is of teac hi ng individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and st rategy. Offe red alternate years. 320 Analysis of Tennis (2) The organi zation and conduct of ten­ nis, competition , prog ression dri lls, and practice techn iques; coachi ng; selec tion and care of equipment. Pre­ requisite: I10. Offered al ternate years. 321 Analysis of Gymnastics (2) The organization and conduct of gym­ nastics; balance and posture. Pre req­ uisite: I10. Offered alternate years. 323 Analysis of Volleyball (2) A theory and laboratory class designed to acquai nt students with progression, practice techniques, selec tion and care of equipment and the teach ing and coachi ng of vo lleyball . Prerequisites: 11 0, 150. Offered alternate years. 324 Analysis of Rhythmical Activities (2) Inst rumental materia ls and methods suitab le for all areas of rh ythmical ac tivit ies. Prereq uis ites: I 10, 201. Offered alternate years. 325 Analysis of Softball (Women) (2) A theory and laboratory class des igned to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equi pment and the teac hi ng and coach ing of softball. Pre requisites : 110, 150. Offered al ternate years. 326 Analysis of Basketball (Women) (2) Atheory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with progression; practice techniques; selection and care of equ ipment and the teaching and coaching of baske tball. Prerequis ites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 330 Psychology of Coaching (2) Analysis of factors in coaching in areas of motivation, attitude fo rmation and behavior, leadership and techniques of coaching. 400 Administration and Principles of Physical Education (3) Implementing the act ivi ty prog ram th rough prope r organ ization; use of

stuvival and rockclimbing, $50. 117 Junior Varsity and Freshman Athleti cs (1)

For inte rcollegiate athletic teams at j unior var si ty an d fres hma n leve l. Enrollmen t duri ng registration period

necessary. Lab fee : $15. 118 Varsity Athletics (1)

Rese rved fo r interco llegiate athl etic teams. Enrollme nt during the regis­ tra tion period necessary. Lab fee: $15.

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