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102 Physical Science Survey Laboratory (1)
offers a fi1·e-year, dual-degree program in liberal arts/ sciences and engineer ing. Students attend Biola for three years tak ing courses in physics, chemistry, biblical studies and the liberal am. The final two years are taken in the University of South ern California School of Enginee ring. Upon successful completion of the five year program, a student receives a B.S. degree with a major in Physical Science from Biola and a B.S. degree in Engineer ing from the USC. Asimilar agreement exists with Boston University. Students interested in these programs must plan their course of study under the superYi sion of the engineering ad11sor and 1>1th the approval of the depanments. Astudent who chooses to attend an accred ited engineering school other than University of Southern California may also be awarded a degree from Biola University. The student should be aware that engineering schools often have a minimum GPA requirement. The pro gram at USC rn,-rently requires an over all GPA of 3.0 for transferring students. The minimum required pre-engineering courses taken at Biola for most engineer ing programs are: Math 105, 106, 205, 435; Chemistry 105; Phys ics 132, 233, 234, 321 and one upper division elective. Other required courses depend on tl1e specific engineering program. Note: Students in the engineering 3/2 program sequence are exempt from general education requirements in literature (3) and history (4) West and the World. The student is also exempt from the last semester residen0· requirement. Note: Physical Science majors automali ro/ly mm the general ed ur.alum requiremenl of eight units of science and 1111111iemmics. 171t foreign language requirement is met by two years in high sdwol orfirit fouru,1ils in rollege. MINORS A Physi cal Science Minor is offered with the completion of 22 units of Chemistry 105, 106; Physics 132, 233 and six units of upper division Physical Sci ence electives. A Physics Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units consisting of Physics 132, 233, 234 and six upper division units in Physics. COURSES Physical Science/Physics 101 Physical Science Survey Lecture (4) Acourse designed for the non science major. A survey of the basic principles of physics, chemistry, geology, meteor ology and astronomy. Either semester.
Chair:James Rynd, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Rynd Associate Professor: Bloom OBJECTIVES
tests and measurements; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all le\'els; auxil iary acti\' ity programs offered by organ izations outside the school; the place of the intramural and inter-school program; development of principles which ser\'e as a basis of the profession. Lecture/ demonstrations team-taught with cooperating depart ments. Offered alternate years. 401 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Theory and practice of principles and techniques pertaining to athletic con ditioning; care of at hl eti c injuries . Offered alternate years. Fee: $50. 402 Advanced Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Advanced theory a·nd application of current techniques in the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries. Prerequisite: 401. Fee: $50. 405 Adapted Physical Education (3) Analysis of the principles underlyi ng the physical education program for the handicapped; survey of specific disabil~ ties and the implication of each for phys ical education. Offered alternate years. 408 Motor Learning (3) Overview of significant factors that influence and determine the learning and control of motor skills. Motor learning issues are examined from a behavioral perspective, and applica tions are made to teaching, coaching and rehabilitation settings. 420 Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Sport (3) The socio-psychological aspects of sport relates sociological and psycho logical theory and principles to th e context of sport . Individual and group behavior in social and cultural settings associated with sport for both the able-bodied and physically chal lenged athlete are addressed. 480 Research in Physical Education (1·3) Independent study, readings and/or research in the field. Senior standing with consent and consultation. Maxi mum of six units.
A laboratory experi ence to accom pany the lect ur e course. Must be taken concu rren tly or subsequent to the lecture. Three hours lab. Either semester. Lab fee: $40. 103 Geology (3) An introduction to ea rth science including: processes that shape the eart h's surface, oceans and atmos phere; plate tectonics, earth history and the fossil record , natural resources and environmental concerns. 107 Physics of Sound (2) The basic concepts of sound wave mechanics, th e mechanism of ton e production in musical instruments , principles of acoustics and an overview of the technology used in the elec tronic recording. Lab act ivities include the use of frequency spectrum analyz ers. Assumes no science background but will use high school algebra. Lab fee: $10. Offered alternate years. 11OAstronomy (3) Descriptive general education course, designed to acquaint the student witl1 tl1e current state of knowledge of the solar system, the Milky Way, galaxies, quasars and cosmology. Lab fee: $15. 111, 112 Physics I (4) and II (4) A study of mechanics, heat, and sound (111); electricity, magnetism, elemen tary circuits, and optics (112). Intended for non-majors.principles are treated quantitatively but without calculus. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Matl1 IOI or strong algebra/ trigonome try background. Lab fee: $40. 132 General Physics I: Mechanics (4) Basic principles of physics emphasiz ing Newtonian mechanics; conserva tion of energy and momentum; oscilla tions and fluids. Primarily for physical science and pre-engineering majors. Three hours lecture, three hours labo ratory each week. Prerequisite: Math 105. Lab fee: $40. Spring term only.
The physical science major is an interdisciplina,)' major designed to pro- 1ide the student with a solid foundation in chemistry, physics and mathematics. The program offers four emphases. As well as pr01iding the necessary prereq uisites for professional programs such as engineering, medicine and educa tion, the major allows one to qualify for many graduate programs related to the physical sciences. The knowledge and sk ills provided in the program make the graduate much sought after by technically-oriented business, industry and government agencies. Upon completion of the physical science major, the student will be able to express an understanding of the basic laws and theories of physics and chem istry, demonstrate an ability to do quan titative problem solving, demonstrate good \aboratO[)' technique, acquire sev eral techni ca l skill s, apply scientific methodology to a research probl em and integrate scientific knowledge and theories with the Christian faith. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science degree in Physi cal Science is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate requirements and the physical science departmental requirements in one of Chemistry 105, 106, 301, 302, 350; Computer Science 105; Physics 132 , 233, 234, 460; Math 105, 106; the remaining 14 units are taken in chem istry, physics and math, of which nine units must be upper division. Three units of computer science may be counted toward the 14 units of elec tives in chemistry, physics or math . Physics (59 units) Phys ics 132, 233, 234, 32 I, 460; Chemistry 105, 106; Math 105, 106, 205; Computer Science 105; and 18 units of upper division courses in physical science or math. Science Teaching Credential Students interested in a teaching cre dential must have passing scores on the appropriate Praxis/ SSAT examinations prior to submitting an application for stu dent teaching. See the Depanment of Education for details. Engineering Biola University, in cooperation with the University of Southern California, the following emphases. Chemistry (59 units)
233 General Physics II : Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (4)
Introduction to thermodynamics, elec trostatics , conductors and currents, magnetic fields, and Maxwell's equa tions. Primarily for physical science and pre-engineering majors. Three hours lecture , three hours laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Physics 132. Lab fee: $40. Fall term only.
234 General Physics Ill: Waves, Optics and Modern Physics (4)
Wave theory, sound, geometric optics, interference and diffraction, relativity, wave propenies of particles, and intro duction to quantum physics. Primarily for physical science and pre-engineer-
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