

POLITIC A L li3i=Ut3t

Chair: C. David Peters , Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Peters OBJECTIVES

ing majors. The optics section ma)' be taken fo r one unit of credit (P h)'sics 450 ). Prerequisi te: Physics 233. Lab fee: $40. Offe red alternate )'ears. 250 Science and Origins (3) A sur,ey of basi c sc ientific th eories of origins, their crucial experimental el'i­ den ces, and background mater ial in ph)'sics, chemist I)', geology and astron­ om)'· Partirnlar attention will be given 10 comparison of sc ientific th eories of origins and biblical rel'elation. 313 Statics (3) Statics of part icles, rigid bod ies in two and three dimensions, cent roids and centers of gravity, st ructures fric tion, and inertia. Prima ril y fo r pre-engi­ neering majors. Th ree hours lecture eac h week. Prerequisi te: Phys ics 132. Offered occasionallyas needed. 318 Classical Mechanics (3) Newton ian mechanics of particles and systems of particles, rigid bodies, osci l­ lating systems, gravi tation, moving coordinate systems, Lagrange's and Ham ilton's equations. Primarily fo r physics emphas is majors. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite. 132. 321 Circu its and Instrumentation I (5) An introduction to electronic cirrn it analys is and design. Th ree hours lec­ ture, six hours laboratory each week. Prerequisite: 233. Fee $60. 331 Thermodynamics (3) Introd uction to energ)' , heat, work, entropy, temperature and states of matter. 1l1e first , second and third laws of thenno­ dynamics with an emphasis on appli ca­ tions. Prerequisite: 132. 420 Special Projects (1-3) Research or industrial intern ship. To provide practi cal experience in a fi eld of the student 's interest. Designed pr i­ mari lyfor students working off campus in a situation where special projects are possible. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing with consen t. 450 Special Topics in Physical Science (1-3) Varying course content. Topics such as opt ics, spec ial relativity, nuclear and bioph ysi cs will be offered. Departmental approval requi red. 460 Physical Science Seminar (1) A capstone course for all physical sci­ ence an d biochemi stry majors th at includes: (I) presentation of a seminar, (2) se rvice learn ing proj ec t and , (3) integration readings and discussion.

111th a conce1ma1ion i11 public administra­ tion . The IS-unit concemration should include Political Science 205, and Public Administra ti on 301. :,Q6, 470, and 488. Int ernship in Publir Adm in istration should be taken in the public sector. Secondary Teaching Credential The History Department in cooper­ at ion wi th the Educa tion Department prmides a program leading to the Social Science Second,11)' Teaching Credential. For specifics on the Secondal)' Social Science program contact the Educat ion and Hi story Department for detail s. This programpreparesstudents to teach histo ry, gol'ernment , geography and economics in California high schools. COURSES 205 Survey of American Government (4) The history, organization and function of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of the American gol'ernment. Includes one hour per week invohing stu­ dents in a local gol'ernment ci1ic semce or life expe ri ence acti1i ty. Satisfi es the state requirement in institutions in Ameri­ can hi story. Meets the requirement for Uni ted States Constitution for California teacher certification. May be taken to sat­ isfy a portion of the eight units hi story general education requirement. Fee: $10. For sp1ing and fall only. 215 Perspectives on American Government (1-2) Contemporary issues in Amer ican gov­ ernmen t and po litics as seen from a Christian perspectil'e. Fee: $10. 301 Fundamentals of Public Administration (3) Fundamentals of public admini stra­ tion; over.•iew of the concepts, nature and scope of the fi eld. Role of gov­ ernmen t in modern society and the nature of public busin ess. 303 Great Political Thinkers (3) Selective readings in major political u1inkers from classical to modern times; analysis of recurring themes including: justice, natural law, human nature, social class, order, consent, community, prop­ erty, constitutionalism, social change, rev­ olution, and war. Offered al ternate years. 304 Organizational Theory and Behavior (3) Key concepts central to organizing and changing public agencies to meet pub­ lic social needs. Review of theories, managerial approaches and method­

306 Public Policy (3) An anal )'sis of pub lic policy process and the poli tical context of its forma­ tion . Systematic review of the diverse financia l systems in maki ng and

impleme nting publi c policy. 307 International Relations (3)

Th e Departme nt of Pol it ical Sci­ ence seeks to equip students to under­ stand the fundamenta l socio-po li tical instituti ons of soc iety, and their effect on contemporary life; to participate in and contribute to the political process; to assess the propriety of polit ical issues and governme nt polic ies; and to recog­ ni ze and help meet the needs of the local, state, national and internat ional community; all in a manner consistent

A survey of nati onal-state sys tem; forces affec ting int ern ati onal re la­ tions; sources of connict in wo rl d poli­ tics, and their solution by power poli­ tics and in ternational coope rat ion. 31 OStudent Government Practicum (1) The orga ni zat ion and function of stu- dent gol'emment at the university lel'el; parliamentary procedure , committ ee work and si milari ty to state and national legislative government. May be repeated for a maximum of four uni ts. (Limited to Biola Associated Students Council and Senate members. Students working for AS. for an hourlywage may not enroll.) 320 The American Presidency (3) Historical development of the office of the presidency; fo rmal and in for- mal powers of the president in exern- tive, leg islati ve, jud icial, milit ary, diplomatic and pol itical areas. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) Astudy of se lec ted pol itical th eo rists. Emphasison such 111iters as Plato,Aristotle, Church Fathers, August ine , Aquinas, Machi ave lli , Luther, Calvin, Hobbes, Locke, Burke , Bentham, Marx, Niebuhr and others. Readings in primary sources. Prerequisite: HIST 205, I 05 or POSC 205. 391 Public Finance (3) Traditional principles of public finance, government spending and fiscal impacts; development of the public sector, budg­ ets, taxation, procurement, pollution and energy incentives; state and local expenditure patterns, property taxes and revenue shar ing. Prerequisites: 301 ;


with bibl icalChri stianity. DEGREE PROGRAM

A Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science with a Political Science Concentra­ tion is offered. Requirements include a 18-unit co re of Politi ca l Scienc e courses. See soc ial science sec tion for

information on the major. SPECIAL PROGRAMS American Studies Program

Biola University cooperates with the American Studies Program in Washing­ ton, D.C. Th is prog ram prov ides work/s tudy opportuniti es for students each semeste r in all of the disciplines offered at Bi ola, espec ially political sci­ ence. Based on the principle of integrat­ ing faith, learning and li1ing, students are invited to spend time in the nation's cap~ tal as interns, participating in an academic seminar program and li1ing in a unique communi ty of Christians from different geogra phical reg ions and denominational backgrounds. The American Studies Program is designed fo r juniors and se niors with a wide range of academi c majors and vocational interests. Students are involved in the American Studies Pro­ gram for either th e fa ll or sprin g semester, earn ing 16 semester units in the internship and study seminars. A student may earn all 16 uni ts in Politi­ cal Science or 13 units in Political Sci­ ence and UJree in Bible, if desired. Prerequisite: Survey of American Government 205. To make application to the program, interested st udents should see the chairman of the Political Science Department, who also serves as director of the Biola/ Washington D.C. American Studies Program. Public Sector Employment Preparation Students interested in public semce at u1e municipal , county, state or federal level are ad1ised to major in social science

Business 201, 202, 212. 400 Political Parties (3)

Analysis of the history, philosophy, organization and functioning of America's political parties. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and development of Ameri­ can foreign relation from the Revolu­ tion to the presen t. Analysis of the conduct of foreign relation, its objec­ tives and limitations. 406 Legislation (3) The mechanical rules, procedures and customs in th e making of laws in American government. Offered alter­ nate years. 407 International Organization (3) The historical , objectives , structure, func ti ons and politics involved in the United Nations. Offered alternate years.

ologies in public administrators. 305 Comparative Government (3)

The government systems of England, France , West Germany and Ru ss ia compared to the American system of government. Offered alternate years.

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