Camacho has long been known for its disruptive attitude and bold, flavorful cigars coming out of Honduras, so it was no surprise when the company released the new Camacho Broadleaf in the fall of 2024. What was surprising though was the blend itself and the strength and character of the cigar. The Camacho Broadleaf features a rich, dark chocolatey wrapper that would give the impression that it is a full-bodied banger Camacho is known for. However, the wrapper appears to differ in more ways than one. Boasting the tagline "Big Leaf, Big Smoke," the Broadleaf is a Honduran Broadleaf wrapper, a departure from many of the tobaccos from Pennsylvania and the Connecticut River Valley that most consumers might think of when they picture a broadleaf wrapper. This wrapper also provides a smooth, mellow- bodied smoke that satiates the lover of full- bodied flavors with an approach that is also suitable for lovers of mellow cigars. The Camacho Broadleaf is not just about its unique blend. It’s a testament to the level of craftsmanship of the Camacho Factory in Danli, Honduras. Its composition presents a Honduran binder that encases filler tobaccos from Honduras and the Dominican Republic, creating a distinctly Honduran blend. Dressed
to the nines, the metallic copper band adds a final touch of elegance to the sleek Honduran Broadleaf wrapper. This blend showcases Camacho's commitment to promoting and preserving the rich, full-bodied and full- flavored Honduran taste it is known for. The Broadleaf has a strong smell of wood and a pungent aroma that displays its age and time in fermentation. On a pre-light draw, a smoker of the Camacho Broadleaf is greeted with a slight sweetness that is a precursor for things to come. Upon lighting, the cigar has notes of cedar and a full-bodied flavor but does not overwhelm. Camacho is well-known for changing the status quo, with offerings like their Camacho Corojo, an all-Honduran Corojo Puro blended from the same leaf that manages to be complex and challenging. Another instance, The Camacho Triple Maduro, one of the first of its kind and a crowd favorite, that offers a bold smoke to lovers of Camacho. Or, even the Camacho Connecticut, a mellow but not meek offering that appeals to both the avid Connecticut smoker, the novice, and devotees of bold in-your-face cigars that Camacho is known for. The Camacho Broadleaf is no exception, and customers can agree that Honduran Broadleaf is here to stay. •
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