Doctor of Ministry Program Enrollmenl Derosil per comse (non-rdimdable) ......
Room ReseIV.ition Deposit ........ ... ......... ............ :... .. $100.00 Readmis.,ion Appl ir.alion Fee ...... .. ..............................10.00 Biola English Placelllt'.nl Exam make-up )ale lee ....... 15.<X) Biola English Placemen! Exam (English Language Studies Program sludenls only) Challenge .......... 25.00 Late Registration - Any afler scheduled regislr.ilion ..... ...................... .. ......... .... .4.~.00 Late Pre-regislralion -Any afler scheduled pre-regislr.ition but before end of seme.,1er ........ .. .. .............. 20.00 Special Registralion Fee........... .. .... .. ........... 35.(X) O1ange ofCla.-., Schedule (Add/Drop) ........ .5.(Xl Late Change of C'Ja.-., Scht:dult: ... .. ........ l:i.<Xl Diploma Fee ............................................. ...... .............. 40.(X) Cap and Gown Fee Undergradualt: ........................... .. ........................ 20.(X) Graduale................................................................ 3:i.(X) Parking Fee (per year) ........ .... ...................................84.(XJ Returned C'J1eck Fee (per occu1Tence) ............ .. ....... 20.00 Transcript Fee Oflicial (per copy) ................. . .. ... (i()() Unollir.ial/S1uden1 (per copy) ... .J.00 Graduation Pt:1i1ion Lale Fee ... HXUXJ Heallh Insurance Plan** Fall eslimale ..... .................................. lM(Xl Spring eslimale .................... . .............. Hi4.00 **&quired of all Jlude11t.s t11ki11[; Jf.!1t11 uuit.s or more u11/e.JJ a "proof of i11..!ura11ce card" iJ filed at the time of rel(iJtratio11. Addi tional JpurlJ imuranc~ cmJe!'a~ is required of all Jtude11tJ partici/iat int in intercol.lel(iate J/iort.s at apremium of $150. ()() per year. SPECIAL FEES- UNDERGRADUATE There are special lee., for specific labs, clinics, physical education/recreation and campini; courses, elc. See courst: descriptions for lees. Oa-., and Labo1a101y Fees. . $8 (XJ-4(XHX) Bllsines., Applicalion Fee .... .. ........................................ 20.(XJ Nmsing Applicalion Fee .. . Nmsing Lale Applicalion Fee ....... ..HUX) Nursing Liabiliiy Insurance (per year) .................... .. .14.!',0 Nmsini; Ar.liviiy Fee (per year) ... l:i.(Xl Nursing Skill, Lab Fee (Level I only) .. .. .... l:i(Xl RN/LVN Nu1sing Challenge Exam.inalinn (per lheory & per clinical challenge). .. ...!',0.00 Nursing Ad1ievemenl Tesls (per semesler) .... CPL Credit Ev.ilua1ion Fee - BOLD .... 50.(XJ SPECIAL FEES - GRADUATE Tallx:>t New S1uden1 Fee ............ .. Biola English i'lacemenl Exam make-up !are lee ...... l:i.(XJ Biola English Placemen! Exam (English Language S1udie.s Pmg1am sludenls only) Challenge ......... 2:i.(X)
... ......... ... ............$100.00 Lale Enro!llllt'.nl Fee ............ .. ..................................100.00 Late Pr~jecl Fee................ .. .. .. Disserlalion Fee .. .... .... .... ................ .. ......50.00 .......799.00 Graduate Psychology Program Admissions Personal lnle1view Fee (non-refundable) .. .. Pmfessional Growth Fee ...........$75.00 (per semesler) .... .. ....................................... 500.00 (Tenninal M.A. sl uden Is are re<1 ui red to pay lhe Profes sional Growlh fee for three semesters. Studenls in the P~y.D. or Ph.D. programs pay the fee for a total of 10 semeslers, including those students who enter Rosemead wilh lransler credit) Thesis/Dissertation Binding/Microfilming Binding (per copy) ...................................... .. .. $20.00 (Unive1siiy requires four copies) i'e1sonal binding (per copy) (oplional).. ...20.00 Microfilming/Indexing (one copy re11uired) Doclnral dissertalion ... .. .... .5:i.00 Ma.sler's lhesis .. .. .. 15.00 Copytighl - dissertalion or 1!1t:sis (oplional) Doctoral Dissenarinn ....... 35.00 Masler's Thesis.. .. .. 30.00 MUSIC FEES Private Study Per Unit One unit gua1anlt'.t'li a minimum of 13 one hall:hour ks.sons for lhe semesler. In some cases up lo 15 ks.sons may be pos.sible. Fee includes 1he p1ivilege of using practice room one hour per day. Music Majms: One Unil (one halFhnur lesson per Wt:ek) ......$220.00 Non-Music Majms (per unil) ..................... 2ti5.00 Accompanying Fees, Per Semester Voice sludenls (per unit of study) ................. .. .. .. ......12.00 lnslnmienlal students (per unil nf study) ...... ...... .......8.00 Recital Fees Fees range from $12.(X) lo $30.00 depending upon lenglh of recital, lenglh and complexi1y of prinled program requ ired. (',)mplele infonnalion av.iilable in lhe mmic office. Class Instruction Voice nr Guilar .................................$55.00 Eleclrnnic Piano Lab (two limns per week) ..............90.00 Mnvemenl and Dance Class... .. ....................... .. ...50.00 The Unive1siiy has the following organs: a 2(>-rank, three- manual Schantz; a 12-rank, two-manual Tracker; a two-man ual Ro~e1s 1 JO; and two two-manual Rogers 75.
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