



Second Semester

Master of Arts In ChrlsUan EducaUon - ChrlsUan FormaUon (Fall 1998) A specialization is cumntly being developed in the area of Christian Formation. Courses available at this

E. (';,mplete the entire program

BE !i20 S111vey of Ma11J1ew -

in no more than live yean;.

Tht' M,L,ter of Arts in Christian Ministry and Lt'adnship with t'mphases in Pastoral (~>rt' and Coun­ seling, Spt'rializt'd Ministrit's, and Women's Ministrit's, is designed a., a professional program for sperialized minisuy. It has been dewloped li,r those whose calling to Christian ser­ vire is to positions of lt'adership li,r whirh the Master of Divinity or other professional dt'l\rt'es are not normally recp1ired. It is strnrtured to provide:

S111de11ts are plared 011 academic prolwion if their g1,1de point avc1, lf.(e for any sen1estcr falls lidow 10 aml will l(lt' semester or nm111hJ1ive !(rade point ;1ve1,1ge remains lielow :-1.0. Prol1.11io11 students are granted one se111es1er in wl1irh 10 hrin!{ tli t'ir arademic work 11p 10 1l1e rt'lp1iml level (10) li,r umti1111- anre in the semi11a1y. A student ran- 1101 1(1,Hhtate while 011 probation.

Revelation .... ....


ITT !i 14 Historical Theology S111vey ... 3 TH !i 12 Theology II - Works of

re111ain 011 proba1io11 a, long ;t, 1i1e sinGo<l,Angels, Man and Sin .. . 3

time include:

CE 710 Traditions ofQiristian

PT 707 Fo1111datio11s of Pastoral

Spirituality...................... .......'2

Care and Co1111seli11g ....... ....2

CE 723 Friendship and Community:

Emphasis or electives*.... ..... ..


ContexL, for Growth .. ..........2


CE 72:, Fonnation ofMoral

Swmd Ymr First Semester

Q1aracter ...... .. ............ ... .......2

I T-11

CE 727 Faith Devdoprnent.. .... ... ......'2 CE 752 Motivation for Leaming and

TH (iU 1l1eoli'h'Y III - 01rist,

I. An underst and in~ of SrripEMPHASES REQUIREMENTS

Q1ristian Living ...... .. .. ........ .. '2

tures for students antiripatinl( ChristSalvation and tl1e Spirit............ 3

Other courses in this specializaian ministries that would inrh1de p,t,;.

Program Structure

Empl1,1sis or electives*....

...... ~

tion are being developed and may l>t!

1l1e arad1·111ir pro!{ra11 L, lemling to tht' degree M,1ster of Art., in Chris1ia11 Mi11ist1y and Leade1ship witl1 empluses ized Mi11ist1i1·s, a11d Wolllt'II 's Ministries are rntnpri:,.•d of (i4../i<i 1111i1s st111r111rt'tl in rn111111011 10 i11rl11de: I) i,ihlirnl a11d 1!11·ologiral li11111da1ions, '2) ac;1de111ir s1lt'rializ.11io11 in one of li111r disciplines re1p1iri11g bihliral la11gmge s111dies, or ge11e1,il studies in whirh hihliral la11-

toral or lay rnunselors, para-rh11rrl1 orga nization rounseling, wo1n1· n's ministries, sperialized "ten t-making"


available soon.

Second Semester

In addition to the required courses within each specialization, general C.E. electives Lan be chosen

TH Ii I 4 Theolof,ry IV - The Church

orrnp,11io11s in 01l1er rnl111res, l,1y leadin 1',L.io1al (~irt' and (i>1111seling, Speri,11-

and List 1l1i11gs

..... .. .. ..:\

ers in the loci! rl111rrh and others.

E111phasis or elertives* ........... .. .. .. .. 12 Tl1esis** or electives* .................. .... .0-2

to complement stn:,ngths or to ovt'r'2. A hihlicil harkground for come weaknesses in light of the stuthose who are preparing li,r rn1111s1· l­

ing in sernlar fields.


dent's particular vocational goals. General Christian Education Electives: CE 511 Foundations of Leadership

1 Aprohri:1111 of study li,r mL"-o;i1>11- aries who have only a brief furlo11gh time in whirl! to p11rs1k· li1n11al studyof

* Up to (i !(raduate elective units may be taken in otl1er schools in Biola Univen;ity with advisor's approval.

CE :, 14 Women and Men in

the Sniptures and would like to enqihag11,1ges are 1101 recp1ired, and :~) mldi**Consult the Talbot student tional dt't·tive rntll,<'S de1ern1i11e<l by the size p,L,tc>rJl ro1mst'li11~. women's minhandik>ok for preliminary steps that

Q1ristia11 Ministry

CE 570 Special Studies in Christian

strnlent in rnm;i1lt;11io11 with the advi:,.,r. Program Reduction Based on Prior Applirnuts who have taken 1111der­ gi.Kl11,1te ro11rses in bil,lirnl or 1lieologi- 1,1I studies lllay req11es1 a pn'h'l,lll l r1-1h1r­ tio11 lnsed 011 rnll1-'!{ia1e work. An ev,1h1- Academic Study

L•tries or a sp..,·iali2t·d mi11L,11y.

m11st be co111pleted prior to enrolling


4. Sustainable skills in sperilir ministries further developing your abilities and spiritual gifts, and strengthen in!( yo11r an•;L, of weaknes.,.

in the thesis course.


612 Missionary Education

CE 616 •Principles of Curriculum



CE 638 Current Trends in Christian

Pastoral Care and Counseling



CL (i~'2 l111errnlt11rai

CE 644 Music in the Church

Colllmu11icatio11 ..

...... .3

Appliranls 11111st possess a bara1io11 will he made

hy tl1e regis1r,1r 's


649 lnstmctional Tt'd1nolo)ly

PT (i04 Pastoral Care and

rala11reate degree . Earh should he a

ollirt' li11!1Mi11g es1ablisl1t'tl g11id1·li11es to

CE 683 Camp Leadership CE 724 Advanced Methods of


g1,1d11.1te fro111 ;1 rerngnized or arrredde1en11ine rnmp1·1e11ry wi1hi11 the folChaplaincy.. ... ....

PT (i'28 Marital Counseling ..


ited rnlle!(t' with a mi11in111111 l(rade point average of 10 (011 a 4.0 srale).

lowing para111eters: I) 11nder1;i.11luate liil1li«1l studies whirh are pai.11ld in rn11-

Educational lnstmct.ion

PT (i!)(j Internship .. .. .. .. .................. .. 3

Vocations or positions li,r whirh

All applicants m1L,t s11l1111it a written1 with required rourses and 2) underPT 70:1 Churd1 and Society .. ...........3

the M.A.C.E. program prepares stuten statement 011tli11i11g their vor.1-

l(l,1duate hibliral st tKlies whirl! may j1L,;.

PT 708 Adv&nced Pa,toral

dents are:

tional olijertives and l1ow the degree

tilya red11rtio11 in elt't·tive 1111i1s. To q11alC,nmseling .............. ... .......... 3

Minister/Dirldor of Chriltian Educaticm

might rd,11e to those olijertil't's.

i~• li,r surh mhK·ti1>1t• tl1e student m1L'<I have earned a "B" grade in sperilir rnurse(s) and be ;1hle to demonstrate

PT 72:, Co1mseli11K Troubled

Minister of Youth

Families .. .. ....... ... ................... 3


Parachurch Childrm and Youth

PT 740 lss111:'li and Ethic; in MinLsUy ...2 PT 807 Systems of lntt'!\ration ......... 3

Ministries Staff

rn111pe1e111y in 1l1e sul~1-1·1 m;111er.

A. Satisfartorily rn11q1lt'te fi4-ii(i

Pastur/Directur of Cl,ildrm 'l Ministrw. Pastur ofAdu/J/Fa111ily Ministries Pastur/Directur ofSingle Adu/J Mi1iilt1-iel

se111ester units as 01111i11ed in tl1e r11rCURRICULUM


rirnh1111 rharts below.

CE !i 14 Women and Men in

B. S11b111it an arn·ptable lht'sis, rhosen in rn11s11lta1io11 with the 1ll.1jor advisor, or al 1l1e option of tilt' 111 ;1jor advisor and in lie11 of th1· 1h1·sis, rn111- ple1e J,111r additional llllils of 1+r1iws. Students who write a thesis wi ll l1 ,1ve a total recp1ire111t'III of fi4 units and those who take two additional units in lieu of a thesis will have ;1 total rec111ireme11t of (i(i units. C. At least '24 1111its m11st be

First Ymr

Christian Ministry

Church BwintSS Ad111i11istrator CounstlingandFamily Ministrw. Christian Camp Administration

CE !i'21 hychological Foundations of

Firsl Semester

Christian Ministry

BE'• 17 Ht'm1ene11tirs/ Bil1le

CE :,4:~ Counseling AdolescenL, and


....... .:\

Their Parents

BE r, El S111wy of Ct·n.. ~s- Mah1d1i ... .:\ TH:, 11 1l1eoli')\y 1-lutnKlurtion:

CE G7!i Family Lil~ Education CL !i'20 l11terpersoual and

Rt'Veh11io11 and Nature

of God ............................. ...... .. :\

!n1errnl111ral Adj1Lstment

PT 7(Ki Personal Fo1111datio11s

PH 6'24 Seminar in Ethical lss11ts I PT 7:>0 Dirt'cte<l Study Rt'searrh PT 77:, Parent Education in Ministry

of Mi11ist1y .................... .... ... '2

SS :, IO 1l1eolo!{iral Res..arrl1 ~it'thodologies...

taken al this semi11,uy.

..... 1

PT 802 Spirilltal Conllicts and

D. Obtain a :-1.0 ave1,1ge with 110 grndt' below a "C-" in all rn11rses lo be

E111phasis or elertiws*




rredited toward grad11a1io11.

TH 717 Thtolo~ of Human Nature

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