



Specialized Ministry Emphasis

First Year

whirh will interview ead1 applicant

111L~ emplrasL~ serve; a dml p11rp11se:

ai1d eva h1att' all <Tt'dt'nlials.

First Semester

Tht' Maslt'f of Arts in Ministry is 1. To provide curricular oppor2. E.1cl1 appn>vt'd appli1:a111 will

BE r, I 7 Hermeneutics/Bible

designt'd fi,r imfividmls wl10 haw httn in mi11Lst1y fi,r a signifirant 1111111her of

!.lt' enrolled lt'nl;itively in tht' Ma.,tt'r of An., in Minisuy prof,TJ,1111 until :12 units

tunities for students with partirnlar

.... .:l

Study Methods. .....


CL :,55 Introduction to

yt'ars and haVt' 11111 had tilt' 11pp11nu11i1y 2. To provide specialized minhave l>et'n rn111pleit'd, of which 241111L,1

..... 3

World Missions.... .

111 t-arn a harc1laurt'.llt' dt')lrtt . Cr;11h1- a1e ft'l't'i 11, 1i11i11g is provided in sew1,1l

PT 5 JO Evdnge!L,m and Follow-up .... 3

Ix· in rnre rnllJ,t-S ,t, dt-snil,ed !.lt'!ow.

istry preparation in areas 1101 addressed by established currirnla. l11e elemenL~ of this empha.,is art': 1. A biblical / theological core of 2:, uniL, (the same core a, tht' otht'J" 2. l11e balance of the program is custom designed by the studt'nt in consultation with his or her advisor. M.A emphases);

PT 70ti Personal Foundations of

essential aspt'rts of profr~si1111al minGRADUATION REQUIREMENTS

.... 2

Minisuy ... ........ ..

Lslly in order 10 mh;111re sig11ifira111ly

A :i11isi,ir101ily rn111ple1e (,4 se111es-

TH:, 11 l11eolo!W I - Introduction:

the effertivene~, of paniripa1i11g minis1er units ,t, 0111li11Kl i11 the n11Tirnh1111 .

Revelation ai1d Nature

tt'rs. In t'St1h!Lshing this pn'!(ram, the

B. (l11alify !i,r randida,y s1,11us al

of"Go<l ... .............................. ... . 3

se111ina1y LS t't1<J.,,,v,,ri11g 111 addre~, spe1he ronrlusion of :{2 1111i1s. At the

SS r, JO Theological Research

cifir 1wK.!s of the Cl111rd1 as it h111r1i1111s in Ult' major t'U111ir rn11un1111i1i1·swithin

rnmpletion of :{2 1111i1s, an eval11a1i1111 will he made regarding admission lo randida,y stalll, in tilt' Ma.,ter of Ans i11 Mi11is11y progi.1111. S111dt'11ls with a will rereive candid;uy s1a111s. S11ule111s grade poi111 avera).\e of at lt'as1 with a Cl'A helWt'ell 2.00 and 2.:,0 will l,e al111w1·d 10 rn111plelt' an additional

Methodologies ......... .. ........ ..1


U1e Southern (~1lifornia area.

Second Semester

Tht' two prima1y f,x·i of the pr11- g1,1111 are hihliral and p1 ,1r1iral studi1·s. The hihliral 1·111phasis provides ;111 rnnlt'Jil of 1!1e Word of Cod , i11rl111li11µ; its harkgn>1111d and sound pri11ripl1·s of li1era1y i111erpre1a1i1111. l'raniral s111dit's ro11re111ra1e 011 tilt' t'11!1a11n·- 111e111 of mi11is11y a11d rn1111111111ira1io11 skills. The ).\o;d of h111h 1·111phas,.•s is improwd t'Xjlt'rtise in a minisuy of 1!1e Word as it rt'!.iles Jo 1!1t' daily liws of


BE :,20 S111vey of Ma11hew -

of ministry/ vocational objt'ctiVt's as I. Applicant submits a statemt'nt

Revt'lation ....


TH:, 12 Theology II - Works of

part of the admi~sion process. Appliincreased hreadth i11 k111Mled)\t' of tht'

Cod, Angel,, Man and Sin .. :l

cation to this program must be madt' at least three months prior to tht'

...... !J

Emph,t,is or t'lectives .

8 1111i1s (for a 1111;1! of 40) 111 he 1TedI:, .

beginning of cla~ses.

itt·d 1.-vanl a renilir.lle in 111i11 is11y. C. At lt' ,1s1 24 1111i Js 1111is1 he

Second First Semester

2. Before acceptanrt' into this program empha.,is, the student submits a proposed rnrrirnh1111 in writing 1<> the program coordinator. Tht' advisor and student then refine thL, prop1>St'd

1ak1·11 ;11 th is s,.•111i11ary.

BE :,1 1) S111vt')' of(',eut'Sis-Malarhi .. .:\

D. Obtain ;1 2.:,0 )\rade poi111 avt'ragt' wi1li 1u1 gradt' below "t~" i11 all r1111rst's lo ht• nedited toward

TH liJ:i Theology III- Christ,

Salva1io11 and 1he Spirit ....... :l

CE liOO E<l11catio11al Minis11y in

pt'oplt' and 1heir 1·1er11al destiny.


curriculum togetl1er.

1he Church....


E. c;,111plt'lt' the t'lllire pri'!(r.lm

a. In this proposal, the rationalt' for each co11rse chosen is to be Jiiven so that each course chost'n clearly relates minis11y/ vocational objt'ctiVt's. A maximum of 18 units in otht'f schools of Biola University will ht' accepted. Independent study will he limited to 10 uniL,. Internship will he

PT 70:i Ch11rd1 aud Soriety .. ........... :i

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS St1Kle11ts who are 1111ahle lo 111K·I 1!1t' arad..mir n·1p1in·111e111s li,r ;11lmi~sio11 ILstt--d l•:low ,Ul' enrnlll,l)(t'd lo rnnsider the M.A. in Minisuy l'rm1p1isi1e Ti.•-k.

in 1111 11111re 1h,111 six yt',IJ, .


Emph,t,is or electives

F. l'rior lo s1,1111s, s111- de111s wirh a g1;ide point awr.ilie l,elow 2.0 are plan·d 1111 proha1ion and rt'111ai11 lt'r or n111111la1iw gr.Hit' point awr.1ge rt'111ai11s ht'low 2.0. After ra11didary sta­ llLs is µ;1.1111,·d, lilt' 111i11i11111111 gi.11le 1••i111 ,Jl't'l.lgt' LS adj1L,1ed upw,1nl lo 250, witl1 p1oha1i1111 1.ilrnl;11ed arrnrding~•. S111- <le111s 1111 prol>alio11 are granted one St' lllt'ster in wl1irl1 10 hri11g their arade- 111ir work up 111 the required level for rn111in1i;111re in 1!1e se111i11a1y. As111de111 t.mnol gi.1d11a1e while 1111 proha1io11.


Second Semester

TH Iii 4 T!lt'o!ogy IV - The CJ1urcl1

1111 prol~11io11 ,Ls long ,LS die single St'lllt'Sand La.,1 Things .. ... ......... ..... .:!

HT :, 14 Historiral Theolo!,'}' Smvey .. 3

A. Personal Qualifications

Emphasis or electives

... 10


Com ple1i1111 of five yt'ars in

limited to 3 units.

111i11is1ry and pr.. se111ly 011 ;1 rh111 rl1


b. Request for transfer credits from other institutions (if applirahlt') with rationale related to objertivt's rn1L~t be included at this time. Limit

staff in ;111 oflirial rapari1y.


2. l'aniripation i11 1he M;istn of Ans program in ~li11is11y pres11111es a sig11ifira111 1,·v..J of mi11is11y t'Xperi ..11n· and personal 111a1111 ,11io11. For 1his r.,,,. ,.>II, applira111s 11 11Ls l l,e al le,tsl :!0yt'ars of age, a11d tilt' d1·µ;rtt is i.irely f(ranlt'd Jo persons It'~, 1ha11 :{r, yt'.trs of al-(t' . J Appli1.1111s 1t,11ally will 11111 have tilt' B.A. or e<p1ivalt'11I dt')lrt·e. Talhot offers oilier prn).\r,1111s !i,r applira111s who haw lht' 1~1n, ila11rea11· dt')lrtt . 4. Threl' ref,·renn-s are rt'q11i red: rl111rrh or de1111111i11a1i1111al e11d11rse- 111e111; pNsonal fri .. nd; a11d mi11is1ry rolle;1f(llt' (nr e111pl11y1·r if n11n· 111ly

Earl, st1K!e111 11111st select a 111i11Lst1y empl 1;LsL, and cmnple te the recp1ireme111 of that empha.,L, during the proi;ram. Fo11r t'III are currently offerK.I:

of transfer crediL~ is 12 units.

c. The proposed c11rrirnl11m

rn1L~t be approved by:

l'll.lloml Mi.,.,ia11.1

(1) the coordinator


(2) tht' Talbot Currirnlum

Chri.,tia11 Education

11,e ~fa,ter of Ans in Minisuy rur­ rirnh1111 inrludes rn111,es in: I) rnre rnnirnh1111, :l!l 1111i1s; and 2) mi11is11y t'll1pli.1sis, 2:, units. The total req11ire-


Mmriage and Family Mi11i.ltries

d. At this point an advisor is a.."iigne<l and subsK1uent d1aI1fit'S in this mrrirnhun 1111Lst I~ recplt'SIKI in w1iting ai1d approved in writillfi by the advisor and the Tallx>t 01rrirnhu11 (~nnmilltt. Women's Ministries Emphasis CE f,12 Education Admi11is1I,1tio11 ... :l CE514 Wo111enai1dMt'11inMinis11y..2 CE WI Practirnm in Minisuy I ........ 1

Pastoral Emphasis

Sekrt oue* ... ....... ........................ .. .. .... 2

111t·111 is li4 1111i1s.

BE (i02* Gent'sis BE GOS* Matthew BE li!0* Romans

11,e rnmses sperifirally ide111ilied hy dt'par1111e111 and 1111111her ill the rh,1n below are rt'<p1ired in the rnre rnrrirnh1111 . 111 addi1ion, ead1 stlldt'nl 111us1 rn111pl1·1e tilt' recp1in·111e111s or 1>11t' emph,t, is d11ri11g 1he progr.1111. The following rhan presents the rnrrirnh1111 secp1enre fi,r st11dt·n1s who will Ix· "h1ll-1i111e" in tilt' pn'!(i.1111. Sn, dents who will l>e emollt'd 011 a "hall'. lime" hasis should pl;1n lo rnmplele

BE 72G Expositional Methodology

empii>)'t'd 0111side 11, .. rl111rrl1). 8. Academic Qualifications

in Daniel/Revelation .... ..... ...:\

PT <i0'2 Pastoral Ministry .......... .... ..... 3 PT (i()I) S..rmon Preparation ............. :i PT 707 Fo1111dations of P,lstoral

I. Eq11iva le11ry of Jwo years of

CE ff.12

Practirnm in Minis11y II ...... . 1

rnllt')liale lt·wl studies.


Care ai1d C,1u11seling .... ...... 2

520 lnterpt'fSOllal and

2. Profirie111y in English lang1&1)\1·.

PT 7:-10 Biulical Leadership ai1d

lntercultural Adjustmt'nl ... ..:i

PT 628 Marital Counseling. .. PT 72:, ll>Unseling Tro11bled

C. Admission Procedure


...... 3

..... :i

CE fi7:l Bibliral Fo1111dations of

I. The applira11t's po1e111i ;d Jo rn111pelt' Sll1Tt'Ssf111ly in a ).\r,11h1a1e program will ht' de1er111i11ed hy 11, .. Master of Ans (:11ida11rt' Co111111illt't',

..... 3

Families .. .. ....... ....... ... . ...... . :i

t'igl11 u11i1s t·arl1 se111t'stt'f, 11or111ally takFamilyMinistry

Electives .........


Specialization ..................................... I 0 Electives .................................. ......... ....8

i11µ; rn11rses i11dira1ed as "first year" lx·fi,re tho,'(· in 1h1· "sern11d year" µ;ro11p .

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