


MASTER OF jj:1J•>!•Xfl'I



Missions Emphasis CL !\GO Urban Rt'search and

Program Dirt'rt1>r:

Cli1111>11 E. Arnold, Ph.D.

Th" <:,.,tijiwt,· i11 Bil,liwl St,uli,,., pn~ gram is dt'sigut'd with two spt'rilir nt't'<ls in mind. 171t' tirsl is !i,r p<'rsons who S{' t·k a )'t'\Jr of study in pr,.pa1,11io11 for a lay St'IVirt' with an ol't'JW;Ls mis­ sion ,1gt'11<y, or for mort' dfrr1iw lay i11volw111t'nl in lht' lift' of 1l1<'ir !oral rn11gnw11ion . It also St'IVt'S a.s a "trial y,.;ir in St'minaiy" !i,r pt'rsi,us who wish 10 lt'SI lht'ir gifts aud skills wi1l1 a vit'w toward possiblt' funhn pr<'p,irJlion for full-1iu1t' (JirLslian minisuy. (,:-nitiralt' rnm·St' work may lain bt' applit'd toward a Masin of Diviuity or Maslt'r of Ans dt'gr""· ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appliranls m11s1 posst'SS a bar­ ralalll't'alt' d..grt't' from au anTt'di1t·d mil,,!(,. wi1h ;1 111i11im111 11 g1;1d,. poi111 av..1;1gt' of :HI (1111 a 4.0 sc,dt' ). All applir,1111, musl suh111i1 a wri1- lt'll stalt'l11e111 11111l iui11 i; lh<'ir vora- 1i1111al olijt'l'tives a11d how 1l1t' n·r1ili­ ra1,, rt'ia lt'S lo 1hos,, obj,,r1ives. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sa1isfar1ori ly rn11qilt· lt' all l'llllrSt's for a Iola! of :12 S{'lllt'Slt'r llllil.s ,ts 0111li11t'd in tilt' rnrrirnlm11 ilt'iow. B. Obtain ;1 :{.O av.. 1;1gt' wi1l1 1111 !(J;1dt' below a "(~" i11 all n>llrSt'S to ht' nt'dilt'd toward gr,uhwiou . C. At lt'asl ~4 uuits must !,,. t.1kt'11 at tit is St'tui11,11y. D. Compklt' tht' t'lltirt' pro!(Villll in 1111 111ort' 1ha11 liw )'t'al~. S1udt'11ls ,l!"t' plart'd 1111 ar;11lt'111ir proha1io11 if lht'ir Cl'A for anyS<'lllt'Slt'r falls l>t'lt~V :rn a11d wi ll rt'111ai11 011 pn> li.1tio11 as long ,Ls tllt' sing!,, St'lllt'Slt' r or n111111la1ive (;J'A rt'111:1i11s l>t'low 'i.O. Prol,ation s111d1·111s are gi;11111·d one St'lllt'Ster in whid1 10 l>1i11g tlwir ,11 ;u le111ir work up to the rt''lllirt·d level (10) for rn111i11tt111n· in LIit' St'111i11a1y. Astudent c1111101 gi.uluate whilt' 011 proli1tio11. CURRICULUM BE:, I 7 Ht'rtllt'llt'lllirs/ Bi hit' Study Mt'I l11Kls .................... J BE:, El S1 IIVt')' of Ct'11esis-Malarhi .... '\ ijE',tO Su1vey of M:111l ww-Revebt io11 ... J Tl-1:,11 lh-,,logy !-!11tnKh1rti1~1: Rt'wlati1>11 ;111cl Nattll'l' ol<••I :{ TH:, 12 171,.ology II - Works of (,,d, An!(t' ls, ~L,11 a11d Sin ... :{ TH (il :1 171,·ol,')ly III - U11isi, Salva- tion a11d 1!1,.Spi1i1 .................... J TH (il4 1l1t'1>l11gy IV- Th" U11urh and Lisi Tl1i11µ;s..... .. ...... :{ SS !i 10 1l1t'ologi1;1I Rt'St",11d1 ~1"th1Klologi..s ......... 1 Elt'rtiv,,s in BE, NT. OT, Tl!, l'H....... Ii Elt'rtiVt'S ................... ... ...................... .4

All applirn111s are re<Juirt'<l to submit a Pt'rsimal Stllt'me111 of ont' lo two d011- l1lt' siiart'd typewtillt'll pag..s expre,sing ti 1eir Cll't'er !I' ,al, aud pe~ ,nal objectives in =king lltt' 171.M. degree. Graduates of other seminaries must file a lull application with the ()flirt' of Craduate AdmLssions. ~faslt'r of Divi11i1y studenLs cur­ rt'nily eurolled al Talbot may tile for admissi1111 by submining a wrillen rt'<ptt'sl to the Graduate Committee in rart' of tht' Ollice of Graduate Admis- sions. This recp1est should indicate any rha11g<'s i11 111ari1al status or doc- trinal rn11virtio11s since enrollt11e111 in the Mastt'r of Divi11i1y degrt'e . In addi1io11, appliranls should signify 11,,.ir i11lt'11tio11 to ahide by 1l1e Stan- dards of Co11duc1 ofBiola University. Talhol M,Lstt'r of Divini1y s111dents who haw rn111ple1ed 80 or more u11iLs, and whoSt' n11w111 rnm11larive GPA is :t~:, or ahovt' may be f.:r.lllled a co11- rnrrt'11 t t'11roll111t'11 t option. l11tt'r­ t'Slt'd seniors should co11tar1 the Of!irt' of <:rad uale Admissions for dt't.iilt'd i11formatio11. Applir,1111s who have graduated from Talbot with a Ma.ster of Divinity dt').,'ft't' may lik for admLssion accord­ iug to lht' !i,llowiug g11idt'li11es: Le.,, t/,n11 two year,, since graduation frm11 T11IIX>I: ■ R,.Adtuit Application ■ Pt'rsonal Statn11en1 &111m1 /UXJ a11d jive .'IW"' ;mce grad11ahun: ■ R,,Admil Applic.11ion ■ Pastor Rt'rerenrt' on lc1m1 pro- vidt'd by the Admissions Ollirt' ■ r.. rsonal Statement 011erji1ie year, .ince ~raduntio11: ■ Full applicalion ■ Pt'rS<>Jtal St;llemenl Talbot graduates should inrhtde in tht' l't'rS<lllal S1a1e111en1 any rl,an!(<'S in 111ari1al status or doctrinal rnuvinions sinct' gradua1io11 with the Mastt'r or Divinity degree. In addi- 1i1111, tht'y shou ld signify their inten­ tiOII 111 ahidt' by the Standards of Con­ d11r1 or Biola University. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Dt'!;rt't'S are awarded lo q11alitied rn11dida1..s at Ll1t' university's winlt'r and spri111; n>llllllt'lll't'lllt'.IIIS. S111de11Ls art' f't'<p1irt'd 111 ht' prt'St'nl for graduation 1mlt's.s ,1dv;11lC't' Jlt'rtni~~ion t.o graduate in absentia Ii.Ls ilt'ell St'Cllrt'<l . To cptalily

MinistJy............. ........... .



CL !\40 PritKiples of Cl111rd1

Planting......................... .... .... :{ CL !'i4G 1l1e Historical Devdoprnt'nl of the World Quislian Movement .............................:\ CL 640 Applied Anthropology for Qiris1ian Workers ................ :\ CL 75 I 1l1eology of Mission .............:\ Biblical or Theological electives ........ .4 JCS electives .... ................................... .. G 2:, Christian Education Emphasis C:E:,12 E<lucationAdrninLstration .. ...:\ PT 707 Foundations of Pa.,1oral Care and Counstling . .. ..2 Biblical or Theological electives ........ .4 Qiris1ian Education electives ........... 10 Electives .... .............. ........ ................ .. .. G 2:, Marriage and Family Ministries Emphasis• CE G7!'i Family Life Education ..........:\ CE G!J I Prar1ictun in MinLslry I............ I CE G!J2 Practinun in MinLslly II .......... 1 PT GIB P,ychopathology and Assessmen I........................... :\ PT 628 Marital Collnseling .. :I PT 707 Follndations of Pastoral Care and (',illnseling ...........2 Electives .... .. ................ ....... ... ........... .. .. !I (Select tJ1ree uniLs from the following electives) CE !\12 Edllcation Administration CE :,G2 Personal and Interpersonal Developmen I CE 622 Philosophy of MinLsuy CE G73 Biblical Follndations of Fami lyMinisuy CE 71G Minislly 10 Single Adults PT 72:, Cotmseling Trollblt'd Families Total 2:, *Applicants lllllSt have 12 undt'r­ graduate semester llni1s of p,yrhology which include educational p,yrhology and abnormal p,ychology plus eight units of Bible and/or doctrine rnllP.<es. If these llniLs were not part of tht' st11- dent's llndergraduate prograrn tht'y must be taken prior to completion of :Iii llniLs toward the dt!f,rree.

Tlw Mast,·r of Tl1t'1>l1>gy rnrrirn­ lu111 is ;1 rl1alle11gi11g post-g ra d11att' dt'!(rt' t' pn>!(ram dt'Si!( ll t'd 111 t'<p1ip s1u­ dt'1t1s wi1l1 spt' t-i.diztil ;u;ult'111ir k111>wl­ t'dgt' aud advanrt'd prolt' s.sional skills in out' 1>! tht' Lht'ologiral dis,·ipli11t's .. Tl1t' pro!(ra111 is 1>! s1wrial inlt·rt'st to s1udt'11ls who aspire to learh - wh..1her in lht' rl111rrh, ;1 Bihl" rnllegt' or St' ll lina,y, an l'Xlt'llsio11 l't'llll"r, 1>r in a noss-rnl111ral St'lling . This is in arrnrd wi1l1 both A.TS. (tht' Assoria- 1io11 of Tl1t'11l1>p;iral Srl111ols) aud A.A.B.C. (1l1t' Aint'rir.111 As.•niali1>11 of Bihl t' Coll,,g..s) whirh ronsidt'I' lilt' Th.M . degrt't' lht' mi11i1 111u11 t'dura- 1i1111al 1Tt'dt·111i ,d for lt'arl1i11!( hihlir.1I and i11t'1>l1>giral subjt'rls al anTt'di1,,d St'111i11ari,·s ;111cl Bi hit' s,·h111>ls. Tl1t' pn> µ;1;1111 also p11>vides an t'Xrt'llt'lll prt'pa- 1;1 1i1>11 for 1l11>s,• wl10 a111irip,11e fi1rtht'r s1ucly at 1l1, 1'l1.D. and Th.D. kv"I. Q11alilit'cl students ,Lspiting lo l'Xn·l­ i<'nrt' a11d lt'acit'rsl1ip in many art',LS 1>f 111i11is11y and S<' IVirt' for Christ find 11,,. Tl1.M. JH1>!(1'a111 prn••nally rnrirl1i11g and ar;11lt'111irally slimulating. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Tlw SIUdt'lll IIIILSl prt'St'lll arrt'pl· ah!,, Bad1dor of Arts and Bad1t'l1>r 1>r ~fas1n 1>! Divinity d..grt't'S. Sp,.rili­ rally titt')' 11111st hav,, 111ai11tai11ed at kasl a 12', awrag,· i11 1l1eir Divinity prow,1111 and haw rn111pkted al lt'ast 11i11, s,•111,,stt'r hums 1>! Cr,.,.k ht')'OIHl ht'gi1111i11g Cr,.,.k and I I st'tllt'Slt'r hours of 1-lt'hrt·w, 1111·,.,. of whirl1 11 1.1y ht' Aramair. Applirants dt'lirit'lll i11 iht' hihliral languagt's may 1akt' ti,,. pr<'rt'<p1isilt' u11i1s at Tallx,1 wl1ilt' tak­ ing olht'r Th .M. ro11rst's , hut s11rh d,·lirit'llrit's m1Lst ht' tnadt' up bdi,re 1111,rt' 1ha11 l(i units i11 01l1t'r s11hj.. rts may ht' 1akt'11 . Divi11i1y<'t'S Jll't'­ St'lllt'd fro111 111111-arrrt'di1t'd St'minar­ ;,.s and 1l1t'ol1>!(iral s, ·l1ools art' individ- 11.>i ly t'V,>i11att'd . n.. ririt'nrit'S dis­ rt'l'IJt•d in surl1 ,·,Lst'S 111.1y l>t' 111;1dt' up hy r011 rst' W1>rk at Talhol or olht'r sp,,rili,·d ann,ditt'd i11s1i1u1i1111s. S111- d.. 111s 111ust also havt' tht' pnsonal 1p1alilira1io11s 1lt'rt's.s.11y for a ministt'r of Christ , i11rlucli11!( pro111iSt' of !11111rt' 11s,,ful 11 t'ss. Tht'y 111us1 1,,. spiritually 'lualilit'd by providing t'Vidt'IH t' of a IH>l'lht!(ain t'Xpl' lfrllrt' aud a rn11sis­ lt'lll Chris1ia1111i.11111t'r of lilt' .

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