

I. Comprehensive Examinations All ca ndidates for the Th.M. de~rt'e mus1 pass a wrilten co111pre­ ht'11sivt exa111ina1ion ovtr the major field of s111dy. These exami na tions serve as a major means of WJ!natin)l the s1uden1 's acadt111ic compe1ency in the major area. Cornprel1e11sivt' examina1ions may ht taken any time after rnmpletion of 18 uni ls of Tl1.M. romse work. Only two retakes of the examina1ion are penni1ted. J. Thesis Option Students who opt to write a thesis 111 lLsl produre an acceptable piece of r.-searrh evidencing a high dt'!;ree of srliolarly rnmpetence in the studen1's major. Information regarding 1hesis fon11 and submis.sion deadlines is pr<r vidt'd in lht' Th.M. Program Hand­ book and the "Thesis Information" St'rlion of the Tai hot graduate s111de111 Ir and hook. The original and two ropies ;ire lo be prese111ed to 1he library fi,r bindinµ;. S1ude11ts who complete the thtsis r..gislrJlion se1p1tnre (i.e. Thesis Firs1 Draft and Thesis Final Drafl) witho111 finishing tht' 1hesis, must regis1n for HE R!l!l Thesis Continuous Registra­ lion t'arl1 semesler un1il tht 1hesis is rnmplete in order lo maintain degree sl :1 111s Only one year following the rom plt'.Lion of course work Ls normally allowed for rnmplt'tion of a tJiesis. A s111de11t may go beyond this one year period only by advJnce permission of the Craduate Committee. Suclr per- 111 ission is usually granted only in exlrt'me rirrnmstanres.

Nan-Thesis Track ■ :, 11ni1s: prt'S<Tibt'd ■ ]:, u11i1s: 111a_jor art'a ■ (i uni ts: eit'rtive ■ 1·0111prt'lre11siw exa1 11i11a1io11

for graduation, candidates must havt' complett'd all re<p1ired coursewrn-k (21i 1miL~) witl1 a minimum grade poi111 awr­ age (GPA) of 3.25 and satisfactorily pa.~d their comprd1ensive exa111i11.1- tiom. No grade lffi; tlian a C (2.0) will oe credited toward the Th.M. degree lllliLo;. StudenLs who repeat co111~s fi,r the purpose of raising their GPA musl adhere to the University's !( poli,y for grades, a.s spelled 0111 in the g1.idua1e program catalog. Candidales for lilt' TI1.M. degree should also mauift'st promL~ of \L~fulnes.s in CI11is1ia11 miu­ Lstry, exhibit exemplaty and rn11sis1e111 OirLo;tian cliaracter and evidt'll!'t' s0111Hl theolo1;ical oeliefs in acrnrd,mrt' wi1l1 tJ1e university's doctrinal s1a1emt'nl. Additional re<pliremt11Ls are as follows: A. Residence Requirements A minimum of two semt'Slt'rs in residence at Talbot is recp1iml fi,r th t' 111.M. degree. B. Transfer Credit Up to four units of Tl1.M.-levt'I credit above fro111 anotht'r anTt'diit'd seminary or theolo)liral sd1ool may lit' accepted toward f111filh11t'nl of Tl1.M. course recp1ireme111s. C. Time Limit far Degree All rnurse, examinalion, and 1!1t'­ sis re'luirements must be ro111plt'tt'd within five years, oe1;i1111i111; on 1!1t' <late of the student's firsl rt'!;islration for Th.M. courses at Tallx>L D. Major Areas at Academic Study Majors in the 111.M. program are oflere<l in the following are.ts: ■ Bib/£ F.xp0!,iti1n1: For studt'nts wlu, want advJ1l!'ed training in English Bible as preparation fi,r 1earl1i11g or prearhing tl1e Scrip1ures. Courses emphasize the historiral an<l cultural back1;n>11ml,

Old Te:.1111111·111 mu/ Srmitic.1: For sll1- dt'11ls w,1111i11g 111 do advall!'t'd work in 1l1t' histrny, arrh;1t'11logy, hlllKUag,-, tll!·ol<>gy, and t'X..gesis of tilt' Old T1,,;1a1111·111. M~io,1.1 mu/ b,t,.nultuml St,11/ii,: For s111de111s who WJIII 10 empha­ sizt' tht' bibli1,d lli!•ology of mis.~ions and ~,k,· advanrt1l rnurstwork in MLs.sions and Jn1,-n-ul1111;1l S1udii-s. C/11i,ti11u T/11111g!tt (1·111ph;Lsis in l11t'ology): For s1udi-111s wh<> w,1111 10 1;1kt' adv,111rt'd rnllrSt'work in Chris1ia11 Tl1011µ;h1 wi1!1 an ,-mp li;1- sLs in lli!•ology. TH 70 1}C<>11li-111- pora1y Thrnlogy is n·q11irt'1l. l:/11i1tim, 77w11.~/t1 (t'1 11plusis in l-lis- 1ori1,1l Thmlogy): For s111dt'11ls wlro w.1111 lo lakt' adv,lllrt'd rnursework in 01ris1ia11 ll1011gh1 wi1!1 ,<>flit' e111ph,Lsis 011 lilt' his1oti1,1l dt'wlop­ mt'nl of dor1ri11t'. TH 7(1.} G,111,·111- po1,11y llwology is n~p1irrtl. C/11i.1ti1111 Tltoug!tt (t'111ph,Lsis in Philosc>pl1y of Rt'liµ;ion) : For sln­ dl'nts wl10 wa111 10 1;1kt' advanrt'd rnursework in Cl1ris1i,111 Thrn1gl11 wi1!1 so111t' 1·111pl1;Lsis on l'l1il<>S<r phy 01Rdigio11. Tll 70 1 1Co111,·111- po1;11y Tl1,·olog)' is n·1p1in·d .

S1udt'nts art' [t'<p1ir,-d to 1akt' a mini11111111 of 14 1111i1s in Tl1.M. rnurs,.•s 1111111l>t"rt'd in tlrt' 800 series, wi1h lire rt'111ain1lt·r al tlrt• ti00 and 700 lewis. lip lo IWO ro\)l'St'S fro111 a differt'III dt'p,irllllt'n l m;,y be 1aken in tht' 111a_jor art'a wi1!1 1!1 t' approval of lht' s111dt'11l's proµ;r ,1111 adviSt'r ATl1.M. s11llk111 11111st rarry nillt' (11) or IIH>l'l' nnils 10 he rnnsidt'red a fl1ll-1i111i- s111d1·111. Tl1t>St' ranyi11µ; 1,-ss 1!1;111 nint' u11i1s art' ronsidt'rt'd par1- 1i111i- Slll<lt'nls. A 111axi11111111 of six (ti) unils 111ay b1· 1;iken by 111.M. Sllllit'nl.s in "i11 dt'pt'1Hl t'11I stndy" rnurses. Ii is rt'ro111111,·mlt'd 1!1a1 lhis h,- dont' in lire middlt' or lallt'r portion of 1h,­ proy;r,1111, and in ;my ras,.• llri- ad1"<111re approval of tht' m;1_jor dt'pam11,-111;d ;1dvist'r ;111d farulty mt'llii>t'r ro11- rern1·d is n·c111in·d. G. Research Seminar All Tl1.M. s111d1·111s art' ri-q11ired to takt' tlrt' X 1 l0 lt'wl Rt·st·a1d1 St'111i11ar. Tilt' s,.•111in;1 r is dt'siµ;11i-d 10 inlr<KIUrt' 1!1t' s111<11'111 lo lt'S<"arrl1 m,-1!1odology ,-11,ployt'd i11 1!1t' various l>ihliral and 1lrt'oloµ;iral disc·ipli11,-s. Tl1t' seminar is led l>y fanil1y represt'nlaliws from t'arl1 of tlrt' departlllt'IIIS in Bihliral ;111d l!lt'o!oµ;iral s111di,-s. The seminar is ,, fo1111da1io11al part of iht' Th.M. progt, 1111 and is rt'setVt'li fi>t 1he Tl1.M. s111<lt'IIIS only. S1udt'11ts 111a_jori11g in Missions ,111d ]nlt'rruhural s111dies will IK· rt'1p1in·d 10 1akt' CL 8 1 17 Rt's,.•;m·l1 S1"111i11ar. CL X7 1 l Rt'se,m 11 Dt'sig11, or <lilt' of tli!• 8'll llihliral rt'searrh semi- 11:1rs i11 ro11s11ha1io11 wi1!1 tl1t'ir advisc,r. H. Concurrent Enrollment Option St'11ior Talbo1 M.Div. s1ude111s wl10 Ji;1Vt' rn111pl1·11·d 80 or IIH>rt' u11i1., and ;1 rt' arrepit'd i11 tht' Tl1.M . pro­ µ;ram ,irt' pn111illt'd 10 take up 10 four 1111i1s of Tl1.M. rnmsework in lht' lasl s,.•111,-slt-r of lht' M,Lsf,-r of Divinity pnr g1.i111 (,llldi1io11a l Tl1.M. romses may Ix- 1ak1·11 in l1J1t'tWrm or Su111mt'r S..s­ sio11 ). Tlit·se rnurses 111ay IH>l ilt' rred­ it!'d 1oward 1111· M.Div . dt'y;r,-t' and 11111st lllt't' I all 11orni;il Tl1.M. s1a11- d:1rds. Tlris op1io11 allows s111de111s wl1<> h,1v,· onl y otH· or 1wo romst's rt'111ai11i11µ; in 1l1t'ir ~I.Div. progr:1111 10 µ;,·1 slarti-d 011 1h1·ir Tl1.M. progra111 wl1ili- fi11ishi11y; 11,i-ir ~!Div.

E. Program Options

Th,· Tl1.M. is a ~ti si-1111·s11·r-l1<>11r prog1;1111 wi1l1 1wo op1ions for proµ;r,1111 s1rurn1rt': a lht'sis 11;1rk a11d a notHlwsis nark. S1uck111s rlrmsiny; tlrt· 1h,-sis 11;1rk will rn111plt'lt' 20 units of rnurs,.·work and wrile a 1!1.-sis fi,r whirh 1!1t'y will lit" ;nvard,~I Ii sc·111eslt'l'-u11i1s of nrtlit. S111- dt'11ts op1iny; fi,r tht' 11011-thesis 11;1rk will h,- rt'<jllirt'd lo l'l>llljlil'lt' 2(i 1111i1s of rnu1St"11•ork. Tl11;•will ;1lsc> lw ,Lskt1l lo ,1i!J111i1 1wo pap1·1s 10 lilt' 111ajor d,-pan- 1111·111 whirl, µ;iw ,-l'id!'lln· 11r tlH·ir ability 10 r,-searrlr and wri11· on a l,iµ;lr ,H;Hll'­ mir level. l11l' papers ,1i!J111in11I 11i;1y I~· lht' pnKh1r1 of rn11rS<"work. F. Program Requirements l11t' 111.M. 8 1 }1 R,.sc·arrh S,-11,inar (~ units) and CE 724 Adv;mrnl ~lt- 1!1- <Kls of Ech1ra1io11al l11s1nw1io1r (2 units) art' recp1irt'd of all s1ud1·n1.s, rt'µ;,mllt·s.s of may>r. St·t' the dl'sc-rip1io11 of lilt' ma~,r are. is fi>r 01h,·r ro11rses 1ha1 may be requir,-d l>y a sp,-rilir d,-p;1rt111t'III. Tl1t' progra111 rt·q11irt'1111·n1., for bo1!1 trark.s will lit" di.,1ril>11111l ,Ls !i,llows: Thesis Track ■ !", 1111i1s: prt'scTilwd ■ I~ u11i1s: 111a_jor ar1·a ■ :, 1111i1s: d1·l'lil't' ■ ti u11i1s: 1lwsis ■ rn111prd1!'11sin· 1·x;1111i 11 ;11i,111

henne11e11tical Lssues, ,yn1l1esis, analysLs an<l uni'lue theologic1l

contributions of Old and New Tes­ t1111e11t lxx,ks, providing examples of a sc>1111d ex positional approarh to Scripture. For those s1udt'11ts who wish to emphasize preaching and communication ted111icp1es, dective courses may alsc, be la ken in the area of Cliris1ia11 Ministry and Leadership. ■ Ne111Te.\tn111c11t: Fors1ude111swa111-

ing to do advanced work in tht' hisrrny, language, theology, and exe1;esis of the New Tes1;u11t'11I. NT 812 ll1e World of the Nt'w Testament is required.

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