Director: Kla1L~ Issler, Th.M, Ph.D. FACULTY Profei,.,;ors: Anthony, Dirks, Issler Aw,ciate Profe>-""•rs: Garland, Lawson Adjunct Faculty, !CS University Farnlty: Alexander, Dougla~, Hayward,
thi11king-, integ-1,11ive ,y11thesis of Snip titre a11d social S<·i,-1,r,- data, a11d oiigin.tl re,....m·l1. G11trSt'S rypi«1lly li,llrnv a g-1;1d ua1e seminar ron11a1 re'111iri11g- s111d,·111 i11i1iative ror sig-nili«1111 paniripa1ion i11 dw,~ disnL,-io11. Small 1fa,~ ,iz,-s or 8-12 st1Klents pen11i1 ,11rh a di,d11gii.1I li11rn,11 , an imponant el,·n1en1 for promoting rri1i«1l aml integrntiw 1l1i11kin!);. An Ed.D. pn~1,11n is also otlered in the Srhool of lnte1-rultnral Studies entphasizing the e11hawt'111e11t of rross rnlmml pe1spt'l.·tivts a11d rn111pete11rits. Talbot students may enroll in dertive ro1uses ollt'red by the !(~~ rarnlty as pan ortllt'ir el...-tive pr11gi;1111 . Integration Distinctive Au imporl ,1111 rnmp111w111 of tlte Talh111 Ed.D. prog-ra111 is lilt' i111egrn1ive ,y111hesis 11r S<K·ial s, ·ie11n· dala wi1l1i11 a Cl1ris1i,111 w11rld vi<'W p,·rsp,·r1iv,·. Si11rt' b111h t'ducati11n a11d Iitt'ol11gy address tlte l1111n,111 rnndi1i11n , th,· Ed.D. brnlry hdit'l•e 1!1ere i., a )(l"t',11 deal Io ill· gaim·d by au i1t1erdiS<·ipli11a1y s111dy or h1u11an devt'lopn1e11t, tht' 1,·,irhing-learni n!( p1ffess and is.'1tes of lt'<11le1sh ip. 0111se Cjlte111ly. studeuls are experled Ill Clllllt' 10 lite prn!(1;u11 wi1h a sullirit'III 1~11-k !(n>lllld of 1he11!11gira l 11:1i11i11g (111ini- 1111u11 or 18 !(r,11ht,llt' 1111i1s of llihle a11d 1!1eology). S111dt'I1Is larkiug 111,·S<· pre re'l11isi1es ra11 r11tlill 1he111 al Tall101 Sd1ool 11r Tht'ology prior lo t'Illt·ri11g 1!1e dor1111;,I pn>)ll:1111 . In ,11ldi1i11n, elt'r tive rnurS<"s in lilt'olt~y 11i.1y 11<· tak,·11 111 s111dy furtltt·r lilt' rt·la1i1111sl1ip or ,--d111;1-
1i1111al and theologiral ronrt'ptious . ll1r1111gh i1s i111er,1rtion wi1h 111emllt'rs or 1!1t' Christian rn111m1111ity, Ult' Ed.D. pnw;1111 is Cllllllllilled l11 dt'IIIOIISII:llill!( lo 1l1e d111rrh lht' p<lit'Ill ially signilira111 rn111ril,11ti11ns a11d u11d,-rs1audi11!( 1hat s11ri,d srie11re dala a11d 111t'll111ds ran make 111 tl1e 01111d1's rnk or t'th trnting tilt' wl111le pt'Ison. Community of Christian Scholars A, 111,-1111,..rs or a Cl11istia1111niv,-n;iry rn1111111111iry, tlte Ed.D. farnlty ilt'!it'l't' that relating on,- 's failh to au m;1de111ir di.~i plint' )(llt'S bt')'<lltd the tht'oretiral and n~nitive. Opporumitit's li,r ft'llowship, dialogu,- a11d worsl1ip are seen as viral parts of 1!1t' tolal ethtrational prores.,. Tall,111 Sd1ool or Tl1t'ol11gy sponsors a wi-,·kly rha1><·I ,1.•1vire. V,11i111ts dis,·11~-i11n 1i111ts over 111ea ls a11d 111!1n s,•·i,,t anivi lit's pr11vide an oppornmi~•!i,r inli,nml. 11111 or rl,L,~ i111ei;1rti1111 wi1h E1rnlty aud s1ude111s. The Ed.D. ReS<",11-d1 Ce111er orlers rn11qllllt'I" ,llTt'SS Jo variolLS dala ln"<-s ,Ls W<' li ,L, providing- a 111e,-1iug plan· li,r s1111ll'IIIS. S111denls are also t'IllUltr ;1ged 111 1,.,,-oute i11v11lwd iu <lil t' of 1!1t' many !oral rhurrltt's in lite Southern C1lifi,rni,1 ar,-a. Special Study Status S1111le11ts arlively e11rnlled i11 an arned i1,·d d11rt<>r,d progr,1111 in t'd11ra- 1i1111 111ay l>t' eligililt' 111 lake an elt'rtive rlas., iu T;1tl101's Ed.I>. pn~ram ei1!1er ror enrid tlllt'III p11 rp11ses or 1ra11slt- r rn·di1. A11 ahlirevi:11ed applira1ion li ,r s11rh p11rpoS<·s would inrh1d,· a rnn1-
ple1ed short special sessions form , a lellt'r fr11111 the registrar of tlte scluK1! indicati11g g1Ki<l standing an<l a com plt'ied pastoral rererence fonn. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Course Work While the doctorate is not awarded simply for co111pletion of slalt'd rnurse work, there is a 48-semes ter unit 111inimum rerp1irement for the degrt·e including 21 units of re\p1ired rnurse work and 'l.7 uni ls of elertives. The Ed.D. program director St'IVt'S as tht' student 's advisor who assis1s in plannin!( the sdtt'dule or rotirst's and supervises t.he student's progrt'ss in lht' program and the dt'Vt'lopment of a special ization. Up to six 11ni1s or ~raduate conrst' work direnly relalt'd 10 the specializalion 111ay be takt'n in other departments at lli11la Unive1si1y or 1ransferred i11 from olht'r anwdited grnduate institutions. Doctoral Program Proposal During tl1e firs1 term or study and in rnnsultali<>n wit.h the program dirt'ctor, students identify tht' 'l.7-unil t'lt'rtiws pro!(r;im they will complete, along wi1l1 lite remaining core rnurses, 111 meet tht' 48-semester unit 111inin111111 rt'cp1iremen1. Then , <luring the serond tt'rm of study at a meeting with the program direct.or, students will prest'Ill their doctoral Program Proposal. Onrt' approved, this sche<l llit' s..·1ves ,l, 1he prc~ected courst' of study. A rnpy of the Program Pro posal is placed in the students' file . Any modifi cat ions musl have prior approval or tht' progrJm dirertor.
Kr.if~]. Lingenfelter, S. Lingenfelter, Stdlen
The Ed.D. course of study is designed for men and women to enhance further their leadersl1ip rolts in a variety of educational ministries witl1in God's Kingdom - the h,cal churrh, educational institutions an<l ministry organizations throughout the world. ll1e Doctor of Education <legree, estal ► lished in 1984, is offered within the Q11istian Education depattment of Ta~ lx11 School ofllteology. Sinre tl1e Ed.D. degree facilitates both academic and profe>.-ional development, it shottld not be viewed exchL~ively as a professional doctorate, but also as an academic re;earch degree with signiticant similari ties Ill the residential Ph .D. mo<ld. Student~ come to the prol(ram already having completed a graduate degree an<l significant minisuy expe1i ence in the field of e<lurntional minisuy. In general, E<l.D. students are estal ► li.,he<l witl1in a panirnlar mini.,uy orwmi zation an<l return fi11lowing cm11pletion of the program. A few students are in traILsition in their rar~r path. ll1e rnr rirnlurn partirnlarly enroural(es critical SAMPLE ED.D. SCHEDULE
4 Years - Full-time Study
First year
801 Foundational lssut's in C.E. 807 Educational Research Methods
81H ( )rgauiz;11i, 111al Ad in E,i L«1,ler 3
8(~~ S1a1is1iral Merit. }
Elertive #'2
Comprehensive Examination
3 } !)
80', Te,11 hiug &Currir. Tlt,•111y
Upon rnmplelion of all course work, the student completes the Com prehensive Examination (DE 888) ber11rt' t'nga!(ing work on the <lis.serta tion. ll1t' rnmpreltt'Ilsive examination evah1,1tt's 1!1e s1uden1's attainment of prof\ra111 study objectives. The exami nation inrhtdt's written work, a written exam and an oral exam. Detailed inforlllation is available in the Doc- 101~1! H,mdhook.
Elective #I
Second year
Elt'rtive #(j
88', l'rnl<-ssi1111;,I l111n11 sl1ip
Elt'rlivt' /Kl
803 Human Devdop111ent &Learning 3
:1 }
Elective #4 Elt'ctive #:i
Elt-rtil'e #7 Elertiv,- #8
Third year
888 Comprehensive Exami11ation*
8.~!I Rt'view or Lit. & l'r11posal
Fourth year 891 Di.s.sertation
Advancement to Candidacy
8!11 IlLs.'<t'rta1i11n
• Om/ D,jiw,·mu/ (:nuh111/io11 •
Ollirial randidacy fi,r lite doctor ale sif(nifies a11 advanct'd s1age in the s11uleu1's pro~res., and is cl1arac1erize<l
No~: Additirmal ,uwswl ;e,pumce:. for,li .,tiiln1ti,/ .,111r/y (/11111ti11u1 111ul 111iHi11u1[ .,t,ul_y 1111 fltlfli/11/,/1· Ji11111 {/,r Arl111i."iol1.\ offir.e.
*Students with governme111 loans or wi1h i111ernatio11al s1ud,-u1 vi,-,s 11111s1 rn111ple1,· al l,•,Lst 8 11ui1s pt·r Lill and spring sen1eslt'rs by sell~lirt'rted research in the rnmple- to qualify as full-time studenls. Tl111s tht' rn111preh,·11siv,, ex,1111 would 11eed 111 lie rn111ple1,·d d11ri11!( 1111· spring 1er111 11r lilt' ser1ion or a dis.sertation under the direc- on<l year. During disserwion stud it's (lwg-inning- with DE 81-:'l). s11ule111s a1,· rn11sidered r11ll-1i111t' li,r fi111r S<"111estns 1io11 or a t,,rnlry di.s.'<t'rtati1111 adviS<1r. In
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