

t'moll in Ed .D. coul'St's. Full-lime smdy is dt'fillt'd as ni11t' units per se111t'Stt'r. Research Competence Spt'rifir research skills appropri­ att' t,,r proposed dis.serration study are lo bt' demousrrated. The Ed.D. pro­ gram dirt'ctor will validate rompe­ lt'Ure through revit'w of examinations, ro111plt'lt'd rt'search , or course work. Appropriate research l<K>ls and meth­ ods i11cludt' biblical languages, mod­ ern !a11h11ta)(eS, statistical analysis, and rt'searrl1 lllt'lhodologies applicahlt' to t'durational problems and issut's. Deli­ rienrit's in rest'arch compt,tence may rt's11\1 in additional progra111 special­ ization rn111ponen1s. Grading System S111dt'nts wishing to obtain a dor­ tor;J! dt'!(rt't' 11111st 111ain1ai11 a wnsis­ lt'lltly ltif(h academic perfor111a11re - 1hro11gh0111 rlteir pn~ram. An 11ve1.11l B avt'l'a!(t', i.e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale , is l"l''luirt'tl. Only Kr.lilt's of "A," "B." "C" t'alll w;id1talt' credit. GrJd~ of all Sill· dt'nls art' rernrded in the registrar's ol!irt'. Gr,Hling Ls on the following msL~ Grade Grade points A Superior arhieve111en1 4.00 A- Sif(11ifira111 adtit'vemt'nt 3.G7 B+ High stan<lard achievemt'nt 3.:n B Stan<lanl grad11ate arhit'Vt'mt'nl 100 B- Low standard achievement 2.G7 Ct Mi11i11111111 pas.sing pt'rli1r111anre 2.:\:1 C Minimum pas.sing performance 2.00 (~ Mi11i11111111 pa.s.sing pt'tfor111;111rt' J.G7 F Faih11·" 0.00 R Dissertation researclr iu pn~rt's.s 0.00 An "S" indicates satisfartmy com­ plt'tion for rourses listed from DE AA(h'\89. A "W" indicates an official with­ drawal from ;1 comse and does not alli-n the student's grade average. A "UW" indicares an unofficial wirhdrnwal. Students who register for a rl;tss but do 1101 attend it are a11t1>- 111a1irally given the grade of "UW" wltirh will inlluence the grade average tht' s;unt' a.s an "F." A lt'III porary mark of "RD" {Rt'port Dt'layed) will be ttsed in spt'­ rial rases of t'Xlrt'n1e hardship whert' an exreus ion is warranted and approvt'd hy the dean. A stud ent mtLst ;1ppeal ti,r an "RD" grnde hefi1re litt' t'nd oftl1e semesrer. Such a gradt'

ILsh (lWE). Prt'ft'rt'nre in a111i~~io11 will lit' f(il't'n lo rltoSt' who srnrt' (i()() or ovt'r on TOEFL and 4.0 or ovt'r 1111 lWE. ll1ose s,·orillf( llt'~l't't'II :,7:, and :,!~) 011 TOEFL will ht' as.<t'S-<t'd 011 a rase hy 1;1se ln,is. Tht' TOEFL aud TWE ;1rt' ad111i11islt'l't'd IO)(t'litt'r Oil rt'l'ta iu lt'SI dalt'S. For 111ot'l' i11li11111 ;11io11 c,11 (GW) 771-7100, FAX (!W) 771-7:,m or wriw Tt--sl of En)(lislt as a Fort'i)\11 LHl)(lla)(t', I.lox !i J:, I. l'1i11rt'lo11, New jt'rsey, U.S.A. 08:,4l~i!:,I. S111d,·111ssho11ld rn11,11\r lht' )(t'llt't;1\ l.liol;1U11ivt'rsi1y ),'1tidt'lillt'S (set· tht' Ad111i~~io11 of l111t'rt1a1io11al S111dt·111s and Rt'sidt'III Alit'IIS St'ctio11 at tilt' llt'f(i1111i t1 f( of tltt' ratalog) . Siurt' dor­ roral S1.'l 11i11ars iuvol\'t' rt'f(lllar s111dt'1tl disnts.siou, ir is t'Xpt'rit'd 1!1,11 i111rn1a- 1io11al s111dt'11ls \t;1w 1l1t' rt'tp1isi1,, ;1hility with spokt'II Euglish lo !It' a rn111ril1111- i11g tlll' llil>l'r o\"s11rlt di,.-iLssious. (:, ) Presi.·11 1 l'l'idt'lll't' of pott'llti;d for ori!(inal arad,·111ir rt'searrl1 al iltt' dorrot,il 11,wl hy s11l1111i11i11f( ;1 s;1111ple of s.-hol;,rlywri1i11)( (wir l1 ri1atio11s aud hihlio)(r,11ilty}, pr.. t1,r;1bly rt'l;llt'd 10 t'th1ratio11, of al lt';tsl !',. hut 110 111ort' 11ta11 20 paf(t'S paf(t'S , for111 ;1ttt'd arrnnlinf( to APA sryk. (ti) Applira11ts 111ay ht' ;1skt'd lo ht' illlt'n'it'Wt'd hy rill' prnf(r;1111 dirt'rtor or 1!1t' Ed.D. rn111111it11't' ;1s a rt'<jllin-­ lllt'III for ;uh11issi1111 . Application Deadline ll1e Applira1i1111 1lt'adli11t' for till' Fall se111.-s1.- r is April !', and for 1l1t' Spri11)( s,,·1111·s11,r is Non·111hl'r I. Sinrt' t·11rolh11t·111 is li111i1ed and ;11!111is.sio11 is 011 ;1 st'it'ctiVt' basis. applirarious slto11ld ht' 111adt' ;1s l"a rly as pos.sihlt'. Tht' Ed.ll . rn111111irtt't' will prnrt'ss ro111plt·11,d applic11io11s soon ;1flt' I" 1!1t')' art' r,·r .. ivnl. Applira1io11s s11l>111illt'd afrt'r 1!1t' dt'adlint' will 1ts11ally ht' rn11- sidt'rt'd for lhl' followinf( St'lllt'Slt'f. Admission of International Students and Resident Aliens S1·t' Ad111issio11 and Rt,!( istr;11io11 ;111d Rt'tjllirt'lllt' l!ls sntiou at iltt'

!'t'l'S<>IIS i11tt'J't'Slt~I in allt't1di 11Ktht• Ed.D. progr;u11 should rt'qut'st an Ed.D. appliration li1n11 ti,r Tall••I Srl111ol of 1l1t'ology ti-0111 lht' dil"t'!'IOJ' of w;uhtal(' ad111issio11s of l.liola l/11iwrsi1y. As iu many ),'l.idualt' pn>)(t;1111s, t't1rol1111t'1JI is limilt'tl. In ordt'r lo llt' ad111i111·d lo hill w·adualt' sla11d it1)( lilt' applira111 IIIIISI ro111plywi1h 1!1e followin!(: (1) Haw ro111pkit'd al !l,,t,r 1l1 rt'l' yt'ars of fiill-1i111t' vora1io11al t'Xpt'l'i­ t'lll't' in t'd11ra1io11al 111i11Lst1y wirh ,,vi­ dt't1rt' of lt'adt'rship gifts and abilirit·s. (2) S11b111i1 a rn111p\t'1t'd Ta!l,ot Sd11H1! ofT!1t·olof\)' Ed .D. applirariou fort11. (:1) Haw t'arnl'<I a Mastt'rs dt')(l'l'<' in Christian or R1, Ji)\io11s Ed11ratio11 (MACE or MRE) or irs t'tp1i111le111 lr11111 ;111 arnt'ditt'd ed11r;11io11al i11s1i1111io11. Eq11ival1·11n, is ddi111·d ;1s au l';1rn1·d 111 ;LSlt'r's def(l·tt of :1(i S<' ll11--s11·r 1111i1s of !(t;1d1Wt' s111dy in art';1s rl'l;ut·d 10 1!11· 011istia11 t'th11;11io11 111i11is11y, i11rh1di11)\ 181111i1s of w;1d11;11t· l.l ihlt' ;111d rhmlogy. At lt';tsl out' rn111se in t'arl1 of tltt' li11lowi11)( ar«1s sl1<111ld !tart' l>t' l 'll rn111- plt'tt'd: Pl1ilo,.,pJ1y or His1rny of Cl11isi­ ia11 Ed11ra1io11 , l-111111a11 IJ,,v1,!01rn1e111 or Ed1a;1tio11;1I P,yrl1ology, Ed11ra1io11al Ad111i11is1t,11io11, !11lt'f'jlt'r,.,11al Co11111111- 11ira1io11/ (;ro11p ll)' 11;1111irs or Co1111sel­ i11!(. C111rirnh1111 llt'sig11 aud/ or M.. 1\1- tKls ofT1~1rhi11)(. R1,s,•;1rrh Merltrnl,. A 111i11i11111111 (;!'A of 1~:, 011 a 4.0 scdt' in all pr.-vio11s !(t;1d11,llt' work is mp1in·d . S1wlt'11ls wl1ost· l111111,,I t'dtw,,1io11;,I prt'pa1;11io11 d,lt's 111,1 i11d11dt· all of 1l1t­ rt1p1irt'll pn·1l'q11isi11· n111rsi.· work 111;1y llt' ;Hl111ittt'd pn,visio11;dly wirl1 a ddi­ rit'tll)' ol 111as1 .. r's lt'l'l'I rn11tst' s. S1·e tltt' Ed.D. S1rnll'11I lbudhook for st·v­ t't;d w; ,ys to ;1ddrt-s., ddi.-iP11rit's. (4) S11h111i1 srnrt'S t'ilht'f Oil tht' Crad11alt' Rt'rnrd Exa111i11atio11 (CRE) (111i11i11111111 ro111hitll'd wrh,\ ;111d 1p.u1- 1itatiVt' srnrt'S of l!KHI) or tht' Millt'r Aualo!(it's T1--sl (MAT) (111i11i111 11111 srnrt· of (i01!1 p1·1n,111iil-). l11for111 ;11i o11 rt'i-r,1rdi11f( CRE lt'Sliug da11·s ;111d lora- 1io11 111;1y ht' oh1aim,I hy w1iri11g lo lilt' Ed11c11io11al Teslill)( .'it'1vir<', I.lox %:,, Pri11rt'lo11, N1,v Jns,•y (h%·l0. For i11lor- 111a 1io11 rt'ganlillf\ MAT lt'slillf\ da11·s and loraliou wrilt' lilt' Psyrltolo)(ir;d Tt'St Corp.. M".T/ 0.111rol Tt--slinf( (Ktl· lt'r, :,:,:, A1;1dt·111ir Court, Sau Auronio, TX 78~(H. 01 (,Ill (8<~)) (i:!:!-:1:!:1I. l111t'111a1io11al s1rnlt'11ls whos,,• uar iw \a11)(11;1gt' is 1101 En)\lish ;1rt' rt'q11i1t·d , iustt'ad, lo s11l,111i1 srnt'l·s 011 till' Tl'sl of E11)(lisl1 as ;1 Fort'i).\11 Lall)(lla!(e (TOEFL) a111! 11t1, Tt'sl t,,r \Vri11, ·11 Etl)\·

order to be admitted to rnndidary, tht' student mtLst have successli11ly: (]) Passed the Comprt'ht'nsivt' Examination, and (2) Received approval of a disst'r­ tation proposal by the studt'nt's dis.wr­ tation committee. Dissertation After the Ccm1prel1t'tLsive Exa111i11;1- tio11 is passed, the student will emoll in DE 889 Review of Literature and>r­ tation Proposal (3 units} and ht'!(in work on defining the problem to ht' researched in the dis.ser~llion. S11hst'· q11e11tly, the registrar will a11tomatirally enroll the student in DE 891>rta­ tion (3 uniLs) each fall and sprin)( semester 1111til Krad11atio11. A s111dt't1t mmt enroll li>r a 111i11i11111111 of two lt'rt 11s of DE 8\ll and 11111st ht' t't1rollt'd iu DE 891 in 1l1t' set11t'Slt'r of !(J'ad11a1io11. Dis­ sertation s111de111s art' rnnsidt'rt'd f11ll ­ time for a maxi11111111 of li>11r sem1-slt'rs. Dortoral students 11111st submit a dis.sertation evidenrinf( hif(h attain­ ment in original sd1olarship. Dt't;iilt'd information may be fi11111d in tht' dis­ sertation guidt'lines sertion of tht' Doctoral Handhmk. Final Oral Examination The final examination is an or;,! deft'nse of the dissenation bt'fort' 111., student's dis.serration rn11111 1i llt't' a11d other invited proft·~~ionals. Upon p;t,'r ing the dde11se, tht' Gllldidatt' IIIILSI Slli>­ mit to Ute program secrt'la1y. li11rr wttks prior to expt'l'lt'd grJdmtiou, lht' ori)(i­ nal and four rnpit's of tht'"rtatiou signed !Jy Ute dLs.senat ion ro111111illt't'. Extra-Curricular Factors Ed .D. farnlty must rt'co111111t'tlll u1a1 tht' student is eligihlt' for rnnkr­ ral of the degree on the IJ;1sLs of aradt'­ mic stature and evidenn: of Christian life and cl1ararter establisht'd dminf( residential studies. All finanrial ohli)(a· lions should be sell!t'd and allendanr<' is recp1irt'd at ['Olllmt'lll't'lllt'lll l't'l't'· monit's when the def(ret' is wantt'<l . ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1l1e Ed .D. program set'ks to ad111i1 appliran Ls whose backgro1111<l rlt'arly demomtratt' scholarly ap1i111dt', a rnm­ mitment to u1e historir (J1ris1ia11 faitl1, pt,rsoual charJrtt'r and intt'){l·ity, a st'r­ vict'-orien ted motivation toward endt'avors of t'd11ra1io11al ministry and an increasing spiri11mli1y. Biola dot's not disrriminalt' on tht' basis of tht' applicant's rare, color, St'X, handirap or national or t'thnir ori)(in .

l1<' !(i1111i11f( of Iitt' r;,t;do)\. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classification of Students

Ed . ll . s111dt'11ls lllt't'li11R a ll t'lllranrt' rt'Cjllirt'lllt'IIIS will IJt'­ lit·d ;1s f't'!(lllar f(t, 11!11;11,· s111dl'11ts. S111- d,,111s wl10 do 1101 f111fi ll all t'lllr;111n, 1t'tjllirt·111t'IIIS 111ay ht' admillt'd wi1!1 pn,visioual slallls 11111il 1!1t'y rntn'l"I any ddi.-i1·111y. Non11;1 lly all prt'l't'tjllisitt's 1111ts1 ht' e.11isli1,d hi-fort' a st11dt'11I 111ay

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